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Chapter 735 Show weakness?

"The elemental assimilation technique performed by Master Angron himself seems to be unable to completely offset this world's rejection of me."

"Those guys should have discovered my existence, but they probably can't see my details for the time being."

Cuilis was supported by her disciples and grandsons respectively, looking at the distant north of the plane and said.

Master Angron is a sixth-level great magician within the Conclave of Fire, whose status is close to that of Trilis.

The opponent's combat ability may not be as good as Trilis, but this sixth-level magician has made unique achievements in other fields.

The elemental assimilation technique is a special skill of Master Angron.

It was thanks to Master Angron's elemental assimilation technique that Cuilis was able to successfully squeeze into the wild world of Biran Forest after more than seven months with relatively little movement.

Otherwise, with the huge elemental volume Cuilis possesses, she might have scared away the four otherworldly orangutan gods before she even squeezed into the Biran forest world.

This time Cuilisi arrived in the Biran Forest World alone. One of her main purposes was to prevent the four alien orangutan gods from escaping from the Biran Forest World.

If possible, Cuilis would also try to protect the space rift between the Biran Forest World and the Wild Orangutan World.

With this space rift, the war plan of the wizard civilization army to invade the wild orangutan world will be much more convenient.

At this time, Cuilis came to the world of Green Velvet Forest. The sky was changing, and a thick layer of dark clouds appeared directly above the Green Velvet Forest.

In the dark clouds, thunder and lightning rolled, making it look like a storm was coming.

The four Gods of the Ape and the God of Biran, who were participating in the war in the far north of the plane, also discovered the strange phenomenon here.

The guardian Bai Ling is a big white bird with pure white feathers and graceful posture.

Thousands of years of life and guardian responsibilities have endowed it with wisdom and calmness that far exceed the same level of creatures in the Biran Forest World.

After flying to the treetop of the God of Bira, Bai Ling looked towards the southwest of the plane and said in a melancholy and tired tone: "Another strange evil god from another world has come to our world."

"I have long discovered that there may be some problems in the Green Velvet Forest."

"For some reason, the aura of this newly arrived evil god from another world is not as sharp as the four ape gods, but it still has a sense of oppression that makes me breathless," Bai Ling said.

As the only fourth-level creature in this plane, the God of Green Dye still stood quietly on the spot without saying a word.

This is a fourth-level giant tree with strength and luxuriant root system that far exceeds ordinary people's imagination.

One-third of the entire world's nutrients are absorbed by the God of Biran, which is enough to show the background of this terrifying big guy.

Faced with the siege of four orangutan gods in the wild orangutan world, there is even a fifth-level orangutan god among them, who can survive until now.

It is enough to prove that this God of Bira, at least in terms of combat endurance and tenacity, is far beyond the creatures of the same level.

Even the four orangutan gods in the wild orangutan world lamented more than once that this guy's trunk is really hard.

Of course, the proud wild orangutans do not think that the other party is stronger than themselves.

After all, it is just a giant plant tree that cannot be moved. If this guy did not represent the leading resistance force in the wild world of Biran, and the God of Biran itself is an extremely precious treasure mountain, the four orangutan gods could completely bypass it.

Invasion and plundering of Biran Forest World.

Including the fact that they are currently trapped in the quagmire of war in the Forest of Biran, the four otherworldly ape gods only think that it is temporary, and blame the cause of the problem on the plane oppression they endure and the blessing of the plane rules enjoyed by the God of Biran.

One thing I have to admit is that the battle between the four alien gorilla gods and the God of Biran, and the heavy disaster and destruction they brought to the Biran Forest World, indeed helped the wizarding world consume a large part of the Biran Forest World.


Otherwise, even if Trilis had the elemental assimilation technique to hide her tyrannical power of elements, she would not be able to squeeze into the world of Biran Forest so easily.

The four orangutan gods from the wild orangutan world, at the same time, also looked towards the southwest of the plane.

The sudden appearance of gods from another world made the four ape gods feel angry, angry, greedy and other emotions.

Only there is no doubt.

After all, they are just a group of extremely conceited orangutans. There is indeed no world civilization stronger than the world of wild orangutans found around the star field they have explored.

Even though there are several worlds that are not much different from the wild orangutan world in terms of strength, they are not taken seriously by this group of wild orangutans.

This is a group of ignorant people who think too highly of themselves.

Even the powerful wizard civilization responds to the vast and unpredictable star realm with awe and modest exploration, and does not consider itself to be the strongest in the star realm.

But this group of wild orangutans think that they are the center of the star world and the darlings of countless planes.

What an imbecile and ridiculous creature!

"A thief trying to get his hands on the trophies of our great wild world of apes?"

"Or is he an ignorant and humble wandering god who accidentally entered this world?"

"No matter where it comes from or what its purpose is, I don't think we should let it leave so easily!" the four ape gods discussed outside the Forest of Blue.

"The energy fluctuations transmitted over there are not high. You two should go over and take a look at the situation."

"Don't scare the opponent away." The strongest war gorilla god said to the two fourth-level orangutan gods beside him.

Although they are currently on the outskirts of the Forest of Biran, the God of Biran, a level four creature in this plane, is actually unable to pose any threat to them.

Millions of war legions from the wild orangutan world have invaded the core area of ​​​​Biran Forest.

These orangutans are indeed muscular creatures without much brains, but they also know that cutting off the lush root system of the God of Biran will make it easier for them to kill this fourth-level creature.

Millions of low-level combat legions are like ants, gnawing at the roots of the God of Bira.

The indigenous creatures in the Biran forest world, under the call of the guardian, rely on the branches and roots of the God of Biran as much as possible to fight against these alien invaders in the forest.

Both sides are actually engaged in a tug-of-war with the God of Bira as the core.

The two fourth-level gorilla gods quickly accepted the command of the gorilla god and headed to the southwest of the plane.

Like two dazzling meteors, streaking across the sky.

Trilis, who had just arrived, also spotted two stars approaching high in the sky.

Compared with the journey that lower-level life forms take months or even years to complete, for these fourth-level creatures, it only takes a moment to cross half of the world.

This is just a low-level plane after all.

"Haha, here are two little guys."

"Well... I can't guarantee that I can capture them all. It would be bad if one of them escapes. There is also a space crack in the north that cannot be closed in time."

"Perhaps I should show weakness?" Cuilis said to the disciples beside her with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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