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Chapter 811 Purple Chrome Demiplane

The leisurely life in the Sand World did not last long, and Thane was sent to the demiplane surrounding the Sand World - the Purple Chrome Plane.

The Purple Chromium Plane, as its name suggests, is a resource demiplane rich in the special metal Purple Chromium.

About half a million sub-orangutan coolies from the windy sand world were sent here by the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue for primitive resource extraction.

In addition to those sub-gorilla miners, there are also hundreds of official magicians resident in the Purple Chrome Plane, and about 20,000 high-level magic beasts.

These monsters naturally play the role of supervisors.

Thain and other magicians were responsible for locating the rich purple chromium ore and formulating the rough mining process.

Purple chromium is a medium-to-high-end magic material. Whether it is making magic tools, building magic towers, or even building space fortresses, this versatile magic metal can be used.

Like Thain, the magicians from the Holy Tower who come to the purple chromium plane to perform tasks can more or less intercept some raw purple chromium ore.

This is poaching allowed within the rules.

Therefore, being able to come to the purple chromium plane to perform tasks is a good job.

The only ones who arrived in the Purple Chrome Plane with Thane were his cousins ​​Selena and Lina.

Erin, another first-level female magician who lived with Thain, did not get this job, but Thain also prepared a gift for her.

In addition to being responsible for the resource extraction of the Purple Chromium Plane, there is actually another factor behind why Thane was sent to this demiplane.

The wizard civilization's comprehensive conquest of the star domain where the wild orangutan world is located has begun.

And the momentum of the war is smoother than imagined.

In just two years, eighty-seven of the hundreds of planes with complete rules in the star field where the Wild Orangutan World is located have been occupied by wizard civilization.

Although there are still more than twenty planes where trapped beasts are fighting, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the world of wild orangutans is completely over.

Everyone, please go and try it soon.]

Against this background, Blue Purple Star, which had already secretly surrendered to the Wizarding Civilization, immediately issued a statement that it would represent itself and lead more than a dozen civilizations under its command to join the Wizarding Alliance.

The other family is far away from the wizarding civilization, and has also helped the wild beast star of the wild ape god.

Half a year ago, when the wild orangutan family lost nearly half of its occupied space, they announced that they were severing ties with the wild orangutan world.

Although Beast Star has not indicated that it will join the Wizards Alliance, at this juncture, it really does not dare to have anything to do with the wild orangutan world.

In two years, more than 80 planes with complete rules changed hands!

What a horrific fact this is.

How many planes with complete rules do each of the entire Blue Purple Star and Beast Star have?

(ps: Unlike the Wild Orangutan World, which is keen on foreign conquest, expansion and immigration, Beast Star and Blue Purple Star have not embarked on this path of hegemony.

Although the Beast Star and the Blue Purple Star each have a large number of vassal low-level and micro-plane civilizations.

However, the number of complete planes directly controlled by the two medium-sized world civilizations is only a few dozen, far less than the hundreds in the wild orangutan world.)

The purple chromium demiplane where Thane is performing his mission this time is adjacent to a low-level plane called the Abitol world.

The world of Abito is within the Wild Orangutan Star Territory, one of the few worlds that has not yet been occupied and conquered by wizard civilization.

It is not because the resistance of this low-level plane is too fierce, but because the high-level wizard civilization has not yet fully negotiated the ownership of this low-level plane and its surrounding two micro-planes.

It wasn't until Thane went to the purple chromium demiplane that the ownership of the world of Abito was basically determined.

Before leaving the world of wind and sand, Thane learned from his mentor Lu Lianman that the world of Abito and its surrounding two micro-planes were finally divided among the warlocks on the west coast of the wizarding world.

Because the purple chromium demiplane is too close to the world of Abito, Lu Lianman is worried that this resource demiplane will be favored by those bloodline warlocks.

This is a normal thing, because Lu Lianman believes that the purple chromium demiplane belongs to the resource demiplane around the windsand world, and those bloodline warlocks can also believe that the purple chromium demiplane belongs to the Abito world.

This kind of relatively close resource demiplane can easily cause some wrangling incidents.

Lu Lianman was worried about letting those upright-minded kings of Warcraft come over to deal with such matters. In addition to Thain, another third-level great magician of the Holy Tower of Jade Source, who also held the title of dean, was also in Purple at this time.

Chrome demiplane.

If any conflicts and disputes really break out, and even Thain and the third-level magician cannot resolve them, it will not be too late for Lu Lianman to take action.

Fortunately, this expected bad situation did not happen.

The bloodline warlock legions that had just arrived in the world of Abito were busy conquering the world of Abito and the two micro-planes surrounding it, and did not come to cause trouble with the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

It was not until three months later that the main resistance force in the Abito world was destroyed.

The blood warlocks then dispatched a warlock troop of approximately 500 people and 20,000 slave creatures to settle in the other resource demiplane closest to the Purple Chrome Demiplane - the Secret Copper Plane.

Secret copper is a medium to low-grade magic material, and naturally it is not as valuable as the purple chromium plane where Thane and others are.

However, considering the output of secret copper veins, it has always been very high.

In terms of quantity and quality, even if the total value of the Secret Copper Plane is lower than that of the Purple Chromium Plane, it is still limited.

Lu Lianman has always been a measured magician. From a geographical point of view, the Purple Chromium Plane is indeed a resource demi-plane belonging to the Sand World, so she sent troops to settle here and declared her sovereignty.

But because the Secret Copper Plane is further away from the Sand World and most likely belongs to the Abito World, she has never considered occupying this resource demiplane.

Even with the resource reserves of the Secret Copper Plane, it is enough to bring Lu Lianman 500,000 to 600,000 magic coins in revenue.

Lu Lianman behaved well, and fortunately, the nearby bloodline sorcerer family in the wizarding world was also very polite.

The fourth-level bloodline sorcerer family in the Wizarding World that occupies the world of Abito does not have ownership rights to the purple chromium demiplane, and is at odds with the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

This may also be because the bloodline warlock family learned from certain channels that in addition to the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue, there are several kings of monsters above level 4 in the Wind Sand World.

In the fifth month of Thain's stationing in the Purple Chrome Plane, which was when he was about to end his overseas stationing mission, the blood warlock family of the Abito world sent a small team of twenty people to visit

The Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

During this period of time, Thain has been bored in the laboratory, especially when the blood warlocks in the Abito world were not causing trouble, Thain even ignored them.

So much so that the purple chromium plane where Thain is located and the secret copper plane where the bloodline warlocks are located are far away from each other in the starry sky. They can even see the rough outlines of each other's planes. Thain doesn't even know which bloodline warlock family.

Which one specifically?

"Isn't it a family of Dragon Vein Warlocks?" Thain couldn't help but ask after being called out from the laboratory by the third-level great magician Emperi.

"No, it's a vassal family of the Dragon Vein Warlock Family, it seems... the Comoine Serpent Warlock Family." Dean Emperi replied.

This chapter has been completed!
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