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Chapter 35 The fortress is in chaos

The world seemed to have suddenly fallen into the silence of death, leaving only the majestic steel sky hanging high in the night sky, playing a music of iron and blood!

Around the main gun, all twenty orbital secondary guns were activated, scattering randomly and blasting out blue-white energy pillars, like thunder god's lightning, cleaning all the enemies on the battlefield who were stubbornly resisting.

The conquerors looked at the raging steel sky and were shocked by the extremely high clearance efficiency.

Yue Jing asked himself that he would definitely not lose to Tang Zheng in single combat, but when it came to group attacks, what he saw left him speechless.

"A 3S level ability!" Fu Tianxiao lamented. In this world, there are always some lucky people who can get what others dream of.

In fact, Fu Tianxiao was wrong. The Trojans were very fair to every survivor. The higher the level of the seed, the better the fit with the body. This does not mean that low-level seeds must be garbage, it is just a

Probability question.

A newcomer can get high-level seeds if he puts in enough effort, and the time to activate them is also very important.

If a newcomer uses the seed after a fierce battle, there is a high chance that a very suitable ability will be activated, because the seed will read the user's memory, physical fitness, combat data..., fuse them, and present

to express the most perfect state of expression.

Tang Zheng is not a favorite favored by the goddess of luck. Any strong man who can step out has struggled to climb over the line of life and death. Every second, they are squeezing their own limits and trying their best to survive, so

They also got enough rewards.

"Plural abilities? Or dual abilities?" The pretty boy looked at the metal barrier covering the night sky, feeling all kinds of envy, jealousy, and hatred in his heart, wishing he could replace it.

Some people are like this. They would rather envy others than spend more time developing their own abilities. In this world, there are no strongest abilities. There are only the strongest survivors.

"Well, he has very comprehensive abilities, but I don't know if he has any other trump cards." Jiang Xiuming, who stepped off the landing ship, could see the battlefield a thousand meters away with his naked eyes, and speculated on Tang Zheng's strength with interest.

"Hurry up and return."

Tang Zheng's voice sounded in the communication, and the conquerors immediately used Wuzhi to return home.

"The consumption of life energy has been reduced a lot, and new combat units have appeared!" After strengthening the fire, every ability has been upgraded. If Tang Zheng does not control the summons, the steel sky will spit out thousands of Dreadnoughts.


"Tang Zheng, Qingshuang has crashed." Lin Weiguo looked at the burning wreckage of the aviation gunship on the ground not far away and sighed.

Shen Qingshuang failed to make an emergency landing. He and the high school students managed to survive by relying on their own abilities, but the more than 20 newcomers on board were not so lucky and all died in the cabin.

Tang Zheng and the veteran landed, quickly opened the cabin door, jumped down and helped the two people in.

"Help me!" A newcomer was pressed under the iron plate. His face was covered with blood. He stretched out his hand and asked Tang Zheng for help. He wanted to live.

"Sorry!" It wasn't that Tang Zheng didn't save him, but that the newcomer's lower body had been smashed by the iron plate, and his intestines were leaking out. Even if Hemerocallis was used to treat it, it would only delay the time of death.

The newcomers didn't get to hear Tang Zheng's apology, and he died.

Tang Zheng, who finally arrived at the fortress, looked at the remaining newcomers with mixed emotions. In just five minutes, more than sixty people died.

The remaining newcomers had no time to rejoice that they had survived, and all looked around in fear.

Soldiers dressed in power armor like tin cans surrounded the survivors, and the guns on the armed tanks were pointed at their heads, ready to fire at any time.

"We just escaped from the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den again. There are still more than three hours before twelve o'clock. What should we do?" Wei Binbai joked, but in his heart he wanted to kill these soldiers.

"Who are you?" A battalion commander in a crisp military uniform stepped out from the crowd and asked these strangers, "Don't fool me with civilians. I have never seen civilians drive Wuzhi so skillfully."

"Didn't Tantai say that he defeated the defenders? What's going on?" Yu Deye was very impatient, "If you want me to say, just kill them."

"Fu Tianxiao, can you control them?" Tang Zheng was too lazy to negotiate and was going to find a place to hide until twelve o'clock.

Before Fu Tianxiao could take action, two broken assault boats landed on the square, and the Space Marines covered in gunpowder smoke walked out.

Bang, the soldiers immediately stood up straight, raised their hands in salute, their expressions were full of fear.

Because of their powerful strength, Space Marines have very wide authority. They can temporarily take over the army during wartime, and even serve as military police, with immunity from liability for executing deserters.

In the eyes of the soldiers, these transformed guys are no different from humanoid reapers.

"Captain, take your soldiers and leave!" the captain returned the military salute and shouted with great enthusiasm.

"Yes, sir." The captain said nothing nonsense. In less than ten seconds, all the soldiers around him were gone.

