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Chapter 23 Greenskin Division

"Notify everyone, get ready to go!" As soon as Tang Zheng finished speaking, he heard a violent explosion.

"Enemy attack?" The newcomers were stunned and didn't know what happened. They subconsciously shrank their necks and listened attentively.

"It's a minefield!" Tang Zheng arranged for people to lay out the minefield before, just because he was worried about being attacked by the green-skinned orcs. When they heard the explosion, the conquerors who were guarding everywhere immediately knew that something was wrong, and they all ran to the arsenal to get it.

Powered armor.

The attackers were the 7th and 8th divisions of the green-skinned orcs. After breaking through the defense line, the advance team did not enter the bunker to garrison, but continued to pursue them, hoping to drive the humans back to the fortress and occupy more areas.

At this time, half an hour had passed since Tang Zheng and his entourage teleported into the game, and the main forces of the two divisions finally came up.

Looking through the sky, Tang Zheng saw that in the blue sky, they were all transport planes, blocking out the sky like a swarm of wasps. The newcomers next to him only took one look and were frightened to the point of weakening their legs.

"Look, troop carrier!" A newcomer pointed to the tree line in the distance. A large number of simple vehicles were passing by, and the roar of their engines made the ground shake.

The survivors in the bunker looked solemn and did not dare to breathe.

The conquerors hurriedly put on their power armor and prepared to evacuate. Facing two divisions with more than ten thousand people, facing the enemy head-on was the stupidest thing to do.

The newcomers are praying to God and Buddha, hoping that the greenskins will not enter the defense line.

"Prayer successful?"

For twenty minutes, the greenskins were on their way without even glancing at the first line of defense. They thought the explosion just now was a landmine left behind by humans when they retreated, and didn't think much of it.

"Don't dream, they are carrying out a blitzkrieg and they don't want to waste time here, but in the end they will definitely send at least one battalion to occupy the bunker and leave an escape route.

Tang Zheng's guess was absolutely correct. After another ten minutes, the last battalion did not continue to advance. Instead, it entered the tree line and prepared to garrison. As a result, it stepped on a landmine.

The green-skinned orcs didn't know that strangers had already entered the bunker. They were born with short-circuited brains and laughed at their injured companions while calling for medics to come and treat them.

"There are no other requirements. According to the previous training, three people are in a group, cover each other and kill them all!" Standing behind the bunker exit, Tang Zheng, wearing power armor, lectured and warned the team members.

"Understood!" The conquerors were all armed and lined up in two rows in the tunnel, armed with heavy machine guns, ready to fight on the battlefield at any time.

Yue Jing also wanted to say a few words to protect the dignity of the group leader, but no one paid him any attention.

"Captain, the greenskins are coming up, fifty meters away." Xu Biyun stood at the lookout and reported the enemy's situation in a timely manner.

"I'll give you thirty seconds to remember the location of your respective enemies!" Tang Zheng spoke very quickly, leaving no loopholes.

"Ten meters away!" Xu Biyun reminded again.

"Shoot smoke bombs!"

As Tang Zheng's sonorous words fell, Xu Biyun, who was holding an automatic grenade launcher, pulled the trigger, and a 50mm caliber grenade shot out.

Bang, bang, bang, the grenades were scattered evenly among the orcs' skirmishers, exploding into clouds of gray smoke that spread rapidly with the breeze.

"Open the door!" After Tang Zheng shouted, Shen Qingshuang punched the red button on the wall.

A sloping metal wall opened, and bright light came in. However, wearing power armor, everyone's vision was not affected.

"Entire group attack!" Tang Zheng pulled the operating lever, and the tires on the armor's ankles rubbed against the concrete ground, causing the captain's aircraft to slide out, and then jumped and appeared in mid-air at a height of seven meters.

The captain's plane cast a large shadow on the ground. When the orcs heard the sound of the engine, they raised their heads and saw Tang Zheng.

"Enemy attack!" As soon as the orc captain finished shouting, and as soon as he raised his rifle a little, a 30mm caliber bullet hit its head.

Tang Zheng was in the air, shooting at the greenskins with better equipment and badges on their shoulders. These guys were captain level.

The greenskins lack resources, and their equipment is all branded by the IWC. The higher the military rank, the better the weapons, which are easy to recognize.

The other orcs reacted and began to focus their fire on Tang Zheng. Their advance was very good, and some of their shots actually hit the powered armor, causing sparks to burst out.

Tang Zheng stretched out his left hand, shot out a rope, and wrapped it around a big tree. Then the wheel turned, contracted the rope, and led him to change direction.

So all the bullets fired at him missed. The orc moved the muzzle of his gun, and the bullets chased behind him like poisonous snakes.

Other conquerors imitated Tang Zheng's example and filed out, dotting the sky like stars.

With Tang Zheng attracting firepower, they could shoot unscrupulously, and there were bursts of gunfire for a while.

Mu Nianqi adopted the same tactics as Tang Zheng, killing the captain level. Others did not have this ability and attacked according to the predetermined target.

The conquerors were all very skilled in shooting, so in one encounter, the orcs left more than eighty corpses, among which Tang Zheng, Mu Nianqi, and Yue Jing contributed the most.

