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Chapter 806: Divide up and share

Because of their old acquaintance experience during the regional Holy Tower Academy War, Thain had a pleasant communication with the first and second level magicians from other Holy Towers.

The competitiveness and high-spiritedness that I once had are now gone like smoke in the past.

Many magicians are indifferent to fame and fortune. They have devoted themselves to pursuing the truth and will gradually look down on fame and fortune.

The exchanges between Thane, Ged, Boboli and others are mainly related to their experiences after being promoted to official magicians in recent decades.

The second-level magician Gade is undoubtedly the one with the most experience.

He has participated in three plane wars and traveled briefly in two alliance planes.

If the wild gorilla world war hadn't suddenly broken out, Gad might have started his own journey around the wizarding world.

Magicians in the wizarding world generally travel within the second-level expansion plane, and travel through the wizarding alliance's plane at the third-level expansion.

Thain has visited most of the wizarding world at the first level, which is a rare example among magicians.

Gaed's life as an official magician is rich and fulfilling, and the other people's life is not much different.

Boboli from the Holy Tower of Dark Shadows has already participated in two plane wars, one of which was against a low-level plane with the death attribute.

The two twins from the Whispering Tower have not participated in any plane war, but they have already been to a strange plane of the Wizards Alliance called the Mirror World.

The exchanges between magicians of the same level and age benefited Thain, who was the fastest among them, a lot.

If possible, he hoped that there would be more exchanges between friends of the same level.

In fact, salon discussions or masquerade parties among groups of magicians are also popular in major holy towers in the wizarding world.

"I thought you were a difficult guy to deal with."

"To this day, I still remember the scene when you used that Eye of the Sun magic to blow up the heads of our academy apprentices." A certain first-level magician from Lei Yao Holy Tower said directly to Thain.

"People change. I admit that I was not a magic apprentice who liked to interact with others." Thain replied.

While Thain benefited a lot from this discussion salon, some people chose to continue to close their hearts.

Even though she temporarily had the legal identity of the Blue Origin Holy Tower, Lina did not show up to meet these "friends" of Thane.

Lina, whose heart is almost closed and whose code of conduct is completely like that of a black magician, would find it difficult to experience the same kind of experience as Thain, who gained insights through communication.

But Thane has not forgotten Lena.

He exchanged some resources and materials collected from the Thunder World and the Green Leaf World from Boboli for a lot of high-precision undead magic materials and several magic books that could only be produced in the Holy Tower of Death.

He also used several precious materials obtained from the Knight Continent from the twins in the Holy Tower of Whispers to obtain several of their magic notebooks in the field of mystery.

Thane knows what Lina likes and what Lina needs.

The two of them can read many of each other's thoughts just by making eye contact.

The arrival of many holy towers and knight halls around the Origin of Blue means that the second wave of the Wizarding World's plunge into the wild orangutan world, and the third wave of support forces have all arrived.

It's incredible that a small wild orangutan world can accommodate so many powerful people from the wizarding world.

The battle that took place in the Wild Orangutan City ended completely in the third week after the centaur god Hepheus arrived in the Wild Orangutan World.

The once largest city in the world of wild orangutans has completely reduced to ruins and past tense.

Wild Orangutan City is a name that only exists in history books. I wonder how many native creatures of the Wild Orangutan World will still remember this name in the future.

The day before the war in Wild Orangutan City ended, the war between the Blue Origin Holy Tower Legion in the Wild Orangutan World also temporarily came to an end.

The Ice Ape God, who had been pursued by Lu Lianman and others for nearly half a year, was finally surrounded by a circle of powerful men from the wizarding world in an unknown valley in the north of the plane.

The unlucky guy who was stuck there at the same time was two other level four orangutans who were seriously injured.

This battle between level 4 and above experts lasted for a month.

Thain stayed behind at the Jade Origin Space Fortress at the time, so he was unable to watch this fourth-level battle.

However, according to Lu Lianman's statement after the war, the newly joined fourth-level centaur god Hepheus contributed a lot to the war.

This guy finally withdrew from the battle after suffering a lot of injuries. I don't know if it counts as surrendering to Lu Lianman and others.

Until now, Lu Lianman has harvested two fourth-level godheads, as well as some other resource trophies.

I don’t know if the income of other powerful people in the wizarding world is as high as Lu Lianman’s.

But judging from the performance of Jiaolong Mo Yan and the kings of monsters, even if their actual income is not as good as Lu Lianman, it should not be much worse.

After all, a fourth-level creature possesses more than just a godhead.

Including their divine blood, divine bones, and divine flesh, they are all good things of inestimable value.

In addition, each of these alien orangutan gods has accumulated a lot of wealth...

Gee, otherwise, war is the fastest way to plunder resources.

The war continues to go smoothly, and a large amount of resources are transported into the Jade Source Space Fortress every day, making many holy tower magicians, including Thane, realize that the most difficult moment of this medium-sized plane war has passed.

Indeed, it is just an attack to conquer an ordinary medium-sized plane, how can it be a vicious battle every day?

At the beginning of the plane war, it was enough to be able to go through several relatively large-scale fierce battles and suffer considerable losses to the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade and the Knights Hall of Molten Mountain.

How could the casualties continue indefinitely?

If it was really the kind of evenly matched fight, where you come and go and fight, I am afraid that given the background of the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue, Master Cuilis would not have sent the first wave to rush into the wild orangutan world battlefield.

The large amount of war profits made many magicians who participated in the war slack off.

It was also after the war in Wild Ape City that Thane received a new message - they would soon be leaving this medium-sized plane.

"We are lucky. Your master has won us the right to attack two low-level planes."

"Those two low-level planes are required to end the war within three years."

"Based on the current performance of the wild orangutans, we may not face too strong resistance." Lu Lianman said to Thain in the space fortress.

"Are we still going to work with the Fire Mountain Knights Hall and the Sea Clan led by Shirahoshi?"

"If this is the case, even if there are resources from two low-level planes, our income will be evenly distributed to very little." Thain pondered.

The resource wealth contained in the wild orangutan world is indeed a lot, but when it comes to equal sharing, not much is distributed to everyone.

Lu Lianman was able to divide the offensive power of two low-level planes, obviously through the back door of Cuilis.

There are quite a few powerful wizards in the wizarding world who are staring at those wild star planes now, and everyone's eyes are sharp.

"The Fire Mountain Knights Hall should be separated from us for the time being. The conquest of those two low-level planes does not involve those knights."

"Including the Sea Clan led by Bai Xing, they also have their own attack plane."

"This time, the only ones who will share the profits from the war between the two low-level planes with us are those kings of Warcraft," Lu Lianman said.

This chapter has been completed!
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