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Chapter 967 Ocean of Knowledge

Thain consumed arcane points in the Sky City faster than he imagined.

He is like a sponge, constantly absorbing the nutrients of knowledge.

In addition to the initial knowledge of the mysteries of light elements and potions, Thain also unconsciously involved some knowledge in the fields of water magic, earth magic, summoning and blood mysteries.

Why is it said that "unconscious" is involved?

Because Thain is too focused and too addicted to it.

He forgot the passage of time and his original purpose.

In the incomparably vast ocean of knowledge, Thain, who was dazzled by countless truths and mysteries, just absorbed everything that interested him almost instinctively.

When magic comes to an end, when all the truths and mysteries of each system are explored to the limit, in fact, they all arrive at the same destination through different paths.

The elemental mysteries of all series have something in common. The power of law will replace the superficial energy and become the means of power for creatures above level four.

Of course, Thain is still far from touching the level of laws, but the summary study of various knowledge pedigrees still allows Thain to gain new insights every day.

Thain finally understood why his mentor Lu Lianman consciously trained Thain after the end of the Wild Orangutan World War to let him dabble in other genealogical knowledge, even those he had never learned before.

Being exposed to more types of magic knowledge and broadening your horizons will be more suitable for Thain's future growth.

It is worth mentioning that when he was swimming in the ocean of knowledge in the many libraries of the Sky City, the magic books that Thain read and studied did not contain many spell models.

Even if there are a few spell models, they are mostly functional and do not have much practical significance.

This is because the magic books that Thain studies are basically theoretical books, which are general knowledge for the general public.

No way, there is no free lunch in the world.

The price of relatively advanced magic theories and ready-made spell models that can be used directly is definitely more than what Thain can exchange for the arcane points he paid when he was in the library.

Knowledge is priceless!

What Thain can do is to combine these theoretical knowledge with his own reality through his own study and research, and create some magic models of his own.

Needless to say, there are relatively mid-to-low-end spell models. With Thain's ability, it is not difficult to come up with a few by analogy.

But if it is the kind of extremely profound truth, such as the Lianjia technique he obtained not long ago, or the secret of the flame of ashes, the secret of the body refining experiment, etc.

Which of these elemental mysteries does not require a lot of time, energy, financial resources, material resources, and a certain amount of luck to achieve success?

The exploration of the mysteries of truth is boring and long.

There is no such thing as a good thing in the world.

The vast amount of knowledge that Thain absorbed in the Sky City has a greater effect on increasing his overall knowledge reserve and visual experience.

In the short term, it doesn't seem to be of much help to his growth in strength.

But it’s the more long-term impact with the transformation!

If Thain's arcane points hadn't gradually bottomed out, he could have endured hundreds or even thousands of years in this place.

In fact, even if Thane had thousands of years, he would not be able to absorb all the knowledge reserves of the Sky City.

Not only him, but also the true spirit level magicians in the wizarding world would not dare to boast about this Haikou.

The wizarding civilization has accumulated over tens and millions of years, and the wisdom crystallized by hundreds of millions of magicians, how can it be possible for one person to absorb all of it?

Even those true spirit masters of level seven or above only have elemental insights in a certain field that span the past and present.

If one could gain insight into all the knowledge of every genealogy in the entire star world, even ninth-level creatures might not be able to do it.

The vastness of the star world and the boundlessness of knowledge cannot be fully explored by intelligent life forms.

Even the top civilization, looking at the entire star realm, is just a drop in the ocean...

Thane ended up staying in Sky City for seven years.

He spent so much time wandering around in the ocean of knowledge in major libraries that Thain didn't even realize that his arcane points were passing away at a rapid rate.

When the total arcane points dropped to 1,000 points, and Thain's arcanist level was forced to drop to level one, Thain suddenly came to his senses.

This is only a third-level great magician who can support such a high-intensity, non-eating, non-sleeping, and non-stop state of intense learning.

A first-level magician still has to eat, and a second-level magician has to rest more or less after a long period of time.

Only when you reach the third level of great magicians and above, the pure power of elements and powerful mental power enable magicians at this level to abandon some of the drag caused by physical functions.

For example, Thane can replenish energy by absorbing the power of elements in the surrounding space without eating or drinking at all.

And his huge mental power allowed him to study for several years without taking a break.

Third-level magicians are so exaggerated, and spellcasters above fourth-level are probably even more "perverted".

It is said that the magic research of level four and above casters often takes hundreds of years.

When Thane served as the dean of the Holy Tower of Dark Fire, the tower master only appeared twice at the beginning and at the end.

During this period, there was no trace of him for hundreds of years, and he had no idea what experiments the tower master was usually busy with.

Originally, Thain wanted to keep 1,000 arcane points for himself and maintain his title of level two arcanist.

But after the relegation incident, Thain had no choice but to sigh helplessly.

There are really too many truths and mysteries waiting for him to learn, and Thain is even a little reluctant to leave.

He still had to leave, he didn't want to be forcibly squeezed out by Sky City after his arcane points were cleared.

There are many such "poor" magicians every year. Walking on the edge of the Sky City, you can always see some white meteors streaking across the outer space of the Sky City.

That's right, that's the unlucky guy who was ejected.

Looking at his hundreds of points, Thain did not choose to study and absorb the magic knowledge in the last half year of the Sky City. Instead, he went to the largest museum in the Sky City. He was extremely curious about the history of wizard civilization.

City in the Sky records the most complete set of civilization processes of wizard civilization in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

Not only the big and small events that happened in the wizarding world, but also the establishment of the Wizarding Alliance and the history of many powerful subordinate planes in the alliance are all recorded in it.

Thain even wanted to check out the history of the demon clan and obtain some knowledge of the demon genealogy.

He has the blood of the Balrog in his body, and his wife Natalaya has the blood of the Baator Demon in her body.

The acquisition of knowledge about the demon genealogy will greatly increase the strength of the two of them.

Except for the City in the Sky, it is estimated that there is no such comprehensive information on demons in other places.

This chapter has been completed!
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