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Chapter 985 Surprising Discovery

The gray monster ran away.

It was not that Thain intentionally let off steam, but when he was planning to capture the opponent alive and study the body structure of this creature, the little girl in his arms suddenly hugged Thain tightly when he sensed something.

This is an almost soul-instinct behavior.

Her eyes didn't even open, but the flower of death behind her head trembled slightly.

Just as the gray monster didn't harm the girl, the girl seemed to be obsessed with protecting him.

A drop of gray slime from the monster dripped onto the girl's cheek.

It might be the tears of the monster, or it might be the blood of the monster.

When Thain tried to stand up and chase him out, the little girl hugged Thain tighter and softly called "Brother..."

Thain did not completely let the gray monster run away, because he saw the monster finally got into the sewer on the west side of the fishing village.

This sewer leads directly to Heishui City in the west. The sewer discharges some sewage and also contains a lot of garbage.

What is surprising is that there are some ugly black fish living in this sewage, usually only the size of a palm.

Thain has been drinking fish soup these days, and most of it comes from these strange fish.

The girl didn't have much power, and the fish soup she made for Sean was all made from dead fish.

No wonder it has a slight toxin, and the color and taste are so strange.

Since this sewer leads directly to Blackwater City, and because it was dark and oppressive and the stench was unbearable, Thain did not go in to investigate.

Unexpectedly, there was a monster with a combat power close to level one hidden inside.

Moreover, this monster, tentatively classified as a necromantic monster by Thain, also has a very special physical condition.

When he escaped from Thain just now, Thain noticed that the opponent's size seemed to have shrunk a lot.

From a height of two meters, he has dropped to about 1.7 meters.

The decrease in physique makes its aura weaker.

If that monster comes again, he won't even have the slightest ability to threaten Thane.

After staring at the dark and deep sewer for a long time, Thain finally decided to wait a few days until his body recovered a little before considering entering it to find out.

When Thain returned to the cabin, the little girl lying on the bed still maintained her curled-up posture.

The gray mucus, which was enough to corrode the floor, dripped onto the surface of the girl's skin, which also had half the power of death, but did not produce any abnormality.

Thain wiped the girl's cheek with his sleeve. Normally, the girl looked very ordinary. Even because her hair was sparse and white, the first impression was very bad.

But at this moment, under the moonlight, the girl's fair face seemed to be emitting a faint fluorescence.

This girl's face is actually very beautiful, but external factors have obscured her appearance.

Thane took another look at the flower of death behind the girl's head.

The weak power of death attempted to paralyze Thain's body just now. It was not the little girl's doing, but the instinctive behavior of this flower of death.

Thain somewhat understood why the villagers were so afraid and rejected this girl.

Because any stranger who comes close to this girl will become the nourishment for the flower of death behind her head.

This thing is not only rooted deep in the girl's soul, absorbing her power, but also longs to absorb the souls of other people.

The power of the soul is the source of growth of this flower of death.

I couldn't help but touch this delicate flower of soul. When Thain's hand touched it, the flower visibly shrank, and even the girl let out an unconscious moan.

In terms of primary and secondary relationships, during the day and most of the time, this girl can barely maintain her sense of self.

But at night and on nights like this with a full moon, the girl is obviously more controlled by this flower of death.

Moreover, through her usual neurotic performance and relatively low-energy behavior, it is obvious that the influence of this flower of death on her will become more and more profound.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Thane couldn't help but think of some of the actions of the black magicians in the Black Realm.

When he was in the first level that year, Thain also briefly stayed outside the Black Territory.

As far as he knew, many black magicians in the Black Domain were doing evil things by using human bodies to cultivate special magic materials.

After all, for the black magicians in the Black Realm, human beings are also a sustainably produced resource.

The major black towers in the Black Domain are not as low-end and cumbersome as ordinary black magicians. They directly create underground corpse caves!

Countless corpses of creatures were thrown into it!

With the sky-high resentment and power of death, I don’t know how many undead creatures and necromantic magic materials can be cultivated.

