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Chapter 753 Representative Negotiations

The war between the Wizarding World and the Biran Forest World ended sooner than imagined.

No, or it should be said that the wizarding world has not actually had any substantial collision with the native creatures of the Biran Forest World.

Six semi-god-level magicians from the wizarding civilization, after outlining and building the hexagram sealing array, only restricted the fourth-level creature Bira God.

Didn't quite kill it!

Including the big white bird with guardian authority, several holy towers of the wizard civilization did not make things difficult for each other.

According to past war experience, once the wizard civilization invades and conquers the guardian of this alien plane, it will definitely be beheaded.

The fall of the guardian will cause the rules of a plane to decline on a large scale in a short period of time.

And caused the will of the plane to wane.

The actions of the several holy towers in the wizarding world now seem to be like the guardians of the world of Biran Forest.

This is indeed the case. In order to have higher expectations for war, the wizarding world now really needs to borrow the power of these indigenous creatures in the Biran Forest World.

In the second week of the war in the Forest of Biran, which was the day after the huge six-pointed magic star array was completed in the center of the forest, Thane received a summons from the Holy Tower Joint Operations Command.

This joint combat headquarters was formed by the four holy towers.

Not only the battlefield on the Forest of Biran, but also the battlefield in the Forest of Dusk where Sion's other uncle, Penas, is located. The magician troops and the Joint Operations Headquarters there also have command authority.

Thain was summoned by the Joint Operations Command and when he arrived in the middle of the forest, there were already more than ten demigod-level magicians standing there.

There are more ordinary third-level magicians.

Thane, a second-level magician, is not outstanding at all in front of this group of seniors with astonishing power of their own elements.

But don't underestimate Thain.

Not only because of his identity as the disciple of the master of Sai En Tower, but also because of another reason.

"What? The guardian named me to negotiate on behalf of the Holy Tower of the Wizarding World?" Thain said in shock.

The magician who appeared in front of Thane at this time was a middle-aged man named Stefano.

The other party has red curly hair and wears a magic robe that exudes a strong rhythm of fire elements.

Including the opponent's magic wand, it is also a weapon and equipment that makes alchemists like Thain look at it.

At least the head material of Master Stefano's magic wand is not inferior to that of either of Thain's current two magic wand heads!

There are so many geniuses in the wizarding world!

Among the demigod level magicians, Master Stefano is a true genius and a top flame magician.

Before Thain's two demigod-level uncles resigned as the dean of the Holy Tower of Green Fire Academy, among the three deans, in terms of personal strength alone, Master Stefano was still the top one.

What is the reason that makes this demigod-level fire magician stronger than the disciples of two sixth-level magicians?

Among the demigod-level magicians in the area around the Jade Fire Holy Tower and in a certain circle, Master Stefano also has the awe-inspiring title of "the magician closest to the gods."

The gods recognized by the star world all have reached the fourth level of life or above.

The title of Master Stefano undoubtedly marks the opponent's future promotion to level four, which is as simple as pinching a snail with your fingers.

What's even more exaggerated is that Master Stefano has already had the potential to reach level four, and his success rate is still very high, but the opponent has been suppressing him from advancing.

In Master Stefano's own words, he feels that he has not accumulated enough knowledge and should study and accumulate for a while.

What an exaggerated existence this is, what a terrifying magical talent this is!

You should know that Thain's two apprentices, Andres and Hoffs, both failed to attack the fourth level and their souls were seriously injured. Not long ago, they resigned as the dean of the Holy Tower Academy of the Burning Fire.

One position.

Including this world war in Biran Forest, Thain's two uncles did not participate in it. They should still be nourishing their souls in the wizarding world.

Only their apprentices and disciples participated in this plane war.

However, based on the situation of these two uncles, it is unlikely that they will continue to attack level four in the future.

They don't know that their frail bodies and sluggish and wounded souls can still sustain them for a few years.

The powerful Master Stefano is definitely the person with the highest say in the Biran Forest Joint Operation Command.

In fact, Trilis did give him the highest command authority before leaving.

(ps: Originally, this authority was usually given to Andres, the fifth master of Thain, in the past, but it’s a pity...)

The fire-based mysteries of this peak demigod-level magician made even Thain look up.

On the other hand, after meeting each other, the overall impression of this master was that he was relatively approachable and not too violent like a scorching flame.

The same goes for Thane. Although he practices the extremely powerful Jade Burning Fire, he usually comes across as cold and withdrawn.

The power of elements that one controls does not represent the heart of a magician.

At least when Thain and Master Stefano met for the first time, both of them had better senses of each other.

In the eyes of Master Stefano, Thain is a calm-minded and polite junior magician.

Such a magician, even Master Stefano, is willing to accept him as his disciple.

"I don't know why that guardian asked you to participate in the cooperation talks by name." Master Stefano said in the Magic Tower conference hall.

"Since you are Master Lu Lianman's disciple, I don't have to shy away from telling you some things."

"In order to achieve the war plan against the civilized and wild orangutan world of the medium-sized world, we must win over the indigenous creatures of the Biran Forest World."

"The tower owner is still trying his best to maintain the space crack in the north of the plane, but the creatures on the other side of the crack seem to have realized something, and they are trying their best to close the crack."

"Only with the help of the plane power of the Biran Forest World, can we successfully maintain the space crack until we throw the combat legion of our wizard civilization into it."

"Because it may involve the loss of the original power of the entire Biran Forest World, those native creatures and guardians are not so easy to talk to."

"We have promised them to appropriately compensate this low-level plane after the war and introduce them to join the Wizards Alliance."

"But it seems that the indigenous creatures in this plane still have great distrust of us creatures in the wizarding world." Master Stefano sighed.

"So that's it." Thain nodded with sudden realization, and then said: "I am willing to represent the four holy towers in the wizarding world to discuss cooperation with the local strong men in the Biran Forest World."

"But I need to know first, where is the bottom line of our wizarding world." Thain said, looking into Master Stefano's eyes.

"Of course, I can tell you now the bottom line price that our four holy towers can bear..."

"Actually, no matter what requests the indigenous creatures in the Biran Forest World make, we will satisfy them."

"You know, once the war starts, it will not be about the four holy towers, but at least hundreds of holy towers and knight halls."

"The cost of the war at that time will definitely not be borne by our four holy towers, but will be flat to all the forces participating in the war in the wizarding world."

"The appetite of a mere low-level plane is full." Master Stefano shook his head and said.


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