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Chapter 662 Booty

"Who asked you to help?!" After the battle, Thane looked at Natalya angrily.

The reason why Thain was angry was not because he blamed Natalya for helping her.

It was this female knight with rough hands and feet who killed this strange second-level plant that Thain had attached great importance to with one sword.

In the previous battle with Thane, this strange plant was at an extreme disadvantage.

Since Natalya appeared, the fire element from both inside and outside has been burning, directly cutting off the last resistance of this strange plant.

However, the most fundamental factor that really caused the death of this second-level plant was a red epee stuck in the center of its root system.

Of course Thain is familiar with this heavy sword.

When Natalya was in the world of thunder, she first threw this thing in front of him.

When there is no fighting, this heavy sword is black in the middle and silver on both sides.

When Natalaya enters the fighting state, especially when she pours her own fighting spirit into the back of the epee sword, the entire epee sword will turn red and a wave of flames will appear.

Natalaya is indeed a second-level earth knight with extremely rich combat experience.

After having murderous intention towards the strange plant, the woman ignored other areas on the surface of the tree trunk and directly and accurately hit its root system at the heart of the tree.

In the previous battle, Thain only weakened the power and vitality of this strange plant, and had no intention of killing it.

Because this weird plant really aroused some interest in Thain. The special purple flame factor gave Thain the urge to find out.

But now, it's all over.

I don’t know whether I should say that the vitality of this strange plant is too fragile, or that Natalya’s shot was too accurate.

After the heavy sword hit the center of its root system, the strange plant trembled for a while and then lost its vitality.

Including that after the epee hit, a very special purple liquid splashed out from the roots of the giant tree. It was not known whether it was its blood.

Thain's scolding made Natalya's head dwarf.

Thain rarely gets angry, and even over the years, Thain has only been angry a handful of times.

This must be the second time that Natalya saw Thain so angry. The last time was when he spanked her in the world of thunder.

Speaking of which, these two people quite resemble a pair of enemies.

Thain has such a good temper, but he was made angry twice by Natalya.

But the two of them are the closest quasi-husband and wife. It has to be said that fate plays a trick on people.

Faced with Natalya's lowering her head and slightly pursed lips, Thane sighed and flew straight towards the deep pit below.

The originally damp pit was washed away by the aftermath of the battle and ravaged by several waves of flames. The overall environment became much more anxious, and even the ground turned black.

The underground river not far away has accumulated a small shallow lake in this deep pit.

Most of the green-clawed giant crabs that were still alive hid there.

The battle of second-level creatures is really not something that cannon fodder like them can participate in.

Under the leadership of Chief Green Claws, the surviving Crab Crabs were all treating their injuries and rescuing the wounded.

After Thain landed below, first-level magician Daniel and others also came close to him.

The death of the second-level strange plant was their share of the credit.

However, they were helping Thain weaken the plant as much as possible, and did not have the ability to kill it directly.

The branches of the strange plant that had completely lost its vitality were scattered there quietly.

"I hope I can find something from the cell tissue of this plant, as well as those sarcomas..." Thain pondered.

For the dead second-level plants, all knights and magicians present who participated in the siege have the right to share the spoils.

When Thain was at the first level, he also participated in the experience of cooperating with higher-level magicians to fight. He would not eat alone.

Daniel and others have also collected many fragments of this second-level plant in previous battles.

As magicians, they are obviously as interested in this strange plant as Thain.

The remaining first-level knights had no interest in those plant fragments.

What can they do with this thing? Eat it?

For these knights, Thain rewards them by allocating mission points.

By participating in helping to kill a second-level plant, these knights can also receive considerable rewards after the war.

Unlike those magicians, after these knights appeared in front of Thain, they took the initiative to take out the roots, sarcoma and other things they had cut off in the previous battle.

These knights know that magicians such as Thain are relatively rare in these things.

In response, Thane thanked him and distributed some potions to several knights.

The arm of one of the first-level knights was scratched in the previous battle, and it seemed that it was still a serious burn.

A hint of purple burn scar made Thain look sideways a few more times.

The knight, on the other hand, looked indifferent.

As long as they are not severe limb injuries or life-threatening injuries, other injuries can be classified as "skin injuries" by these knights. Natalya also landed behind Thain at this time, and her heavy sword was still inserted into the dead body.

The root system of the plant in the center of the trunk.

Faint flame particles danced in the air, and a large pool of purple plant juice flowed along Natalya's epee to the ground.

"Why don't you pull it out quickly?" Thain rolled his eyes at Natalya.

"Oh." Natalya replied.

She stepped forward and pulled out the flaming heavy sword that was more than ten meters long with one hand.

The second-level strange plant was dead and the battle was over. At the same time, Natalya released her blood transformation.

Including her ten-meter-long flaming epee, the flame particles on the surface were also extinguished. The entire epee retracted to a length of three meters, and Natalya inserted it back behind her.

It was also the moment when Natalya pulled out the heavy sword from the corpse of the second-level plant. Thain saw clearly what was inside and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Eh?!"

Beneath the corpse of the giant tree that was dead and flowing with purple sap, an irregular-looking purple boulder appeared directly below.

There are a large number of tiny plant rhizomes attached to the surface of the boulder, all of which belong to this secondary plant.

Obviously, the source of most of the power of the second-level plant that had fought with Thane before was derived from this.

The main combatants who killed this second-level plant were Thain and Natalya, so they should share the majority of the wealth of this giant tree after the war.

Under the trunk of the strange giant tree that had lost its vitality, at the root, Thain dug out a purple-red tree heart.

It obviously contains a rich flame power factor.

"This thing belongs to you, I want that stone." Thain handed the heart of the tree to Natalya and said.

"No, no, just take them all."

"I know you will use them in your experiment." Nataya lowered her head and looked sideways at Thain.

This guy was scolded by Thain just now, and now he doesn't feel confident enough.

As expected, people are like one thing descending from another.

Natalya, who had always had a bad temper in the Knights Hall, had never straightened up in front of Thain.

Thinking that Natalya rushed to this battlefield in order to support him in the first place.

Thain sighed and said in a much calmer tone: "Thank you for coming to help me."

"We are all a family, how can we be thankful?" Natalya said in a low voice.

Thain was stunned and didn't know what to say.
This chapter has been completed!
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