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Chapter 995: God of Bones

As the research deepened, in addition to the mysteries contained in the superficial limb cell tissue, Thain gradually extended his hand to the connection between these two natives and their gods.

The divine power system of Faerûn is quite special.

In other worlds, including the wild orangutan world that Thain knew, there are only a handful of existences that can directly establish contact with gods above level four and receive divine power.

Generally speaking, only those whose strength reaches level three or above will be granted part of their divine power by the gods.

After all, the power of the gods is not a big deal, and few gods in the star world are so generous.

But it's different in Faerûn.

The gods here seem to be a little too generous.

Except for the old man in gray robe, even this temple knight who only has the combat power of a quasi-knight has very little divine power in his body.

This way of combining divine power with the physical body, to a large extent, makes up for the lack of combat power of these guys who rely on skills.

That old man in gray robe was quite unfairly subdued by Thain with just one move.

If he could activate the divine power in his body in advance, he would still be able to struggle a little even if he only had three offensive first-level spells.

But unfortunately, his weak body and the sudden outbreak of fighting prevented the old man from exerting his due strength at all.

In the underground laboratory, another Temple Knight was accidentally brain-dead by Thane's excessive brain dissection experiment.

???????????????This old man in gray robe who is the only remaining one is his next key "care" target.

From the memories of the Temple Knights, Thane did not read too many pictures about the god enshrined by the Church of Bones - the God of Bones, Femus.

It seems that this knight himself has not been able to communicate with the gods he believes in. He only prayed constantly in front of the statues and went through many temple tasks and battles before he touched the threshold of a quasi-knight and received the blessings of gods.

Speaking of which, the gods in this world don't mind the spread of their real names.

In the Wizarding Alliance, many gods from other worlds attach great importance to their real names and will never spread them easily.

Only his own name and title of God will be announced.

This happens, on the one hand, to prevent too many boring people from disturbing you by calling your real name.

On the other hand, it is probably related to the powerful curse magic developed by wizard civilization.

The mysterious curses in the wizarding world can be conveyed and applied to hostile targets directly through their real names.

Although this method also has extremely complicated prerequisites, we have to admit that it is indeed very powerful and extremely weird.

It's enough to scare anyone who has never been exposed to this form of power.

The gods of Faerûn may have never encountered this kind of mysterious curse witchcraft that works directly through their real names.

So much so that most of the slightly famous gods have their true names widely spread across the continent.

After all, this way of spreading their true names can be regarded as a way for them to develop their beliefs and expand their influence.

For example, the God of Bones, Femus, the God of Storms, Aesop, the God of Thieves, Max, the Goddess of Wealth, Vol'jin, the Goddess of Magic, Mystra, etc. These are all entities whose real names are widely circulated.

In the continent of Faerûn, there are only two kinds of gods, and their true names will not be widely circulated.

One type is gods with extremely low strength. They are not qualified to build temples on the mainland and can only develop followers in some corners, so their popularity is very low.

There are also extremely powerful gods, such as the Lady of the Night from the Dark Alliance, the God of Justice from the Justice League, and the God of Elements from the Wings of Nature. Their real names are not widely spread across the continent.

Perhaps in ancient times, the names of these great beings were very popular.

But now, in addition to the truly strong men, and other ancient gods of the same level.

Ordinary people in other Pan-Continent have never heard of their real names at all. They only know that they are extremely powerful and that their temples are extremely widely distributed.

Perhaps at this level, they no longer need to expand their influence by spreading their real names.

This information was obtained by Thane from the first-level gray-robed old man.

As the only "extraordinary strong man" captured by Thane, the old man indeed knew more than others.

Just when Thain was full of excitement, he planned to explore the deeper scenes in the old man's memory, especially when it came to divine power and the gods he communicated with.

A mutation has occurred!

Sure enough, when it comes to the power of God, it is not so easy to touch.

When Thain tried to find out how the old man connected with his god, the mark of the institute from the depths of his soul caused the old man's body to suddenly explode into a ball of blood mist.

Thane too underestimated the development of divine power in this world.

Even a low-level plane like the Gumo Plane almost sealed the Dark Fire of the fifth-level magician back then. How can the gods of Faerun be so easy to deal with?

With the development of Faerûn to this day, the system of gods has been quite well-established. In history, there have been many cases where gods plotted against their own hostile gods by plotting against their followers.

Therefore, almost all gods will set up a layer of insurance mechanism for their believers.

The strength of this gray-robed old man has just barely reached the level of a divine protection mechanism.

In order to prevent some of the secrets of the God of Bones and the Temple of Bones from being leaked, the old man directly exploded into a ball of blood mist. Not only that, the first-level biological energy and some divine power in his body also turned into a strong attack towards Thain.

The energy contained in this blood mist is enough to seriously injure most second-level creatures!

The power level erupted by the blood mist did not cause Thain to panic too much.

Because long before the experiment started, he had placed restrictions around the experimental platform.

???????????????An excellent magician will naturally maintain a rigorous heart during any experiment.

But what Thain didn't expect was that he was wearing a silver spider ring that contained the spider queen's magical power.

Therefore, when the blood mist containing thin divine power struck him, the divine power of the Bone God in the blood mist and the divine power of the Spider Queen in Thane's hand produced some special chemical reaction changes.

It was an ordinary first-level creature that died, but the God of Bones would not waste his energy on it.

But with the addition of the divine power of other gods, the nature is different!