Commander Yue has been frustrated today. When he saw the orcs, he immediately became red-blooded. He wanted to show off and prove his worth. It's not that he had never thought about falling out with Tang Zheng, but his own strength was obviously unable to defeat him, and even if he did it,

, maybe the members of the group were not willing to join, so he could only endure this tone.

Bang, Tang Zheng fell to the ground, and then several people ran and fled behind the tree. The bullets hit the trunk of the tree and sawdust flew everywhere.

Hey, Tang Zheng didn't retract the rope, but swung it out, with a sound of breaking wind, and hit several orcs, cutting them in half.

The power armor's armaments include a 40mm caliber assault rifle, a pistol on the left side of the leg, a chain saw knife on the right side, and a row of grenades and magazines hanging diagonally on the chest.

The leader aircraft and support aircraft also have an additional three-barreled cannon, which is hung under the right arm, and carries a huge ammunition box behind its back, which is quite eye-catching.

Click, click, click. After Tang Zheng emptied the magazine, he did not replace it. Instead, he activated the machine cannon on his arm. The muzzle rotated, and the bullets swept through the densest group of orcs like a metal storm.

Blood and flesh splattered everywhere, stumps and broken arms flew everywhere, the orcs screamed and were harvested like wheat, and a large area was cleared immediately.

Snap, snap, blue lightning shot out, the orc shaman began to show his power, the commander roared, and all three hundred beast armor soldiers were filled into the battlefield, otherwise the orc soldiers would have been completely tortured.

"Disperse, cut, don't get together!" Tang Zheng turned on the communicator and directed the battle, while constantly running and moving.

The blue paint was too eye-catching, and nearly half of the firepower was chasing Tang Zheng, trying to destroy the captain's aircraft.

Seeing that the bullet was about to hit, Tang Zheng turned on the thruster on his back, and the powered armor jumped up vertically, and then the nozzle changed direction, allowing him to fly out at a ninety-degree angle.

Tang Zheng counterattacked, the machine gun roared, the bullet hit the beast armor soldier, sparks shot out, and then exploded with a bang.

With Tang Zheng's feint attack and attracting firepower, other conquerors can focus on attacking, and the kill rate increases sharply. Because they have trained for ten minutes before, they can do some simple tactical actions while wearing power armor.

Although the number of survivors is not large, they are on par with the greenskins, and as time goes by, they gain an advantage.

The muzzles of several green-skinned tanks moved in an attempt to cover the fire, but the power armor was mixed in with the orcs, making them unable to attack boldly for fear of accidental damage. However, with so many soldiers, there will always be a few sharpshooters.

Bang, a tank opened fire, and the shell hit Fu Tianxiao's powered armor, exploding into a large cloud of flames and smoke, engulfing it.

Fu Tianxiao was afraid of death and hid behind her. This made her a target for tanks to attack. Other tanks also discovered her and concentrated their fire.

"Help me!" Fu Tianxiao shouted. Although she was not injured, her armor was destroyed, her extra joints were sparking, and her movements were slow.

Tang Zheng strafed the chariot with his right hand, grabbed the grenade with his left hand, pressed the detonation button, and threw it out.

One chariot after another was hit and detonated. The surviving orcs jumped out of the burning chariots, but were killed in an instant.

"Kill the shaman and commander first!" Mu Nianqi shouted and rushed towards the commander. As Her Royal Highness, she did not bother to kill those trash fish.

The commander is a high-blooded Crazy Bone Orc. Compared with the soldiers, they have developed IQs and stronger bodies. 40mm caliber bullets are completely ineffective against them.

After the initial confusion, the commander used his loud voice to finally control his subordinates and get them to act as ordered.

The demolition team caught up and bombarded them with rocket launchers. Several powered armors were hit and fell down in flames. The Conqueror had to escape.

The greenskins were not equipped with heavy firepower, but they were superior in numbers, and there were Black Orc grenadiers holding the line. They were sleeping in the military truck when they heard the gunshots, and they all jumped down and entered the battlefield as quickly as possible, and

The survivors fought together.

Countless bullets were fired through the woods, creating a curtain of death. People kept screaming and falling in a pool of blood. However, the black orcs were very morale. They relied on their strong defense to attack the powered armor wildly.

Taking off the bucket-like grenades on their bodies, the black orcs threw them out to interfere with the enemy's maneuvers. When they exploded, they took the opportunity to break in and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

The Black Orcs have extremely high defense and will not die immediately even if they take dozens of bullets, so they are famous as death squads.

Bang, the black orc, who was more than two and a half meters tall, collided with Tao Ran's powered armor. The powerful impact directly knocked Hei Changzhi to the ground. After all, she had only been in the game for a short time, and she obviously lacked combat experience.

Pulling out the chainsaw, the black orc will pierce the armor and harvest Tao Ran's life.

The ferocious face of the orc appeared on the chaotic screen. Hei Changzhi was extremely nervous. Just as she was about to release her power to save herself, Li Xinlan appeared beside her and chopped off the orc's head.

"Thank you!" Tao Ran thanked him and got up.

"Be careful!" Li ** wanted to support Tang Zheng, but he was too far forward, surrounded by black orcs who were trying their best to surround him and kill him.

PS: At least three updates today! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to (this site), reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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