The captain took off his helmet, revealing a middle-aged face, vicissitudes of life, iron-blooded, full of the aura of a tough guy, especially those eyes, like sharp blades, looking at people, as if they can cut off a piece of flesh, let

People dare not look at each other.

Tang Zheng met the captain's eyes without dodge.

"Very good. Are you willing to join the Imperial Defense Force?" The captain extended his right hand.

For a captain who has fought for ten years and killed tens of thousands of demons to shake hands proactively shows that Tang Zheng won his favor with his performance.

The power armor of the Space Marines is all future technology. There is no suspense in eavesdropping on Wuzhi's conversations. Of course, he must pay attention to these people. When he saw many Wuzhi following him, he wanted to get to know the beloved leader.

"You don't need an assessment?" Tang Zheng didn't understand the real purpose of this middle-aged man. As for being transformed, he was not interested.

"You passed." The middle-aged man looked at the other conquerors, "Are you willing to join the defense force?"

No one answered. When Lu Fan thought about what it would be like if he had two hearts, he immediately felt a chill.

"Why refuse?" The middle-aged man's face darkened. In his opinion, this was an honor, but these people didn't care.

"Because we want to live the life we ​​like." Tang Zheng glanced at the captain's rank and said, "Colonel, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"I need your help. The fortress commander is preparing to evacuate. I need the strength to suppress them." The colonel was very honest and did not mean to hide anything.

"Shot to death?" Hearing the bloody word "suppression" made Xu Biyun very uncomfortable.

"Definitely, they are cowardly and cowardly, and have lost the spirit of imperial soldiers. Only blood can wash away their shame." The colonel's expression was reasonable, "And I can't take over the army and resist the orcs without killing the top commanders.


"Will the orcs attack?" Li Huiwen asked in shock. This is what everyone is concerned about.

"Yes, that metal barrier just destroyed most of the Orc fleet. According to the commander's violent personality, he will definitely attack in advance."

The colonel is right. The orc commander has smashed the telescope and issued a general attack order. He will take down the fortress tonight and slaughter all the humans inside.

The artillery position was not fully prepared yet, but it could not wait to open fire. One shell after another, with howling sound, hit the fortress.

Boom, the square was attacked, a big crater was blown up, gravel was scattered everywhere, and the newlyweds were scared to scream.

Some civilians in the fortress had taken refuge in the underground air-raid shelter in advance, so the square was now very empty, with only the survivors and some soldiers who rushed to garrison at various defense lines.

Boom, a cannonball exploded twenty meters away, and the shock wave brought a large amount of rubble directly over.

The space warrior stood still and did not dodge at all. Tang Zheng was about to cover his head, but when he saw the opponent's actions, he simply stopped moving.

Veteran Xu Liangmao was also a tough man. He stood behind him and let the stones hit him.

"A few idiots!" Yu Deye protected his head, feeling that Tang Zheng was so stupid. Survival was the most important thing. Why should he be so angry?

"You guys are really good." The colonel looked at Tang Zheng and the others with admiration and grabbed his shoulders. "You must join the National Defense Force. How about being my deputy?"

"Not interested." Tang Zheng refused, "Let's talk about how to deal with the commander. When they retreated, didn't they consider us civilians?"

"Yes." The colonel did not ask the survivors about their abilities. There are too many unsolved mysteries in this world, including many gods, so it is no longer strange.

"Then let's set off and fight quickly." Tang Zheng looked at the weapons of the Space Marines, "But we need some equipment."

"No problem, let's go to the weapons depot first and pick the best one." The colonel was very happy. "Don't worry, as long as we hold out for an hour, our reinforcements will arrive, enough to crush those damn greenskins."

The Tantai team appeared in the corner of the square, made an OK gesture towards Qin Yan who saw him, and then left. Facing the Space Marines, they could not believe everything and must keep their trump cards.

With the powerful colonel leading the way, the journey to the munitions depot was smooth and smooth without any twists and turns. Tang Zheng's original intention was for the newcomers to hide and wait, but they were frightened and worried about being abandoned, so they insisted on following.

At this time, the fortress has already fallen into the bombardment of the orcs, and the greenskins are not stupid. They know to bomb first and then charge, so that the casualties will be smaller.

"Open the door!" Rushing to the arsenal, a Space Marine passed the colonel in advance and went to negotiate with the soldiers on duty.

"Sir, your order!" The soldier saluted. He did not rush to open the arsenal just because they were Space Marines. After all, it was related to whether the fortress had enough ammunition to continue fighting.

"Recruit Danzi, open the door quickly, what are you trying to do?" The veteran next to him stretched out his hand to the recruit, "Give me the key."

The veteran knows the authority of the Space Marines and dare not violate them.

"No, you must get a warrant from the commander!" The recruit's ideal is still there, he has not become a soldier, he hates all privileges.

When Tang Zheng was about to see how the colonel would solve the problem, a gunshot rang out. (To be continued...)

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