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Chapter 877: Dark Fire Tower

The secrets of passive evolution discovered in the Yaqina family are more abundant than Thane expected.

The acquisition of many secrets at the cellular level makes it possible for Thain's stagnant physical growth to rise again.

However, compared to Thain's own gains, the secrets of passive evolution in these Yaqina women are more suitable for Lenna and Natalya, who are both women, to learn.

No wonder the female creatures in Yaqina's world are far stronger than the men in this world.

In addition to their special cultivation techniques, there is another reason. There is a special organ in the bodies of these Yaqina women. This organ can secrete a kind of trace particles in a state of nervous tension.

It is the existence of these trace particles that stimulates the body cells of Yaqina women to withstand greater tearing and impact.

These trace particles can naturally be analyzed and copied.

But unfortunately, these particles are only 30% effective against male organisms, and can only be 100% effective against female organisms.

Based on subsequent experiments, Thain determined that the performance of these particles may also be related to hormones in the organism.

All in all, Thane still got what he wanted from this third-level Yakina female warrior.

As for the "unreasonable request" made by the Yaqina warrior before the experiment, Thane shook his head and finally refused.

Thain is not the type who doesn't tolerate meat and vegetables.

The appearance of this third-level Yakina female warrior can only be described as mediocre, and coupled with the many subtle differences between her and the humans in the wizarding world, Thain did not have any interest in her.

If he were to attack this third-level female warrior Yaqina, Thane might as well go find Yuli and the little fox girl.

At least they have been with Thain for so many years, and Thain is used to seeing them.

And in terms of appearance and beauty, Yuli and the little fox girl have no idea how much better than the thick-lined female warrior Yaqina.

Of course, as a reward for cooperating with Thain to complete the experiment, Thain finally paid the other party 500 magic coins.

This is a very fair price, and the third-level female warrior Yaqina also knows what 500 magic coins means.

In fact, with her wealth over the years, this third-level female warrior Yaqina has only accumulated a few hundred magic coins.

The assets of Wizards Alliance creatures should never be compared with the local knights and magicians of the Wizarding World.

Perhaps a first-level magician with profound knowledge in the wizarding world would have more personal wealth than some third-level creatures from the barren alliance plane.

The system of the Wizards Alliance is that resources are constantly funneled into the wizarding civilization.

Although these alliance planes also have a lot of magic currency reserves, that is only the total amount.

If it were distributed evenly to every creature above level one in the world, it would be very stretched.

The world of Yaqina can be regarded as a relatively prosperous Wizarding Alliance plane, but the average personal assets of third-level creatures in this plane are only one thousand magic coins.

On the other hand, the creatures in the large alliance planes may be richer, but they are also limited.

In the world of Yaqina, the two girls Sean and Lenna stayed for seven years.

The world of Yaqina is a truly medium-sized plane, and its size is not inferior to that of the wild orangutan world.

Seven years is only enough time for Thane and others to travel through a quarter of this medium-sized plane.

However, these travel contents are enough for Thain and others to understand part of the essence of the world of Yaqina and the customs and customs of the people.

Traveling around the world does not mean visiting every corner of the world.

When Thane and others found that there was nothing that attracted them in the world of Yaqina, it was time for them to leave.

In the past seven years in the world of Yaqina, the only regret is that Thane and others were not able to meet the wise and powerful empress.

Also, the Empress Yaqina is at least a sixth-level creature, and she is also the top being among the sixth-level creatures. How could Thane and others see each other so easily?

On the other hand, in the City of the Empress on the plane of Yaqina, Thane and the others were lucky enough to see the 700-meter-high full-body sculpture of the Empress.

It was a Valkyrie holding a sword in one hand. The weapon of Empress Jacina was not like the saw wheel used by ordinary Jacina female warriors.

I don't know if this habit changed after she traveled to the star world.

Although the sixth-level empress was not seen, Thain and his party were lucky enough to see a fourth-level Yakina Valkyrie flying through the sky before leaving.

At that time, it was just a very brief glimpse. The appearance of this fourth-level Valkyrie signified that in addition to the sixth-level empress, the world of Yaqina still retains a considerable number of fourth-level and above creatures.

I don’t know what the specific strength of this world is?

With some regrets about the limited vision due to the low level of life they lived in, Thain and his party left this medium-sized plane.

After leaving the world of Yaqina, Thain and his party continued their travels.

The world of dead souls, the black star plane, and the karst planet are the three low-level planes that Thain and others will travel to next.

Among them, the karst planet is a low-level plane of the alliance with a technological nature.

This should be Thain's first close contact with a purely technological civilization. It must be said that the karst planet gave Thain a very strange feeling.

Moreover, the customs and humanistic concepts of these technological planes gave Thane a slightly weirder feeling than the plane of Yaqina he had traveled to before.

"I suggest you don't dress like this when you go out. How is it inappropriate?" In the laboratory, Thain said to Natalya, who was wearing a miniskirt and a layer of ultra-fine flesh gauze covering her legs.

This outfit is a specialty purchased by Natalya when she traveled to the karst planet.

This kind of super-tight outfit is not suitable for Natalya to fight, and the clothes do not have any protective effect. They are just beautiful and very thin.

The intelligent creatures on the karst planet are very playful. At least Thain could not restrain his lust when he saw Natalya dressed in this outfit.

During this period of time, the frequency with which he and Nataya explored the truth in bed was getting higher and higher.

The truth is naked, and Thain has always believed so.

"Don't worry, I won't wear it casually. If it weren't for your liking, I would be more accustomed to wearing my own armor." Natalya said with a smile.

"Who said I like it?" Thain said speechlessly.

Continuing this journey of traveling to an alien plane while crossing the Ely Knights Alliance, Thane and others then arrived at the Holy Tower of Dark Fire located in the north of the Ely Knights Alliance.

The Holy Tower of Dark Fire is located in a quite remote location. The resources and environment here are not very good, and it is very close to the Ebalut Empire in the north, so it can be considered a no-care zone.

According to some rumors within the Erie Knights League, there are often black magicians in this place.

I don’t know what the tower owner of the Dark Fire Holy Tower thought in building his holy tower in such a dilapidated place.

The Holy Tower of Dark Fire is considered the most important in Thain's established travel route, and it is also a travel node that he must visit.

Because some of the fire attribute resources that appeared in this holy tower, as well as some basic fire element knowledge sold by the holy tower itself, were very attractive to Thane.

What made Thain a little surprised was that when he and Natalya arrived at the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, they learned that the holy tower was in a state of plane war.

And the situation seems to be very anxious.

This plane war initiated by the Holy Tower of Dark Fire has lasted for twelve years.

And judging from the feedback from the war situation, as of now, this war is far from over.

This chapter has been completed!
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