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Four hundred and sixtieth chapters a year and a half

one year later.

"Junior brother, you look so handsome when you are doing the experiment." Beside the experimental table, Fei'er supported her face with her wrist and tilted her head to look at Thain who was busy working.

At this time, Thain's experiment was coming to an end, so Mayfair spoke up.

Otherwise, it would be taboo to disturb others during the experiment.

He didn't pay attention to Mayfair or his admiration or words with strange thoughts.

Thane was minding his own business with the finishing touches on the Eyes of Jade Fire mask on the experimental table in front of him.

Since obtaining Moxiduo's remaining magic notes and alchemical handbooks, Thain's alchemical abilities have also continued to improve.

Especially for the Eyes of Jade Fire Mask, relying on Moses' experience and hundreds of years of accumulated wisdom, Thane discovered many details that could be strengthened and improved.

The birth of any great work begins with details.

The Eyes of Jade Fire Mask is one of Thane's strengths and means of settling down, so he puts a lot of effort into this aspect.

After finishing all the finishing work, Thane breathed a sigh of relief and put away the Eyes of Jade Fire mask.

Then he turned to look at Feier, "Have you completed the homework I set for you a few days ago? And the magic books I prepared for you..."

Before Thain finished his question, Mayfair waved her hand and said, "It has been completed a long time ago, including those magic books, I have almost read them."

"I did encounter some confusions and problems during this period. I need to trouble you, my little junior brother."

The word "small" in "Fei'er" is pronounced very strongly, with a hint of ridicule.

It has been a year and a half since Thane and Mayfair lived in the same magic tower.

The estrangement and slight sense of strangeness between the two fellow apprentices, which had lasted for decades, had all been eliminated in just over a year.

Moreover, Thain had understood Mayfair’s character decades ago.

The repressive life in the Black Realm has indeed changed Feier a lot.

However, as Thain stayed by her side for nearly a year and a half, Mayfair seemed to gradually return to her previous state.

Mayfair's playful personality definitely doesn't match the strict and rigid character of Thain.

But in his heart, Thain did not resist the other party's performance.

In fact, it is precisely because of Mayfair's liveliness and cheerfulness that Thain's life in the dark realm for the past year and a half has become a little more colorful.

More than a year has passed, and at this time, Mayfair's mental power and magic power have both climbed to 92 points.

Very close to her peak level back then.

For a magic apprentice who has already failed once, this is a miracle.

Considering the large amount of resources that Mayfair consumed during this period and Thain's personal teachings, it seems to be reasonable.

92 points of spiritual power, for the black magic apprentices in the black domain who have nothing, is already worth their efforts on the road to reach the first level.

You must know that not all magic apprentices can obtain top-notch auxiliary medicines such as Water of Lorraine when they reach the first level.

Some black magic apprentices are simply in a state of poverty.

Just hit the level one level hard.

Most of them, of course, ended in failure.

But there are also a very few lucky people who are successful. They are rare, and they are lucky.

Thain's advice to Mayfair was to let her take it easy for at least another two years to accumulate foundation and increase her mental power and magic power to 95 points.

And go as far as possible, and then use auxiliary medicines including the Water of Lorraine to hit the threshold of an official magician in one fell swoop.

Thain has never taught any disciples, but his teaching skills are still pretty good.

Before class, Mayfair looked playful and smiling.

But when Thain formally taught her some knowledge and secrets about the fields related to fire element magic, Mayfair turned into a look of listening carefully.

The impact of reality has made this young woman know exactly what she needs most now and what things can be put aside for the time being.

During the teaching, watching Mayfair meditate hard, Thain noticed that the other party's appearance had recovered a lot in this year, and his skin had become much smoother.

This is the result of the recovery of mental power and magic power, or it may be that Mayfair tinkered with some beauty potions in her spare time.

Because she wanted to show her best side to Thane, in addition to studying hard and meditating on her spiritual power, Mayfair spent all her other energy on this aspect.

A class did not last long, and Thain drew on his experience in public classes at Blue Origin Holy Tower College.

The more things he talks about, the better. At the very least, Thain has to ensure that Faile thoroughly understands what he talks about before he considers talking about anything else.

After the teaching ended, Thain said nothing, but Mayfair let out a sigh of relief.

Obviously in terms of interpersonal relationships, she is the senior sister and Thain is the junior brother. She is older than Thain.

But in the current situation, Thain has assumed the role of a temporary mentor in front of her.

This change in identity made both Thain and Mayfair a little uncomfortable.

Thain manages his mood swings very well, while Mayfair shows off some little tricks from time to time.

"Junior brother, there are some good-looking slaves in the basement at the bottom of my magic tower. Do you want to try..." Feier combed her long shawl hair with her fingers and said casually.

"Not interested." Before Mayfair could speak, Thain replied indifferently.

"Oh." Mayfair pouted, but it could be seen that she was actually very satisfied with Thain's performance.

"Then what are we going to do next? Will we continue to help you with the Jade Fire Tempering Experiment?" Feier clapped her hands and asked again.

At this time, Mayfair's cheeks had a hint of red, obviously she was extremely interested in Thane's Jade Fire Tempered Body experiment.

In the past year and a half, Mayfair helped Thain conduct Jade Fire Tempering experiments a few times.

But every time, Mayfair was deeply impressed.

Especially when Thain's strong body is lying flat on the experimental table...

"No, you should review and summarize the knowledge I just talked about."

"And it's time for you to meditate soon. I just need Yuli and Xiaoqi to help me with the Jade Fire Tempering Experiment." Thain shook his head and refused.

Fei'er had learned about Yuli's existence more than a year ago.

She also knew that Thane had an extremely rare and precious mermaid slave.

The red lips curled up, and Fei'er did not dwell on this matter too much, and then walked towards the meditation room under Thain's gaze.

During more than a year on Modolon Island, Thain did not give up his research and growth.

Thain's mental strength, magic power, and physical fitness are all in a stable state of improvement.

It may be that the sea antler he ate in Poseidon Bay is still having its stamina. Although it is clear that Thain does not have Tourmaline around him to help him now, his physical growth rate has not slowed down much compared to when he crossed the Western Ocean in the past.

Simultaneously with the increase in quality in all aspects, the start time of Knight Continent is approaching.

Thain has received the news that the Knights Continent will be officially opened in two years.

Since this year, many black magicians have come out of the depths of the Black Realm and come south to the vicinity of Modolon Island.

The Western Islands in the south should be even more lively, with trialists and attention from the entire wizarding world gathering there.

If Thane wants to go to the Knights Continent to get involved, he should set off early.

Unlike most black magicians who can only stay on the periphery, Thain has a legal status as a registered magician in the Holy Tower, and he can go deeper.

A lot has changed in this year and a half.

The only thing that made Thain feel a little depressed was that he still had not received any news about Lina.


Yesterday due to some things, the status was very poor, so there was no update this afternoon. I'm sorry.

Today and tomorrow we will try to update five times, but starting from the day after tomorrow, we will resume three updates.

Ten thousand words a day is a lot of pressure for Xiaodou. During the third update, there are usually two chapters in the morning and one chapter in the afternoon.

The update times are still around 11:30 in the morning and around 7:00 in the afternoon.

Starting from next month, on the basis of the three daily chapters, additional monthly chapters will be added. I will let you know how to add more chapters at that time.

This chapter has been completed!
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