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Chapter 57: Sacrifice

Amid everyone's anticipation and attention, the three quasi-magicians in the front row, urged by the formal black magicians around them, walked into the depths of the magic altar.

The white elemental light made it impossible to see what was happening deep inside the altar.

Not only the formal black magicians, but also the black magic apprentices including Thain were also staring closely at the depths of the altar.

After a moment, several formal black magicians around him frowned, and then even Thain heard a shrill howl.

The huge white altar was like a silent giant mouth of a monster. It swallowed three quasi-magicians without causing any ripples.

"No, there are variables!"

"There are some deviations in the space-time rift. The quasi-magicians took the lead. The final losses were too great. We have to rely on them as the main force to arrange the coordinate generator." In the magic tower, a black magician said hurriedly.

"Then which little guy will come next? Intermediate apprentice or low-level apprentice?" asked another black magician in the magic tower.

"Let the entry-level apprentices go! It's just to find a correct passage outside the space crack. Just take human lives to fill it. There is no need to waste the apprentice's strength."

"It's a pity. Dean Dadalon and others should have been allowed to bring a group of humans from Mensobra City with them when they came over."

"This will reduce early losses and increase the success rate of deploying the coordinate generator." The black magician sighed in a low voice.

"How can it be so easy? Ordinary humans don't have much elemental power in their bodies at all. They may not even be able to get close to the rift in time and space."

"If human lives could really be taken to fill it, Vice Dean Martin and Ms. Joanne would probably have done so long ago. Why would they spend more than ten years calculating every tiny crack node around this space-time crack?" Another black man said.

The magician shook his head and said.

The words of the two black magicians soon became facts.

Following the order from Vice Dean Dadalon, the quasi-magicians who originally appeared in the front row of the magic altar retreated one by one.

Instead, it was the entry-level apprentices who had the largest number, forced to the forefront by the tauren warriors and other dark creatures and elemental puppets.

Once upon a time, Thain once lamented the good luck of these new black magic apprentices.

But soon the cruel rules of the Black Magic Academy showed that luck does not exist in the Black Magic Academy.

If you don't have enough strength, you can only become cannon fodder.

These new apprentices are no match for those strong tauren warriors.

Those who took the initiative to enter the altar were lucky, but those who refused to enter were either thrown in by the strong minotaurs holding one in each hand, or thrown in by the black magicians standing on the outside with their magic powers.

Screams and cries are endless in the Valley of Shadows.

These entry-level apprentices are generally around ten years old and can basically be considered children.

The tragic scene that happened in Shadow Valley made Thain, a black magic apprentice who has adapted to the dangers, feel a shiver in his heart.

When the number of entry-level apprentices was nearly half consumed and the white elemental light of the entire magic altar began to glow red, Vice-President Da Dalon gave the order to stop sending apprentices.

Like a bottomless mouth, the magic altar in the center of Shadow Valley has only one entrance but no exit from beginning to end.

I don’t know what’s going on inside, are the three quasi-magicians really dead, and where are the nearly two hundred entry-level apprentices who were thrown in before and after?

Only half of the entry-level apprentices were left, and they were gathering together in a group under the pressure of many tauren and dark creatures, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

The fragility of life and the insignificance of power are clearly evident at this moment.

The situation of those entry-level apprentices is not much better than that of the one hundred or so low-level apprentices.

Through the attitude of Vice Dean Da Dalon and those black magicians, when these entry-level apprentices are exhausted, they will be the next batch of unlucky ones.

As an intermediate apprentice, Thane didn't look very good at the moment.

The good news is that more than two hundred apprentices have been thrown into the magic altar. The black magicians who have been paying attention to the depths of the magic altar and the cracks in time and space seem to have made new discoveries.

Today's exploration of the altar ends here. I don't know if the black magicians can reduce the casualty rate of apprentices entering it based on their findings.

Of course, more apprentices are worried about when the next exploration of the altar will begin.

For this article, low-level and entry-level apprentices pay special attention to it.

When his senior brother Zorro reappeared in front of him, Thane noticed that there was also a layer of fine beads of sweat on his neck.

The senior brother should be over seventy years old. The average lifespan of ordinary humans in the wizarding world is generally between fifty and seventy years old, and the average lifespan of civilians is almost fifty years old.

Because of their high-quality life, nobles tend to live longer, and the average age is generally over seventy years old.

Magicians who master the power of magic and elements, even apprentices who have not reached the first level or above, can use various methods to increase their life span and delay aging.

Although we don't know the maximum life span of magic apprentices, it is not a problem to live for one hundred, twenty or thirty years.

Thain had seen illustrations of some rare materials that could increase human lifespan in the public library.

It is recorded in a certain magic book given to him by his mentor that concluding soul pets can also increase the lifespan of magicians.

Senior brother Zorro is not young because he has taken some potions or mastered other methods, so he only looks like a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties.

Of course, the person who is more caring than senior brother Zorro is senior sister Fei'er.

It stands to reason that black magic apprentices like Senior Brother Zorro, who have lived long enough and have traveled extensively with their mentor Moses, all the way from the Western Islands to the Dark Territory, are already used to seeing crises and death.

But faced with today's situation, Thain's senior brother still felt great pressure.

When Thain cast a concerned look, the senior brother patted Thain on the shoulder and said, "I'm fine. Let's go back first. I happen to have something to tell you."

The night in Shadow Valley is still as bright as day.

This place is brighter than the city of Menzobra, which is illuminated by fluorite veins.

It is estimated that no apprentice can sleep this night.

I don’t know how the other black magic apprentices are feeling at this time. In the tent, the senior brother Zorro whispered to Thain and Mayfair: "The mentors and the others have all miscalculated. It stands to reason that the three quasi-magics who entered today are the first to enter."

Master, we shouldn’t all die.”

"We have roughly calculated the safe path around the space-time rift in advance."

"However, the magic altar did not go out, which means that only the subtle space-time cracks on the path have shifted, but the elemental fission device we arranged in advance has not been destroyed."

"That's why the dean and the others asked those entry-level apprentices to go over and redefine a safer path for us." Zoro said solemnly.

This chapter has been completed!
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