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Chapter five hundred and eighty sixth fortress guard battle (eight)

If someone who is unfamiliar with Thane's fighting style comes into contact with him for the first time, he will definitely not be able to adapt to it.

I recall that Thain's master Bogagaru was also an "alien", and I don't know if he had such an impact when he showed his power in front of other knights and magicians.

No, it's not just Gargaru.

There is basically no normal person in the Jade Burning Fire Master sect where Thain belongs.

Thain's mentor, Lu Lianman, should be considered the only normal one.

Because Lu Lianman did not inherit the power of green fire from her mentor, but instead embarked on the path of relatively pure plant elements.

The appearance of Thane, as well as the tyrannical strength and surprising fighting style he showed upon his appearance, greatly relieved the pressure on the second-level earth knight.

The battles of magicians are much richer and more exciting than those of knights.

Because they have many methods at their disposal, they are not as straightforward as the knights.

Dark magic, green fire elements, powerful physiques, elemental props, and a whole bunch of undead creatures following behind.

After Thane entered the scene, many knights couldn't tell which type of magician he was.

"The sword belongs to me, and the rest belongs to you, how about it?" While waving the Heart of Jade Fire magic wand and fighting continuously, Thane still had time to communicate with the second-level knight beside him.

This black-armored knight is quite kind, and more importantly, Thain is here to help him out.

I saw him saying angrily: "I only want its heart and head, and the rest belongs to you!"

"Okay!" Thain replied.

The heart is needed because it is the essence of the Thunder Ape's body. The knights need this kind of tonic to temper their bodies and gain strength.

The purpose of asking for the head is to declare sovereignty over the spoils of war.

After the war is over in the future, the fortress will evaluate it and most of the profits will be attributed to this knight.

Otherwise, I have been working so hard for a long time, and you come over and just pick peaches. Which knight can bear it?

Thain didn't mind the little magic coin income that the fortress would reward in the future. Compared with his home, collecting the corpse specimen of a Level 2 Thunder Ape was still very tempting to him.

The battle inside the fortress is still fierce.

Although the outer defense line on the west side has been broken, under the dispatch of the combat headquarters, inner defense lines were quickly established one after another.

Including the three-headed demigod-level creatures that invaded the fortress base, the Knights Hall also sent specialized experts to contain and deal with them.

The powerful strength and tenacity of the Wizarding World makes it difficult for those creatures from the Thunder World to do whatever they want in the main base of the Wizarding World even if the solid fortress walls are breached.

In fact, for the creatures in the Thunder World, after breaking through into the main fortress base of the wizard civilization, every time they move forward, they spend hundreds or even thousands of lives.

The dripping blood gradually covered most of the area on the west side of the fortress.

There was constant thunder in the sky.

There was no rainfall.

The world of thunder seems to be a special world where there is only thunder and rarely rain.

On the 47th day of the fortress defense battle, countless creatures from the Thunder World had fallen to Thain.

Up to now, Thain has not counted exactly how many creatures he has killed.

If you also count his previous use of magic towers and frequent releases of covering magic to support the front line.

There must be seven or eight thousand, if not ten thousand, creatures from the Thunder World who died at the hands of Thane.

This was the first time in the war that Thain had killed so many alien creatures.

Compared to himself who had just entered the first level during the Poison Fire and Green Flame World War, Thane has improved in all aspects by more than ten times!

This is because Thane was on the battlefield and did not spend too much time targeting opponents whose life levels were generally low and whose strength was extremely weak.

If Thane had only focused on the weakest natives of the Thunder World, his record would have already exceeded 10,000.

It can also be seen from this that higher-level life forms dominate and crush lower-level creatures.

It doesn't take much effort for Thain to kill a level one creature now, let alone those creatures below level one that are even weaker.

If Thain were left open to kill, those with a life level lower than level one would only be comparable to farmers in the wizarding world, or even weaker than farmers.

Thain can destroy a country by himself!

Of course, as a rational spell caster, he would not do this.

With this time, he might as well go to the laboratory to tinker with his own research.

This matter of purging and suppressing the opponents can be left to the knights and a larger number of slave creatures.

And what the wizarding world doesn't want is a broken world with no vegetation.

Why kill those alien native creatures who are weaker than farmers?

To this day, the vast majority of the natives of the Thunder World killed by the Wizard World Legion are individuals with fighting capabilities.

There are more than hundreds of millions of creatures in a world. The three knight halls only need to wipe out the millions of most resistant creatures in the world of thunder, and then they can smoothly rule the billions of weak and weak individuals in this world who are even more numerous.

Basically every powerful creature comes from a weak class.

Those weak creatures from the alien plane that have surrendered may become high-level slave creatures that can serve the wizard civilization in the future.

These are all potential gains from the development of alien planes by the Holy Tower and the Knights Hall.

After the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire occupied the poisonous green flame world, there was no large-scale massacre.

But today, the war in the world of lightning seems to be about to go wrong.

With no support from the main army on the front line for a long time, Thain and other knights and magicians stationed on the west side of the fortress are almost unable to withstand it!

Under the sunset.

Thain, who still maintains his body of green fire, and a group of knights are at odds with each other and continue to fight in the ruins of the fortress.

The originally large number of slaves in the fortress were basically all killed or injured in the fierce melee for more than a month.

Including the undead creatures brought out by Thane, they are almost dead and injured now, and only a handful of elite undead with life levels above level one are still fighting.

Thain has brought quite a lot of reinforcements from the World of the Dead this time, almost three thousand in total.

It's a pity that Thane himself is not as proficient in summoning the undead as Lina.

Moreover, he also held the Dark Crystal Magic Wand in his hand. Although this made it easier to command the undead creatures, it also made it difficult for the summoning teleportation array at the bottom of the magic tower to last long.

After transporting three thousand undead souls one after another, the summoning stopped.

Including the magic tower that Thain originally stayed in...now to be precise, only half of it remains.

I don't know which creature from the thunder world directly crashed into a third of the main body of the magic tower.

On the surface of the ruins, there is even a layer of pitch-black electric coke particles, and the lightning factors on them are still active.

But despite everything, the magic tower has not been completely destroyed.

Magical strikes with low intensity are still issued from the top of the ruins of the magic tower from time to time.

Thain guessed that there should be two magicians left inside, releasing their few elemental powers.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect to be able to fight side by side with a magician like you, Master Thain, who has an appetite for me. Even if I die, I will have no regrets!" Not far from Thain, a man in black armor was bathed in thick blood.

The knight stuck his heavy sword on the ground and laughed.

The creatures from the Thunder World gathering around are about to launch their next charge.

The black-armored knight wanted to pick up the heavy sword in his hand again, but he didn't have much strength left...

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