This method is much more efficient than ordinary black magicians.

This is the difference between large-scale black tower organizations and ordinary black magicians in small workshops and gangs.

Thain, who originally had a great fear of this world, now has even worse feelings about this world.

Is it possible that the power system and the so-called strong men in this world have the same virtues as the black magicians in the black realm?

Thain, who frowned slightly, ignored the sleeping girl beside him.

He looked east. In addition to the sea level in the distance and the sound of the tide hitting the shore, his eyes also fell on several small wooden houses scattered in the fishing village to the east.

"As I regain some of my strength, it's time to get out of this fishing village and take a look." Thain said thoughtfully.

Two days later, on the coastline east of the fishing village.

Several fishermen wearing simple clothes fell at the feet of Thain.

As a powerful magician who has studied the "Miraki Soul Code" in his early years, Thain naturally has the ability to obtain information from the minds of these indigenous creatures.

These fishermen did not die, they just entered a deep sleep state.

Before he fully recovers his strength, Thain's cautious mind means that he does not intend to easily make trouble in this world or cause any major cases.

Furthermore, even if Thane is at his peak at this time, is it possible that he still dares to act unscrupulously in this large plane?

By searching the spiritual consciousness of these fishermen, Thain learned about the small fishing village he was in, called "Mora Village". It was a small fishing village with a population of less than a hundred.

Decades ago, Mora Village had its glory days, with a population of several hundred and even a small wharf, with thousands of merchants and adventurers coming and going.

However, since the emergence of a black tide and epidemic, the place has completely declined.

And there are always some supernatural and terrifying events happening.

Now, except for the old fishermen who have lived here for generations, no one dares to approach this place easily.

Where did the black tide and epidemic come from?

Thain found no answer in the fishermen's memories.

However, from the depths of the minds of several forty-year-old fishermen, Thain discovered some traces of the use of death-type energy elements.

Not only necromancers in the wizarding world have the ability to use the element of death.

In addition to pure undead creatures, it is completely normal for creatures from other planes in the star world to develop methods of using death elements.

The star realm itself is composed of countless tiny elemental particles. The specific power elements used by different civilizations depend on the degree of lateralization of their civilization's own system.

However, in addition to some special scenes from decades ago in these fishermen’s memories, what concerned Thain even more was what these fishermen thought of Blackwater City.


"Temple of Storms, Church of Bones, Blade of Shadows?"

"Are these the three major organizations that exist in Blackwater City?" Thane raised his eyebrows and pondered.

Because these villagers in Mora Village are all fishermen, they all believe in Aesop, the god of storms.

Even if they wanted to expel the girl before, they also went to the Temple of Storms.

It's just that after the knights from the Temple of Storms came, they did nothing and left again. I don't know what they meant.

Although there are knights in this world, they are not like the wizarding world who practice fighting spirit. Instead, they use "divine power" to fight.

In addition to the knight profession, there are priests, thieves, archers, and warriors in this world.

There was even magic in this world, which left Thain stunned.

If Mora Village had not been a small port with many adventurers coming and going, these villagers would not know so much.

In addition, in the memories of these villagers, there are also some fragments about the ferocious beasts and strange marine creatures in the sea.

Obviously, there are sea tribes here too.

It's just that because it is an offshore area, those marine creatures are not common.

"What kind of world is this?" Thain looked out into the distance and sighed.

To be honest, he really wanted to catch a few magicians in this world to see what their specific methods of using elements were.

Or is it that powerful people from the wizarding world have already arrived in this world in advance?

So you brought magic to this world?

The method of using magic power is not exclusive to magicians in the wizarding world.

In fact, many magicians in the Wizarding World marvel at the elves' proficiency in using elements in the wizarding world.

In addition, the dragon species in the wizarding world are also experts in the use of elements.

While studying in the Sky City, Thane also came into contact with and became aware of a new category of magic - dragon language magic.

This is the magical lineage created by the dragons of the wizarding world.

This chapter has been completed!
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