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Chapter 438: Sea Kings

Tourmaline's sister Bai Xing, strictly speaking, should be called Dragon Fish.

This is another genus of dragons.

Although from the intensity of the dragon blood factor, Bai Xing may be lower than Mo Yan.

But there is no doubt that Shirahoshi is stronger!

It's not just because Bai Xing is older than Mo Yan and has been practicing for longer than him.

The more important reason is that Bixi's sister Bai Xing has the ability to control Neptune in the wizarding world!

Neptune is an extremely special marine creature found in the deep oceans of the wizarding world.

In the coastal areas of the wizarding world, it is almost impossible to see Neptunes.

Because only in the wider ocean depths can there be space for these sea kings to move and forage.

The magicians of the wizarding civilization define the Neptune species as having a body length of about a hundred meters in childhood and reaching a distance of a thousand meters in adulthood.

This is a wizarding world species that is rarer and more powerful than dragons.

The only thing that limits them seems to be wisdom.

The intelligence of Neptunes in the wizarding world is generally low, including adult Neptunes. Many of them only have simple eating and survival abilities, and do not produce other more complex thoughts and ideas.

The extremely simple wisdom makes the name of Neptune in the wizarding world far less famous than that of giant dragons.

Even many knights and magicians in the wizarding world have never heard of the name Neptune.

On the contrary, the giant dragons raised in batches by the Beren Empire are famous throughout the wizarding civilization.

In the past, these Neptune species were difficult to use in the wizarding world.

Except for some high-ranking sea tribes who have the skills to tame a very small number of sea kings, in order to call out all these guys from the depths of the sea, I am afraid that only the guardians of the seasons have this ability.

But the emergence of White Star made up for this shortcoming.

The rich dragon blood and dragon power in her body allow Bai Xing to overwhelm the vast majority of Neptunes, even if some of them are stronger than her.

Gifts from the origin of the plane, as well as certain mutations at the genetic and bloodline levels, gave White Star the ability to command those Neptunes.

Saying "order" seems a little inappropriate, because Shirahoshi and those simple-minded Neptunes do not have a superior-subordinate relationship.

Rather, she was born with great attraction and affinity towards the Neptunes, which made those Neptunes unable to help but gather around her and be used by her.

It’s most appropriate to call these Neptune-like pets White Star’s pets!

Because Bai Xing did have a good relationship with these Neptunes at first, and then these Neptunes came to her side.

The giant ocean beasts that appeared in the middle of Poseidon Bay at this time were all Neptune species, and among the Neptune species under Shirahoshi, they were the ones she loved the most.

The upper half of her body is that of a human woman with dragon horns and her lower body is with a fish tail. Shirahoshi's aesthetic is at least close to that of most women in the wizarding world.

In fact, there are many Neptunes under Shirahoshi who are stronger, more exaggerated in size, but also uglier.

It's just that she didn't take him out.

Including those Neptune species, they actually don’t like to float on the sea and “show their faces”.

What they prefer is to dive deep into the ocean, where the surroundings are cold and dark.

That kind of environment makes them more comfortable.

Since the Neptunes were only White Star's "pets", the giant mermaid did not introduce the origins and names of the surrounding marine giants to Thane.

Including Bai Xing's affinity to people is also very strong, no wonder Tourmaline is the most attached to her third sister.

Arriving at the back, Thain also raised his head and looked squarely at the existence he needed to look up to.

And at Bai Xing's suggestion, Thane flew to an altitude of nearly four thousand meters so that he could talk to Bai Xing on an equal footing.

After flying high into the sky, Thane was first attracted by the majestic appearance of the White Star.

I have to say that the other person's face is perfect.

This is a stunning beauty magnified countless times. If her size and terrifying strength were not so intimidating, she would be a disaster for the country and the people.

After being distracted for a moment by Bai Xing's face, Thain then moved his gaze downwards, and he saw two snow-capped peaks comparable to the tops of the Qiltsis Mountains.

In the middle, the deep and bottomless ravine reminded Thain of the Machina Trench.

However, the two peaks and ravines were not the focus. Thain's attention was immediately attracted by two giant milky white shells.

Perhaps because she looks like a mermaid, Tourmaline's sister Shirahoshi has many habits similar to those of the mermaid clan in the wizarding world.

Shells are also used as tube tops, but the two shells that can hug the White Star Mountains are called "prehistoric giant shells" without exaggeration.

Thane is about two meters tall, and compared to Shirahoshi's physique, he is even smaller than a bug.

Therefore, Bai Xing didn't seem to notice Thain's daze and the downward movement of his gaze.

Thain adjusted quickly. He has met many so-called "big people" over the years, including his previous experiences, which have sharpened his character to be extremely tough.

After shaking his head and throwing away some strange thoughts, Thane communicated with Bai Xing with a normal expression, and from time to time mentioned some interesting things he had encountered with Tourmaline when he crossed the ocean.

A burst of laughter like silver bells echoed in the sea and sky from time to time.

Speaking of which, Bixi's sister Bai Xing obviously has an extremely huge physique, but she doesn't feel as oppressive to Thain as Mo Yan does.

Even when Bai Xing laughs, her voice is also very light, making it easy for people to overlook her majestic figure.

"I have arranged a welcome banquet for Tourmaline at the Undersea Crystal Palace. Magician Thain, please come too." After whispering to Bixi again, Bai Xing turned to Thain and said.

Thain actually wanted to refuse Bai Xing's invitation.

Because he didn't come to the Western Islands to travel or attend a banquet. He came to find someone.

Having already set foot in the Western Islands, Thane could no longer contain the urgency in his heart.

If possible, he would like to fly to the central and northern parts of the Western Islands immediately to look for relevant clues.

Bai Xing may have seen the urgency in Sean's heart, or it may be that Bi Xi said something to her before.

The giant mermaid smiled and said, "It won't take you too long, and if you want to go somewhere, you can tell me."

"I can use the well teleportation technique to send you there directly."

Water well teleportation is a relatively high-end teleportation technology in the wizarding world. At least Thain has only heard of it and has never seen it.

This is a high-level teleportation technique that can transport any object to another water source as long as there is a water source.

The giant mermaid Shirahoshi has such abilities, which is enough to show that she has a powerful source of strength, in addition to her innate physique and the ability to summon Neptune.

She herself also has extremely high attainments in the field of water magic.

This chapter has been completed!
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