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Chapter 70 The Use of the Elemental Pearl

When Thain woke up from his sleep again, he was shocked to notice that there were two women lying on his left and right in his arms, each with their own merits.

Although judging from the state of everyone's clothes, they probably didn't do anything real last night.

But Thain's hand was holding one on one side very dishonestly.

Senior apprentice Marina did not know where she went, and there were only three of them in the tent at this time.

He carefully pulled out his hand, and after slightly adjusting the wrinkled magic robe, Thane unleashed a magic trick on himself - the Cleansing Technique.

This simple and practical magic trick is one of the most commonly used magic tricks after Thain came to the yellow sand world.

Since he did not master water polo or other similar means, he could only use this magic to keep himself clean.

After Thain got up, senior sisters Feier and Lina did not stay in bed.

Lina was very self-disciplined. Almost as soon as Thain stood up, she opened her eyes and stood up.

Senior sister Fei'er was dawdling for a while, but in this yellow sand world, everyone has their own mission.

If they don't want to be trapped here for the rest of their lives, these magic apprentices should complete the tasks assigned by the official black magicians as soon as possible.

"The vice-dean and the others mainly rely on senior apprentices and quasi-magicians. You middle- and low-level apprentices can only serve as cannon fodder."

"Nearly 70% of the coordinate generators in the two camps have been deployed, and they should be completed in two months." Senior sister Fei'er said to Thain while changing her underwear.

"What is the specific use of the elemental beads each of us got?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

"Elemental beads are the main energy source of the coordinate generator. When the quasi-magicians came, they each brought thirty beads, and when the senior apprentices came, they each brought ten beads." Mayfair replied.

"Why do we only have one intermediate apprentice?" Thain asked with a frown.

"Maybe I don't trust you. Each of the two coordinate generators requires more than 150 elemental beads."

"The reason why all the elemental beads were not handed over to the same quasi-magician is because the black magicians were worried about his accident, so they distributed them to every other senior and quasi-magic apprentice," Feier said.


This information was not obtained by Mayfair in advance, but indirectly from her senior brother Zorro and other quasi-magicians a few months after arriving in the yellow sand world, including some that Mayfair herself guessed.

Of course, these speculations are not far from the truth.

Senior sister Feier is not a hardworking person in the process of learning magic, but she is undoubtedly a smart person.

He couldn't help but remember that there were more than a dozen elemental beads in his space ring. Just when Thain took them out, senior sister Fei'er held and pressed his hand and whispered: "Put them away quickly."

"Although there is no accurate information, my senior brother once mentioned to me that these elemental beads may also be the key to our return to the wizarding world."

"If the construction of the space coordinate generator fails, if we want to go back then, we can only rely on the official black magicians on the other side of the space-time rift to pull us back."

"And if we want the official black magician on the other side of the space-time rift to accurately locate us, we will need these elemental beads as guidance."

"According to estimates, ten elemental beads can barely meet the minimum requirements for official black magicians to locate us. And the more the number, the greater the success rate." Mayfair said in a low voice.

It is precisely because of this factor that after the black magic apprentices in the camp gathered the amount of elemental beads needed to build the coordinate generator, they began to consciously collect and accumulate more elemental beads.

No black magic apprentice would place all their hopes on others or a certain instrument.

Unless it is a relationship similar to Thane and Lina, for the group of black magicians, when the crisis comes, don't they just fly away when the disaster comes?

"Lina and I have just put together the elemental beads. We were originally thinking about how to get the rest for you, but I didn't expect that you have already put them all together, and there is even some left?" Feier said with a chuckle.

"Well, something happened on the way. I learned this from other apprentices." Thain nodded.

At this time, he thought of intermediate apprentice Mari and senior apprentice Statham, who entered the camp at the same time as Thain yesterday.

However, after entering, Thain followed his senior sister Fei'er directly to find his senior brother Zorro, but the two people didn't know where to settle down.

After the senior sister also finished cleaning up, Thain and his team went to find their senior brother Zorro.

Although during this process, Thain was mainly talking to his senior sister Fei'er, a large part of his attention was focused on the silent Lina.

I believe Lina is the same.

Senior brother Zorro, when Thane came to the door, he had already helped Thain get the crystal ball.

The radiation communication distance of the crystal ball is only one-third of the original.

But this is enough to cover the surrounding areas of the camp and even barely maintain communication between the two camps.

"Sir, is there a certain chance of failure when deploying the coordinate generator this time?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

Senior magic apprentices and quasi-magicians must be the earliest and most aware of the camp's situation.

Yesterday, a senior apprentice blocked people outside the camp and asked for the Elemental Pearl. Thain felt that something was not simple.

Including senior sister’s reaction this morning.

When Thain asked this question, senior brother Zorro first looked outside the tent. After finding that there were no other outsiders around, he replied in a low voice: "There is indeed a certain chance of failure, and the success rate is about 6%.


"Due to the quicksand environment of this world, the coordinates of the two camps are constantly changing, which adds a lot of trouble to us in arranging the coordinate generator."

"We have to send apprentices out every day to survey the terrain and record information, but this only plays a small role."

"As for the final activation of the coordinate generator, whether it will be possible to build two worlds to accommodate passage at the official magician level."

"In addition to our efforts and a certain amount of luck, it actually depends more on the mentors and deputy deans on the other side of the time and space rift." Zorro said.

"The deputy dean and the others spent a huge amount of money to send us here. They must have their own intentions and goals."

"So I think there is no need to be too pessimistic. The final passage should be possible. As for collecting the Pearls of Elements, it is just our prevention and alternative plan." Zorro comforted.

Senior Brother Zorro's relief completely put aside the last trace of doubt in Thain's mind.

However, Thain did not mention that his mentor had left him a grip.

According to what his instructor told him at the time, this grip was specially reserved for him as a back-up hand.

They were afraid that when the coordinate generator failed to be constructed, the official black magicians would only focus on those high-level apprentices and quasi-magicians, but ignore this little mid-level apprentice like him.

This chapter has been completed!
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