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Chapter 55: Black Demon Spider

The second day.

Amidst the "dong dong" sound of the college's magic clock, hundreds of black magic apprentices, including Thain, gathered in front of the flower garden of the college's central teaching building.

Appearing at the same time as Thain and others, there were more than twenty Owl Academy monitors stationed around.

Of the official black magicians of the academy, Thain could only see six of them standing in front of the teaching building.

But obviously there are more than six official black magicians heading to Shadow Valley. At this moment, in the mid-air of the academy, some mist and gray crows are rising and falling. These are all the work of those official black magicians.

There was no mobilization and no explanation.

Vice Dean Dadalon stood at the front row of the remaining five black magicians and said in a cold and heavy tone: "Let's go!"

Affected by the intimidation of the official black magicians on weekdays, hundreds of apprentices behaved quietly when they left the academy.

Thane was walking with Lina at this time. When they walked out of the Academy of Black Magic, they discovered that the entire city of Mensobra had undergone some changes.

At this time, the entire city of Menzobra became extremely quiet.

The black magicians ordered all residents in the city not to go out two days ago and strictly enforced the curfew.

Including the underground people who traveled to and from the city of Mensobra, they were also completely driven out by the black magicians.

As for when the city of Mensobra will reopen, the superior black magician did not give an accurate answer.

The Valley of Shadows is far away from the city of Mensobra. At least Thane has never been there, but has only vaguely heard of such a place.

The way to the Valley of Shadows is obviously not to walk. The black magicians are not interested in wasting time on the road, and for a few insiders including the dean, things will change sooner or later.

A huge flying ship docked outside the city. Thain was no stranger to this thing. He came to the underground world on this ship.

It was also from the mouth of his mentor Moshe Duo that Thain learned that the other party's name was "Floating Ship".

With the size of the floating ship, it is not a problem to carry hundreds of black magic apprentices.

What surprised Thain was that, in addition to black magic apprentices like them, there were also nearly a hundred tauren and dozens of dark creatures on board the ship. On the deck of the bow, Vice President Da Dalon seemed to be following

One of the dark creatures was arguing about something.

Due to the soundproof shield, Thain couldn't hear anything.

He and Lina then went to the cabin, and based on their strength, they were assigned to a larger room on the second floor with a better location.

According to what Senior Brother Zorro just came over and told in a low voice, even if there is a floating ship to take them, it will take at least a week for them to go to Shadow Valley.

It seems that Senior Brother Zorro has been to Shadow Valley?

Thain wanted to ask him for some more detailed information, but the senior brother said that he would know it when he got there, and he also had to make preparations for the upcoming exploration of the time and space rift.

on deck.

All black magic apprentices have entered the cabin one after another.

Vice-President Da Dalon asked in a bad tone to the big black spider with sixteen pairs of legs in front of him: "Why do you only have one-third of the people here? What about the other dark creatures?"

This big black spider, which was as tall as a person, was not afraid of the unkindness in the tone of Vice-President Da Dalon. It only saw it replying in a human voice: "It was you who violated the agreement first, actually taking action seven years in advance, and in advance

They didn’t greet us earlier.”

"We, the Black Demon Spider clan, have the right to make our own choices, whether to join us in taking action or to continue to wait and see." The big spider replied.

Dean Da Dalon could not help but narrow his eyes at this moment.

The powerful elemental pressure of the second-level black magician instantly trapped the black spider on the deck of the floating ship, unable to move.

Speaking of which, this black spider actually has strength comparable to that of an official black magician, but it is still one year behind Dean Da Dalon's level two strength level, so it will be crushed.

The black spider that was pressed on the deck groaned, and some yellow-green smelly blood flowed out from its abdomen.

Among the three vice-presidents of the Black Magic Academy, Vice-President Martin is the most powerful, Vice-President Dadalon is the second most powerful, and Ms. Joni is the third most powerful.

To be chosen as his deputy by the mysterious and powerful city lord and dean, these three black magicians are naturally no ordinary people. They are definitely among the best at the same level.

Faced with the pressure from the vice-dean, this black spider was very stubborn.

I saw it staring hard at Dadalon with the five jet-black eyes on its head and saying: "Are you sure you want to fight with us, the Black Demon Spider Clan?"

"The dark creatures in Mensobra City are all vassals of our clan, including our young clan leader, who was personally invited by your Vice President Martin."

"Whether it is in the Western Islands or in most underground worlds in the entire wizarding world, there are traces of our activities."

"Under the blessing of the goddess, we, the black spider family, will not be afraid of any threats or challenges, even if you are magicians in the wizarding world!" The black spider with only one life level screamed.

The scream of the black demon spider made Dadalon snort coldly.

Three of the five black eyes on its head, filled with cold and vicious eyes, exploded in an instant.

The difference in life level by one level represents a huge difference in combat power.

Vice Dean Da Dalon did not kill the spider directly. After destroying three of its eyes, he waved his magic robe fiercely and turned around to leave.

"A group of stupid believers in God who don't know why Martin invited them from the Western Islands?"

"Is this what the dean meant?" Dadalon thought to himself.

As seekers of truth, magicians in the wizarding world have never believed that there is a god in this world.

If gods really exist, those ancient and terrifying beings hidden deep in the Holy Tower or even the Tower of True Spirit will definitely rush out, imprison and lock the so-called gods on the test bench, and study and dissect them at close range.

After generations of magicians in the wizarding world have studied and researched, the so-called gods are just some individuals with relatively high levels of life who are boring and self-proclaimed.

Including the common ignorance of lower-level life forms, as well as the longing for some unexplainable phenomena, they worship some individuals who are powerful to a certain extent as "gods".

The goddess worshiped by the Black Spider Clan is an alien species in the entire wizarding world, or in the tens of thousands of planes controlled by the entire wizarding civilization.

Ordinary foreign gods, even the most powerful True Spirit Master among them, who is often known as the "main god", dare not take a look at and provoke the wizard civilization, let alone preach in the wizard world, spread the belief of gods, and develop the divine system.

However, the other party is able to develop quietly in the wizarding world and has great prestige among the many underground dark creatures in the wizarding world. I don’t know what the reason is and whether there are any secrets involved.

This chapter has been completed!
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