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Chapter 792 The powerful counterattack of the wizarding world army!

From the appearance of the towering jet-black dragon claws, to Mo Yan's huge body falling into the distance.

Almost everything happened in an instant, so fast that many people never recovered.

Thain had great faith in Jiaolong Moyan's strength.

In the recent war in the Firebird Mountains, this powerful black dragon even successfully prevented a seriously injured level five creature from attempting to self-destruct.

But such a powerful being fell straight from the sky after being hit by the strange light blue energy beam.

I don’t know what the other person’s condition is at the moment, or whether his life is in danger.

However, although the dragon Mo Yan fell, before it was shot down into the clouds, the lifelike jet-black giant dragon claw had successfully hit the metal barriers on the battlefield in front of it and destroyed the cannon barrels mounted on those metal barriers.

Two thirds.

If Mo Yan hadn't temporarily lost his fighting ability, he would have been able to use this dragon claw to turn the metal formation of the Wild Orangutan Legion upside down.

In fact, although the Wild Orangutan Legion successively displayed two different trump cards from before, it even overturned powerful dragons like Mo Yan to the ground.

But the Wild Orangutan Legion has suffered a lot of losses so far.

More than two million of the wizarding world's army was wiped out in an instant, leaving the frontline battlefield empty, and it looked like the losses were indeed heavy.

But most of them are just cheap slave creature cannon fodder and World of Warcraft that don't require a penny more from the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade. The Wild Orangutan Legion definitely suffered a lot of casualties in this hedging confrontation.

After all, the powerful long-range magic released by the thousands of magicians in the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade cannot be denied.

The bows and arrows of the Centaur Legion, the natural talent magic of the Warcraft Legion, as well as the slave creatures of the Flame Mountain Knight Hall, and the spears of those black-skinned dwarves, all caused huge damage to the wild orangutan legion on this long front.

Based on his background? There is really no one in the wizarding world who is afraid of him!

A large-scale world civilization is not strong enough to compete head-on with the wizarding world's legions, so how can a wild orangutan world be so virtuous?

The sudden loss of more than two million legions before our eyes is indeed a heart-stopping number.

But this is only for low-level life forms like Thane.

From the perspective of those powerful people at the top of the wizarding world, two million is nothing. Another two million or even more cannon fodder will be brought to you every minute.

The unique Wizards Alliance system, as well as the large number of vassals and subordinate planes, are enough for the Wizarding World to mobilize a large number of combat legions from the Wizards Alliance member planes to participate in the war without spending a single soldier.

After all, these alliance planes had already signed contracts before joining the Wizards Alliance.

When they receive the protection of wizard civilization and enjoy the many benefits of the Wizard Alliance, they should fulfill corresponding obligations.

Or not deploying troops from the Wizards Alliance for the time being. Didn't Centaur Maya say last time that the fourth-level god behind her wanted to lead a group of two million legions to come to this battlefield to help.

Then call it over.

Why not use free labor and thugs who come to your door?

Lu Lianman had previously considered that with so many warcraft armies, there would be no need for those centaurs.

(ps: The individual combat power and quality of the Warcraft bred and grown from the wizarding world far exceed that of the centaur.

Not to mention, these monsters are all elites brought by Mo Yan.)

This time, the World of Warcraft and the slave cannon fodder of the Fire Mountain Knight Hall, which were the largest cannon fodder consumers on the battlefield, both lost a lot.

These centaurs were brought just in time to make up the numbers.

After the dragon Mo Yan fell into the sky, among the kings of monsters, the fastest flying white-feathered pelican took the lead in flying in the direction of Mo Yan.

These kings of monsters all know who Mo Yan is and how terrifying the family power behind him is.

If the dragon Mo Yan died in this battle, but they finally returned to the wizarding world alive and well.

Even though the wizarding world is so big, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to find a place for them.

In addition to the white-feathered pelican, far behind the battlefield, the giant squid king who was originally protecting Tourmaline also hurried towards the front line of the battlefield.

It's funny to say, this guy was originally sent by White Star to protect Tourmaline.

Unexpectedly, nothing has happened to Bixi so far, and she is actually having a lot of fun in the strange medium-sized plane of the wild orangutan world.

On the contrary, it was the brother who tricked her into coming to the wild world of orangutans, who fell into trouble first.

The members of the Tourmaline family all have a special sensing mechanism. This special sensing allows them to have a vague sense of each other's status no matter how far apart they are, whether they are on the same plane or in the same star field.

Mo Yan fell down on this side, and I believe his brothers, sisters, and parents on the other side can feel it.

No one will doubt the level of protection of this dragon beast family. No matter who the murderer is, they will make the other party pay the price!

"Crash!" The silver-white meteor light shower released by White Tiger Milena had also successfully hit the long metal front.

The impact of these meteor light showers is really not small, and huge pits appear everywhere in this metal front.

This made the bumpy metal front, which was originally attacked by the Wizard World Legion, look even worse at this time.

Milena originally planned to check on the situation of the dragon Mo Yan first, but one of the three ape gods jumped out and flew straight towards it.

At the same time, the fifth-level knight O'Neill's attack had also been effective. A huge gap with a width of more than 700 meters appeared on the right wing of the metal front of the Wild Orangutan Legion.

Under O'Neill's violent blow, not only that section of the metal front evaporated out of thin air, but also the wild orangutan army stationed on it was annihilated.

