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Chapter 728: Captives

The fact is just as Lu Lianman speculated.

The destruction of the plane nodes did not interrupt the civil war between the two large forests in the Biran Forest World.

In the normal development process of the plane, this kind of thing is almost impossible to happen.

And the reason for this may be that, as Lu Lianman said, the civil war between the two large forests did have the infiltration influence of alien forces behind it.

War is a game showdown between high-level strong men and those with top vision.

The larger number of lower-level creatures are just victims in the context of war.

In the third month after the plane node of the Wilderness Forest was destroyed, the second plane node of the Biran Forest World was also destroyed.

The location that was destroyed this time was a medium-sized forest located in the northeast of the main continent of this world.

The whole forest was ablaze.

It was also at this time that the indigenous forces of the Biran Forest World finally ushered in the first wave of head-on conflict with the green-haired orangutans.

Representing the wild world of Biran is a large, colorful green snake that is more than ten meters long.

When it arrived at the scene with a group of various indigenous creatures from the Biran Forest World, the detonation work of the group of green-haired orangutans was already at the final stage.

The roars of the colorful snakes failed to stop the orangutans from detonating.

Amidst the explosions, the indigenous creatures of the Biran Forest World finally collided with this group of orangutans from another world!

Facts have proved that since these alien orangutans dare to invade the wild world of Biran, their own strength is indeed stronger than that of this low-level plant plane.

The gap in plane strength is not only reflected in the quantitative gap in high-level combat power.

It is also reflected in the different combat power levels of creatures of the same level among the underlying creatures.

Among the same level, these alien orangutans obviously have stronger power than the plant creatures in the Biran Forest World.

The colorful green snake that arrived at the plane node in time also has a third level of life.

But it is indeed no match for another white-haired orangutan.

I saw the white-haired orangutan beating its chest with both fists, and in bursts of energy and blood, its body quickly expanded to a height of more than 20 meters.

It is longer than the standing height of the colorful green snake.

His thick arms held the neck of the colorful green snake and waved it wildly from side to side.

No one knows how many giant trees were broken in the entire forest.

The creatures in the Biran forest world have never been successful based on their size.

Although the colorful green snake also has a third level of life, it has not experienced any harsh wars before, and the main power it controls is mainly plant and poison power. The green energy of the plant makes this snake

The colorful green snake has a tougher vitality than ordinary creatures of the same level.

The white-haired orangutan almost broke his whole body, but this guy was stunned for a long time and was still wrapped around the white-haired orangutan's arm.

As for the poisonous power possessed by the colorful green snake, it did not have much impact on the thick-skinned white-haired orangutan.

The transparent venom spewed from its mouth poisoned several first-level orangutans, but the white-haired orangutan who was carrying it and throwing it around did not seem to be greatly affected.

This fierce melee lasted for half a day.

In the end, it was the green-haired orangutans who took the initiative to withdraw.

It's not that those green-haired orangutans can't beat each other, it's just because this is the home of Bira Forest World.

As time goes by, more and more creatures from this plane will gather here, dragging on the battle. Even if these orangutans are extremely conceited, they will not be able to keep going.

Also taking advantage of the melee, Thain took action at the edge of the battlefield, captured and knocked unconscious a first-level green-haired orangutan.

Thane's elf appearance and breath-condensing methods did not allow him to reveal his identity in this battle.

After getting his desired trophy, Thain quickly left the forest battlefield.

"The methods of these green-haired orangutans are still too crude, and they were discovered so quickly by the indigenous creatures of the Biran Forest World."

"It will be difficult for them to destroy other plane nodes next. Those plant-based creatures will definitely defend them to the death." Thain sighed.

They were also on a mission to infiltrate behind enemy lines, and Thain and the group of green-haired orangutans were like two extremes.

Thain buried multiple node weakeners without saying a word, and this group of green-haired orangutans only destroyed two of them before being tightly guarded by the mainstream forces of the Biran Forest World.

Only destroying the power of two plane nodes is not enough to weaken the power of the laws of this lower plane.

Those green-haired orangutans will definitely attack again!

I don’t know where their next target is and whether they can still succeed?

After capturing a green-haired orangutan, Thain quickly left the forest burning with raging fire and came to another small forest farther away.

An underground space opened up by magic was Thain's temporary location and the place where he would conduct experiments and anatomical research.

Where do these green-haired orangutans come from? What is their plane strength? How many of them have level four or above combat power? What is their body structure?

These are the questions that intrigue Thain.

And next, he will get the answer he wants from this captured green-haired orangutan.

On the experimental table, the green-haired orangutan, who was weak and weak, looked at Thain who kept approaching him with a horrified expression.

At this time, Thain held a sharp silver scalpel and said in as calm a tone as possible: "Come on, tell me everything you know."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to tell me for the time being, I will let you speak."

"This is the process, you may feel a little painful." Thain's voice was as ethereal as a ghost and heart-stopping.

On the experimental platform, the green-haired orangutan's struggling movements became more intense.

It turns out that the hair of these orangutans is not green originally.

Just like Thane dressing up as an elf.

These orangutans paint their hair green just for camouflage.

The real hair color of these orangutans is generally brown.

Of course, there are also orangutans with other hair colors, such as the white-haired orangutan with level three strength.

These orangutans come from an alien plane called the Wild Orangutan World.

This first-level orangutan has a relatively low life level and knows relatively little information.

After Thain first tortured and then detained him with soul magic, he learned that this war plan against the wild world of Biran was the result of the conspiracy of the four orangutan gods in the wild orangutan world.

This orangutan worships the strongest of the four orangutan gods, the War Amp Temple.

In addition to the war gorilla god, the other three gorilla gods also have their own names. They are the absolute leaders of hundreds of millions of orangutans and other affiliated races in the wild orangutan world.

As for whether there are other orangutan gods in the wild orangutan world besides these four gorilla gods who plan wars.

The first-level orangutan said there might be.

After all, this little guy is just an ordinary first-level orangutan who has lived for more than a hundred years.

Not only is it still ignorant about the star realm, but it also doesn't understand its own mother plane thoroughly enough.

But another useful information that Thain got was that the world of Biran Forest was not the only world targeted by wild orangutans for conquest.

Prior to this, the first-level orangutan captured by Thane had already experienced a plane war, and had broken through the first level in that plane war.

Because of his outstanding performance, he was sent by the War Ape God to perform tasks in the Biran Forest World.

In other words, the wild orangutan world is most likely a different world with a relatively complete system of aggression and expansion.

Generally, these worlds are the best among low-level planes, or directly medium-sized or higher planes.

Because only these planes can break away from the shackles of the total resources and wealth of this plane, set their sights on the boundless star realm, and start the expansion history of their own mother civilization.

The wizarding civilization came about this way back then.

This chapter has been completed!
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