Because this is very likely to be a precursor to the outbreak of a war between gods.

There are other gods who have their own plans in mind.

Far in the sky directly above the main continent of Faerûn, against the backdrop of the boundless, dark and deep starry sky, a hidden subspace appeared here.

In the myths and epic records of the bottom creatures of Faerûn, after the gods ignited the divine fire and raised their own kingdom high, these gods would turn into bright stars in the sky.

This is a kind of understanding and fantasy of the bottom creatures about phenomena that they cannot understand.

But to a certain extent, this record is also correct.

However, the divine kingdom of the gods is not transformed into stars, but is hidden in the sky of this world, attached to this world in the form of subspace and demiplane.

The rules and properties of this world are very special.

It is the special plane laws that make the gods of Faerûn Continent, after opening their own divine kingdoms in subspace, the scale of these subspaces is huge.

For gods who have reached "powerful divine power", that is, the level of upper gods, the size of the kingdom they have opened is not even inferior to that of an ordinary plane.

In the kingdom of God, the people who live there are their most devout people and the most powerful servants of God.

In the mythological history of Faerûn, the most devout believers were taken to live in the kingdom of the god they believed in after death.

To a certain extent, this is also correct.

Because the people in the kingdom of God have indeed developed and multiplied to a large scale.

The God of Bones, Femus, is not a top being among the gods of Faerûn, but he is by no means an ordinary weak god.

This is a powerful being with "moderate divine power" who has been able to escape the once-in-a-million saint catastrophe caused by the Tablet of Destiny.

As a mid-level god, Feimus is a fifth-level creature when converted to the astral level.

The size of his divine kingdom is probably comparable to that of a miniature plane, and there are millions of believers and people living in it.

Opening up such a large subspace is considered an incredible achievement in the eyes of wizard civilization.

The main reason is that the rules of this world are special and have strong scalability for the development of subspace.

Otherwise, in a normal astral environment, a fifth-level creature would not be able to open up a plane-sized subspace.

The Whispering Holy Tower that Thane once visited, its owner, the Whispering Master, is only level four, but the scale of the subspace it has opened up only includes a leaning tower and a few other buildings.

However, in the continent of Faerûn, the fourth-level gods, also known as lower gods in the popular sense, the size of the subspace they have opened up, the "King of Gods", is comparable to a continent.

This is a legal mechanism unique to Faerûn.

The Spider Queen is right. The laws and attributes of this large plane are closed and special.

It is different from most of the plane worlds that wizard civilization has come into contact with before.

Generally, when such a world is discovered, it will arouse strong curiosity and exploration among the powerful wizards and civilizations.

Within the wizarding civilization, there are several special worlds or star fields like this.

For example, under the rule of the wizard civilization, there is a void star field, where the rules are based on the attribute of void, and the planes and creatures that exist are also very special.

Located in the giant temple at the top of the Kingdom of Bones, the God of Bones Femus was tinkering with a giant skeleton in front of him.

This giant skeleton should come from the dragon family, and it must be an ancient dragon with a long lifespan.

Because the overall size of the skeleton is five hundred meters away, these are at least the remains of an epic dragon.

The pale fingers, which were playing with the bones, were stagnant.

The God of Bones, Femus, raised his two soul eyes emitting blue fire and looked diagonally downwards outside the Kingdom of Bones.

That is where the continent of Faerûn is located, and it is also the "Main Material Realm" in the eyes of all gods.

Speaking of which, the gods of Faerûn are quite interesting.

They have never left their own world and cannot leave, so they have a kind of "world onlyism" and "egocentric" thinking.

In their eyes, Faerûn is everything.

The term "Main Material Realm" also marks their cognitive attitude towards the continent of Faerûn.

Although there are also some evil gods who accidentally enter the continent of Faerûn and pass on to them some knowledge and information about the external planes and the broader "star realm".

But these local gods of Faerûn have never been believed in.

Because there is no way to verify this!

Not to mention beings with powerful divine powers, even those with great divine powers are those beings who are regarded as "high gods".

There is no way to break the barrier and break out of the regular crystal walls on the outer layer of Faerûn to take a look.

Perhaps, only those who have reached the realm of the legendary "Lord God" can possess such abilities.

From its birth to the present, the continent of Faerûn has had countless gods, some have fallen, and some are still rising.

But there is only one existence that has reached the realm of the Lord God from ancient times to the present.

That is the existence that is revered as "God above God".

It's a pity that the other party has disappeared long ago, and I don't know where he went.

The God of Bones has only just ascended to the altar in the last hundred thousand years. He doesn't even know the name of the god above him.

Although the God of Bones is not the oldest among the gods, there is still no doubt about his strength!

Among the middle gods, the God of Bones is ranked high.

The fluctuation of divine power from the continent of Faerun made the God of Bones frown.

"The next Saint Catastrophe will begin in two hundred years."

"Is it possible that someone has an idea for me?"

"Hehehe, let me see who it is." The God of Bones sneered.

Its death power gathered into one arm and grabbed downwards.


(ps: There have been too many updates recently, so the update speed has inevitably slowed down, and the update time has also been delayed.

However, if Xiaodou had not told the book group in advance, updates would not have been interrupted. Everyone just needs to wait patiently.

Also, thanks to several readers for their support yesterday, today’s third chapter is a 4,000-word chapter for everyone.

There should be an update in the evening, please support me, Xiaodou will try his best to update.)

This chapter has been completed!
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