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Chapter 991: The Wrath of Elemental Users

The so-called fusion world means that different planes finally merge and merge together due to chance.

This situation may seem unbelievable, but in fact it is possible.

Thane only accidentally saw a very brief introduction of this kind in the library of Sky City.

However, at that time, he looked at this matter solely for the purpose of increasing his knowledge and experience. He never thought that one day he would encounter such a strange world.

Including the introduction to this kind of world, Castle in the Sky does not have many books.

Otherwise, Thain would not have only glanced at such a brief message.

As for whether Faerûn is really a fusion world, Thane cannot yet make a conclusion.

He still knows too little about the world, including the fact that the thief's level is too low, and not all of what he knows is accurate information.

???????????????The thoughts in Thain's mind are just judgments.

Whether it is true or not still needs to be verified.

Those who know more about the truth of this world than the thieves must be the two temple knights and the old man in gray robes.

However, those two guys, Thain, are not planning to move for the time being, so they can only put them down for the time being.

In addition to knowing that this world has hundreds of temples and other basic information, another useful and important piece of information that Thane got from the thieves is the world's cultivation system.

As a large plane, Faerûn has a large number of racial compositions, including the power system of this world, which is also relatively sound.

Although this kind of "soundness", in the eyes of orthodox magicians like Thain, it is already out of shape.

The dominant race in Faerûn is humans. The humans in this world have developed professions such as knights, rangers, warriors, magicians, shield warriors, archers, priests, priests, etc.

The occupational information that this thief knew was obviously much more comprehensive than the names of those fishing villages.

What Thane cares about is not the many types of professionals in this world.

What he is more concerned about is that when the intelligent creatures in this world practice self-cultivation, in addition to emphasizing hard work and talent, they seem to pay more attention to their dependence on gods and faith!

This itself is a large plane with many temples and a popular belief system.

Naturally, the development direction of the entire plane also tends to move closer to those gods, rather than self-breakthrough.

For professionals in this world, the most direct way to gain power is to go to major temples to acquire skills.

For example, this little thief has three skills at his disposal.

They are: Dexterous Hands, Shadow Step and the Smell of Death.

Dexterous Hands and Shadow Step are skills that this thief acquired from the Hidden Temple in his early years.

The former is good at opening locks and stealing things, while the latter is good at running away.

The smell of death is a skill he gained after joining the Church of Bones.

This is a special skill that can detect danger in advance and has higher practical value.

The gods of this world, most of the time, take a very close look at their temples and believers.

But in some aspects, it seems very loose.

For example, this thief can go to the Hidden Temple to acquire some basic skills before he completely chooses to join the Bone Church.

But that doesn't work for higher ones, you can only get them by joining the temple.

This is not only true for the Hidden Temple, but also for almost all temples in the Pancontinent.

The teaching of low-level skills reflects the generosity of the gods behind these temples.

But high-level skills can only be used after selecting the temple and camp.

This kind of "get something for nothing" power system that directly obtains skills from the temple left Thain dumbfounded and couldn't help but sigh at the prosperity and brilliance of the star world.

There are really all kinds of weird planes, and it really opened his eyes that Faerûn could develop such a power model.

And it can't be regarded as completely free of effort, because the skills obtained from the temple are not endless.

The creatures in this world also pay attention to the tempering of the body and the development of spiritual power.

If you don't have a strong enough physical condition, you won't be able to receive powerful magical spells and skills.

Take this skinny thief as an example. So far, he has only been able to obtain three skills, and the number of times they can be used is limited.

In Thain's eyes, this thief's strength is equivalent to that of an intermediate magic apprentice.

An intermediate magic apprentice in the wizarding world has mastered three kinds of magic.

Moreover, magic has the ability to grow and improve with the research progress of magicians.

In addition, magic and spiritual power can be restored through meditation and potions.

From this point of view, the magicians in the wizarding world have a lot of advantages when facing professionals of the same level in Faerûn.

Not only thieves, but also the magicians of this world in Thain's eyes also acquire skills through this method.

Each major temple has corresponding high-level attack spells.

Magicians in this world, after raising their spiritual power and magic power to a certain level, can directly go to the temple to obtain magic.

However, there are many magicians who do not choose to become priests or priests in the temple, but choose to join the command of the goddess of magic Mystra.

By communicating with the "Magic Network", you can acquire more types of skills with greater power.

Since the goddess of magic does not have rigid requirements for her followers, her line of magicians also has the largest number.

At the same time, the goddess of magic is also one of the most powerful gods in Faerûn.

She is one of the few idle gods who is outside the three major camps of the Justice League, the Dark Alliance, and the Wings of Nature.

Except for a very small number of gods, most of the gods in Faerûn are specifically divided into the three camps mentioned above.

These three major camps also correspond to Faerûn's continent: lawful, evil and neutral.

The three temples in Blackwater City: Church of Bones, Temple of Storms, and Blade of Shadows all belong to the Dark Alliance.

In the Feilun continent, different temples may appear in the same city.

But it is absolutely impossible for temples with diametrically opposed camps to appear.

Especially lawful and evil, they are simply two contradictory entities facing each other.

The entire continent of Faerûn, the history of turmoil and hostility in the past thousand years, has almost always centered on these two camps.

The division of forces and camps in this world made Thain look at him with suspicion.

But what really shocked and surprised him now was the acquisition of that skill.

"Acquire the secret of truth and the means of using elements without using wisdom and learning."

"Instead, you gain power through the temple and the 'Magic Network'?"

"What kind of bullshit is this?!" Thain couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

If this group can all be called "magicians".

Thain believed that as long as he spread this news back to the wizarding world, it would inevitably cause turmoil in the entire wizarding world and anger among all spellcasting groups.

All the magicians in the entire wizarding world will let the creatures in Faerun feel what real magic and elemental power are!

Including the so-called gods of this world, especially the one who dares to call herself the "Goddess of Magic".

Lying in a certain holy tower, or even the Tower of True Spirit, becoming an eternal specimen is her only destination!

"These guys are simply blaspheming the term 'element user'!" Thane couldn't help but cursed angrily.

A huge pit of flames appeared on the ground nearby because he failed to control his emotions, accompanied by his terrifying power.

This chapter has been completed!
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