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Chapter 833 Tourmaline Evolution

Wind and Sand World Battlefield.

Thain, who had activated the transformation of the Balrog, looked at the roaring giant turtle not far from the battlefield in front of him with some surprise.

The intensity of the war in the Sand World in the past six months indicates that no creature can stay out of this level of war.

Tourmaline, who possesses peak demigod-level strength, a powerful biological bloodline, and exaggerated dragon power, has invested in the war as early as the beginning.

Moreover, the strength displayed by Tourmaline far exceeds that of ordinary demigod-level creatures.

In the words of the Bone Dragon Sanchez himself, when he fights with Tourmaline, he is afraid that his own skeleton will be torn apart by Tourmaline.

They are both dragon-type creatures. As expected, there is still a huge gap between the bone dragon and the dragon turtle.

The tourmaline roaring up to the sky at this time is still very different from the cute dragon turtle in Thain's memory.

Many deep scratches appeared on Tourmaline's body surface.

It can cause obvious scars on the body surface of Tourmaline, which has outstanding defense power. It is enough to show how many tyrannical opponents Tourmaline has encountered and how many terrifying blows she has experienced in the more than half a year of fighting.

Tourmaline's outstanding strength makes it impossible to use it as an ordinary demigod.

In fact, this dragon turtle with an excellent personality once showed an exaggerated combat power of one against three at the most critical moment of the fortress defense battle.

This seems to be a fourth-level creature wearing a vest of a demigod-level creature!

Tourmaline's talent and strength in the law of power even made the fourth-level orangutan gods in the sky speechless.

The strong strength naturally allows Tourmaline to gain unique opponents.

At the beginning, some third-level or semi-god-level wild orangutans came to cause trouble for it.

But since two semi-god-level wild orangutans were beaten to pulp by Tourmaline in the past six months, the fourth-level orangutans in the sky couldn't sit still.

Demigod-level creatures are rare species no matter which plane they are in.

The Holy Tower of Blue Origin has been booming in the past two hundred years, but it has not yet recruited a demigod-level magician to work for it.

It can be seen that demigod-level experts are not common cabbage in the wizarding world.

Not to mention the wild orangutan world, which has a much shallower background.

In the past six months, the high-spirited resistance shown by the Holy Tower of Blue Origin and the Warcraft Alliance in the windy sand world has made these wild orangutan legions swallow a bitter pill that is difficult to swallow.

A large number of elite wild orangutan warriors were killed in the dry desert of the Windsand World, and together with the corpses of the Blue Origin Holy Tower Alliance Army, this low-level plane was decorated with a bloody smell.

Everyone, please go and try it soon.]

More than half a year later, the Blue Origin Holy Tower and the Warcraft Legion suffered heavy losses, and those desperate wild orangutan legions were no better.

With solid defenses and an endless supply of magic and alchemy tools, every magician in the Wizarding World can drag at least two to three wild orangutans of the same level on his back before dying in battle.

There were even more dead bottom wild orangutan cannon fodder and slave creatures in the wizarding world, and the entire fortress base was surrounded by their corpses.

It is worth mentioning that the massive amount of corpses and viscous plasma make the oasis base where the Blue Origin Holy Tower is located an excellent place for cultivating plant-based organisms.

Don't forget that Lu Lianman is a genuine fourth-level plant magician. The green source seeds she has on hand are enough to give birth to hundreds of thousands of plant monsters.

Before there was a fixed production plane for slave creatures, these plant creatures cultivated in the laboratory were the main cannon fodder under Lu Lianman.

Countless corpses and plasma watered a large area of ​​strong, leafy plant life.

These plant creatures were born from countless corpses, and it is unknown that they absorbed too many flesh and blood factors, resulting in some kind of mutation.

Or because of the fierce melee, too much blood was splashed on it.

So much so that these living plant creatures are all bright red.

It doesn't have the slightest grace that green creatures should have.

Looking from a distance, I felt a sudden chill.

However, the real protagonist of this dilapidated melee place is not the sparse blood-colored plants, but the dragon turtle that stands tall as if it is carrying the sky.

When Thain first met Tourmaline a hundred years ago, he knew that the other party had extremely terrifying power and could easily kill a second-level creature.

Including the later Greenleaf World War, Tourmaline avenged him and pushed a giant tree of demigod plants, which also impressed Thain.

However, none of these past achievements had the tyrannical power that Tourmaline showed today, which left him stunned.

A huge flaming palm print descended from the sky and reached Tourmaline's raised dragon head.

Thain will never forget this flaming palm seal. It was this palm seal that destroyed the large defensive shield of the fortress's main base in one fell swoop, causing the main base's external shield to have a window of nearly three hours.

These three hours were undoubtedly a time full of blood and carnage. If it were not for the bloody battle of the Blue Origin Holy Tower Alliance, and if it were not for Mo Yan, the multi-legged giant squid and other warcraft kings, who fought hard to stop the ape god again.

I am afraid that the main base of the Blue Origin Holy Tower has long been breached.

However, at this time, the energy shield of the fortress's main base had dissipated again a day ago.

Even Thain doesn't know when it will light up again next time.

Including Mo Yan and other monster kings, there is no sign of taking action here.

Although Thain could not clearly see the specific battle scenes of those level four and above creatures high in the sky, it was obvious that Mo Yan and others were not having a hard time at this time.

Half a month ago, he had seen the centaur god Hepheus fall from the sky.

The scene was spectacular at that time, with meteorites and golden blood all over the sky, spreading to the desert area in the distance.

It's a pity that Thain was in combat mode at that time, otherwise the blood of this kind of fourth-level creature would also be a rare material with extremely high value.

No other creatures above level 4 took action, and there was no fortress shield to block it. Bixi, who was in a roaring posture, just raised his head and received a full blow from a level 4 ape god.

The special power ripples, once again centered on the tourmaline, radiating in all directions.

A layer of translucent white ripples spread out like water waves. Thain, who had learned about the power of tourmaline during this period, knew that this was the power of the law mastered by tourmaline - the law of power!

Perhaps in future experimental research, Thain does not need to study the law power of the fifth-level biological divine fire, something so high-end.

It’s also a good idea to practice your skills with demigod-level creatures first.

Whether it is a kingfisher, a spiked green velvet king, or a bone dragon Sanchez, they can all be the subjects of Thain's research.

I believe that Dragon Turtle Tourmaline will not refuse its good friend to collect some information about his blood tissue.

In addition, there are many demigod-level biological specimens in Lu Lianman's laboratory. At least the fire-breathing dragon king has a fire law factor that is close to Thane.

However, at this juncture, Thain could not care about Lenovo's future research direction for the time being.

Because in the eyes of Thain and most of the magicians and Warcraft creatures who saw this scene, the Dragon Turtle Tourmaline roared up to the sky and received a direct blow from a level 4 orangutan god, and its surface suddenly lit up.

A white-gold light.

The dazzling intensity of this light even made Thain unable to open his eyes.

No one expected it!

Evolution! It will appear in front of you!

This chapter has been completed!
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