Countless creatures were injured and killed in the surrounding area.

The power of creatures above level four is so terrifying.

If O'Neill and others were allowed to unleash their power unbridled, they might not even need to join the lower-level army. They alone could completely kill millions or more of the wild orangutan army.

At best, it just takes a little more time and is more laborious.

O'Neal was also intercepted by an ape god in front of him, and this ape god was still the strongest among the three.

The last orangutan god flew straight to the sky above the battlefield.

Stepping out of the clouds to face the ape god was the two-headed giant wolf Fenrir.

Two huge wolf heads spit out air pillars of two different colors, one gray and one black.

The powerful King of Warcraft also glanced in the direction of Mo Yan before stepping forward to fight his opponent.

Thain's mentor Lu Lianman was naturally on the battlefield at this time.

Lu Lian was surrounded by rich turquoise energy elements and held up a spherical shield. At this time, some nervous people inside the shield said to themselves: "I can't handle it!"

"Drive up the space fortress and activate the main gun and all secondary guns!"

"The main gun will be released in three waves, and the secondary gun attack will continue until the end of this battle!" Lu Lianman used magic to send a message and ordered the magicians stationed in the space fortress.

Not only Lu Lianman had this order, but also the space fortress of the Fire Mountain Knight Hall, which had suffered some damage in the last battle in the Fire Yao Mountains, was also ordered to open up by the fifth-level knight O'Neill.

The foundation of the Fire Mountain Knight Hall is deeper than that of the Blue Origin Holy Tower.

In addition to the saturated fire support that the space fortress can provide, a large number of war airships and several light prism fortresses have also been sent to the front line.

Originally, Level 5 Knight O'Neill had a good idea. With so many Warcraft Kings and Warcraft armies joining him, he could save some money.

Especially those war airships that crashed during the war and the damaged light prism fortress, O'Neill felt heartbroken just thinking about it.

But in this situation, what a waste!

If you save any more, you don’t know what trouble will happen!

The high-level leaders of the Wizarding World present did not know that the Wild Orangutan Legion relied on secret foreign aid, and it was nothing more than a two-way explosion.

How can there be any other successor power that can cause huge damage to the Wizarding World Legion?

And for the supporters behind the Wild Orangutan Legion, the help they provide to the Wild Orangutan family is not something that can be taken out casually.

The metal line and the individual combat equipment held by the wild orangutan at the bottom are not bad at all.

But a short bullet that caused more than two million legion casualties in an instant, comparable to a forbidden curse, is definitely not a cheap prop.

This kind of weapon can be regarded as high-end equipment no matter which world or star field it is in.

As for the light blue energy beam that instantly knocked Mo Dan to his knees, it was even more remarkable.

Based on the background of the supporters behind the Wild Orangutan World, they could only provide one particle emitter to each front of these Wild Orangutan Legions in the early stages of the war.

And it’s gone once it’s used up, so replenishing it is even more time-consuming and laborious.

Unless you are fighting in that civilized homeland, you may have come all the way to recharge the Wild Orangutan Army, but before you even get to the road, the Wild Orangutan World here will be completely lost.

In fact, long before providing assistance to the wild orangutan world, the metal robot that appeared in the flying saucer of the sixth-level wild orangutan god made a suggestion that the wild orangutan family should first give up their mother plane and rely on their own place.

The remaining more than a hundred planes in the Star Territory are engaged in a tug-of-war with these wizard world legions.

The advantage of this is that as foreign aid, they have more time and space to prepare, and more assistance is provided to them.

Although the metal robot did not propose that the civilization behind it would directly send legions to intervene in the war.

But just the weapons and equipment provided, as well as various powerful strategic weapons, are enough to give the Wild Orangutan Legion more advantages besides geographical location.

But unfortunately, this suggestion was obviously unilaterally rejected by the Wild Ape God.

Abandoning one’s mother plane? How is that possible!

No one can overwhelm the backbone of the wild orangutan god until he has a head-on challenge with the Wizarding World Legion.

The green magic wand was waving and spinning in Lu Lianman's hand.

After sending an order to the space fortress behind, the fourth-level magician entered a state of spellcasting and chanting.

The energy and elemental factors in the entire battlefield sky suddenly became much more active.

The magic wand of Lu Lianman points not to the battle group of a single level 4 or above strong man, but directly to the depths of the wild orangutan army.

For the Wizarding World Legion to suffer such heavy losses, the Wild Orangutan Legion must at least pay an equal price!

"This is the power of the forbidden curse!" Thain looked up at the sky.

The semi-god-level creatures that were still hovering in the sky were forced to land on the ground one by one by the appearance of powerful men above level four and the prelude to the arrival of the forbidden curse.

At the same time, Thain's crystal ball, which had been silent for a long time, finally sent a message.

It was Lina's subpoena. When the dwarf bullet crisis broke out, Thain contacted her urgently, but Lina never responded to Thain, which made Thain very worried.

"Sean, I may have to leave this battle temporarily." Lina said weakly during the crystal ball transmission.

"As long as it's not life-threatening, you should go back and recuperate now."

"I'm in good condition here, and I will continue to participate in the next battle." Thain said.


I couldn't stand it anymore today, so I went to the hospital and took the medicine prescribed by the doctor, and I felt much better.

Thank you Chinese doctors!


This chapter has been completed!
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