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Chapter 8 Vicious

No matter how fast Jock is, he can't be faster than Thane's instant magic.

As expected of the work of the official black magician, Master Mosido, the acid cane has only been used for twenty hours, and now it has completely recovered. Thain does not even need to recharge the cane himself.

This is one of the most striking features of advanced magic props.

Under the alchemical design of Master Mosido, the strong acid cane can complete energy circulation and replenishment by itself with its internal magic inscriptions and elemental crystal nuclei.

Although it can only be used once at a time, the cane's cooling interval is only twenty hours.

It’s no wonder that senior magic apprentice Lilianya also looks at Thain’s acid cane. Magic props of this level are also rare and high-quality equipment for senior apprentices.

The corrosive acid that can easily melt the scales of high-level monsters can be used to deal with Jock.

In just a flash of lightning, the other black magic apprentices didn't even see clearly what happened, and then Jock's scream was heard.

Jock's physique is indeed strong, but he is definitely not comparable to high-level monsters.

Thain's acid cane was aimed at Jock's chest. As long as one hit hit, even if he was an intermediate apprentice, his body tissue would turn into a puddle of yellow water.

But Jock is an intermediate apprentice after all, and his reaction ability is much better than that of Ilk, who has been killed by Thane.

With a stronger mental power than a low-level apprentice, he was able to twist his muscles with all his strength in extremely critical moments, and his strong physique also saved his life at this time.

When the corrosive acid emitted by the strong acid cane hit the door of a store on a dark street with unabated force, "hissing" white corrosive smoke was produced, and everyone involved in the inexplicable melee could clearly see Jock's specific situation.

"Hiss!" A low-level black magic apprentice gasped.

In his sight, Scarface Jock's entire right arm was corroded into a puddle of mud.

The dagger that was originally held in Jock's hand and exuded a faint fire element ripple has long since rotted into molten iron along with Jock's bones and skin.

That dagger was just an ordinary weapon of good quality, not even a magic weapon, so how could it block Thane's acid cane.

In battles between magic apprentices, due to each other's single method and generally low protection, the winner can basically be decided in an instant.

What's more, the battle happened so suddenly. Not to mention Scarface Jock and his group were caught off guard, even the passers-by on the nearby black streets and even the store owners didn't react.

The explosion of nearly twenty secondary fireball spells caused billowing smoke to rise near this dark street.

There were a lot of screams and moans mixed in among them.

Apart from Scarface Jock, the most unlucky ones were the low-level apprentices and entry-level apprentices among the group of people they were traveling with.

But this was not the end. As the magic spell in Lina's mouth finally ended, a black beam of light with a diameter of nearly two meters suddenly gathered in front of her bracelet and shot toward everyone in front of her.

As a senior apprentice, Lina's magical attack methods and power are as good as ordinary low-level apprentices.

And unlike the corrosive acid released by Thane, the two powerful high-level magics released by Lina were both range attack magics!

As expected, this crazy woman didn't restrain herself at all just because she was on a dark street.

Two more shrill screams sounded, and these two screams came from two intermediate male apprentices in the field.

Only the female apprentice who mastered sonic magic withdrew from the center of the battlefield in time after releasing the banshee scream, so she was actually the only intermediate apprentice who stood at the end among the two people who besieged Thain.

The results created by Thane and Lina were brilliant, but they were not unscathed either.

In addition to eating the banshee scream of the mid-level female apprentice, the two male apprentices who were knocked down by Lina's black light each also released a magic before they fell.

Two intermediate magics, "Stone Spear Impact" and "Flaming Knife", exploded around Thain and Lina.

Thain was very lucky. Only one of the three stone spears in total hit his arm, while the flame knife caused moderate burns on the left half of his body. The black magic robe issued by the academy was actually burned.

A third of it was burnt.

Lina's situation is not much better than that of Thane. This is a lose-lose battle.

This is also due to the fact that low-level apprentices are generally slow to release magic, and many apprentices are still worried about taking action on the underworld.

Except for the low-level magic of two secondary fireballs and an ice bubble that exploded around the two of them, there were no other magic attacks.

This battle lasted no more than two minutes.

But the damage caused to the underworld and the overall momentum generated are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

This is the power of magic, this is the radiance of the elements.

Several shops burst into flames, the roads were cracked, and groans and screams of pain echoed continuously.

Since Thane is using the instant magic in the acid cane, he still has some strength left.

A secondary fireball appeared in the palm of Thain's hand. Compared with the secondary fireballs released by the other two low-level apprentices in the field, the one in Thain's hand was obviously larger.

This signifies that his mental power and magic power are infinitely close to the level of an intermediate apprentice.

Could it be that fighting also has the effect of stimulating mental strength and broadening magic power?

To be precise, before Thane went to the territory of the saltwater giant crocodile, his mental power and magic power had not improved so significantly.

Thane, who was holding a secondary fireball, obviously planned to wipe out the scar-faced apprentice Jock on the spot.

The magician's ability to think and judge is not too bad. Thain has already realized that Ilk happened to be blocking him in the White Crow Forest yesterday and causing trouble for him. It was probably the Scarface Jock in front of him who informed him of the news.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

At this time, Thain could no longer think about what kind of punishment he would suffer if a fight broke out in public and killed people in the dark street. He just wanted to kill the guy in front of him.

This is the common hostility and cruelty of creatures that struggle to survive in the underground world all year round.

At this time, Jock's pale face was full of fear and disbelief.

His eyes first stared at the acid cane in Thain's hand, and then looked at the increasingly hot secondary fireball in Thain's hand with fear.

The original domineering and viciousness disappeared completely. He endured the huge pain of losing his right arm and said tremblingly to Thain: "You can't kill me. Fighting is prohibited in the dark street, and..."

Before Scarface Jock could finish his words, three more angry scolding voices came from the sky, "Stop!"

Three owl figures with a wingspan of more than one meter were approaching rapidly. The impact of the black street this time was so bad that it actually attracted three college supervisors at once.

Scarface Jock's threat did not make Thain flinch even in the slightest. The arrival of the three academy supervisors made Thain feel even more cruel and he sped up his movements.

Leaving Jock as such a scourge has only disadvantages and no advantages for Thane.

On the contrary, it will silence the other party in time, and maybe find a way to deal with it afterwards.

However, what surprised Thain was that when his secondary fireball successfully hit Jock's head and a bright blood flower bloomed, there were actually two huge sounds of movement coming from around him.

The one who struck faster than Thane was Lina.

It’s true that we are not part of the same family, and we don’t enter the same family.

Two intermediate apprentices were killed one after another at Lina's hands.

When Lina mobilized the few magic powers she had to target the third intermediate female apprentice, the three academy supervisors finally arrived in time and forcibly trapped Lina with wind chains.

Thain's hands were also bound by the chains of wind, but before that, an explosion sounded, and the scar-faced Jock in front of him had been reduced to a headless and armless corpse.

This should be one of the most exaggerated and worst incidents in the dark streets and even the black magic academy in the past two years.

The three academy supervisors were obviously very angry at this time, but before the three owls could punish the two of them, one of the owls was stunned.

The other party was the same one that Thain had just met yesterday.

Since the three owls looked very similar in appearance, Thain did not recognize each other. Instead, it was this owl that recognized Thain first.

This chapter has been completed!
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