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Chapter 32 Occupation

When the adult indigenous warriors heard the warning, they rushed out of the stone hut, took out their horses from the stables, and jumped on them. However, after running wildly to the gate of the camp, they all stopped.

The first ones to rush out were the patrolling tribesmen. At this time, they had all been beaten into pieces, and the gravel was dyed scarlet. But the most terrifying ones were the huge steel mechas, which were spitting iron like monsters.

The barrage demolished the wall almost in the blink of an eye.

Whoosh, whoosh, the bomb fell with a sharp whistle, the exploded soil was splashed everywhere, and the bullets were shot in. The natives could resist, but the war horses under their crotches really couldn't. They were beaten to a bloody pulp and whined endlessly.

"Go back and assemble in front of the chief's stone house." A British man in his forties shouted, waving his arms to tell the natives to retreat and complete the team.

"John, you can't retreat. The opponent is a conqueror. Let's go up and use the human wave tactics to bulldoze them." Young Jordan grabbed John's arm and looked nervous. "If we can't stop them, we will be killed by the leader.


"But too many natives have died, and the captain will not let us go." Kelly regretted it to death. If she had known better, she would not have stayed at the camp and went to hunt the natives. Just looking at the attack power of the opponent, at least it was Eiji's.


"We either die in battle or win. If we escape, the leader will kill us even if he chases us to the ends of the earth." John shook off Jordan's arm and said, "Go and call the wizard."

"You want to give the indigenous warriors bloodthirsty spells? No, they will die." Kelly shook her head and objected, "Let's withdraw and leave the indigenous soldiers to them, and then when the leader comes back, we will definitely kill them and regain the camp.

By then we won’t have to die too many natives.”

"FU~CK, don't you know that the more the conquerors kill the natives and the more natives they have, the higher their abilities will be unlocked?" John waved his hand and slapped Kelly on the cheek. This woman was the leader of the group.

My lover dares to disobey even the words of the third person in my team.

"It seems that the other party has unlocked the ability alone. If we leave the natives to them, their strength will definitely increase by then." Jordan was relieved to learn that John was not trying to escape.

"Don't worry, since the group attack is so powerful, then the single attack will definitely not work." John comforted the two of them, "His goal is also to bring him in. In order not to accidentally injure the slaves, he will not dare to use his ultimate move.

It’s time for us to take care of him!”

"I hope there won't be any accidents!" The Kirov airship in the sky did not drop bombs towards the camp, which was the best proof. Kelly was a little relieved.

"Jordan, release your puppet, try to delay as much time as possible and consume that guy's life energy." John jumped off the roof and went to gather the troops.

Jordan's puppet is a mechanical beast. As he releases his power, a six-meter-tall steel machine shoots out of the watch. While striding towards the mecha, the cannons in his hands roar and missiles fire.

The mechanical beast's back opened, and every few steps it ran, some small discs flew out with a buzzing noise like flies. After landing on the ground, they stretched out two claws, dug into the soil, and laid out a mine array.

Tang Zheng stood among the corpses, looking at the gathering place, and waved forward with his right hand holding the bone knife.

Kirov turned around in unison, opened the bomb nest, and the heavy bomb dropped like a dumpling, hitting the outside of the camp. The mountains shook for a while, the shock wave blew away the soil, and it began to rain.

Before the mechanical beast could reach Tang Zheng, it was vaporized by the rail gun, leaving not even the dregs behind.

"Brother Tang, be careful, there are conquerors." Bai Guo ran over and wanted to fight side by side with Tang Zheng, "Don't worry about me, since I killed the first native, I can use invisibility."

"I'm going to attack by force. You hide and wait for an opportunity to attack." Following Tang Zheng's order, Kirov flew over the gathering area and dropped bombs from the air.

"Let's lure the snake out of the hole. It's too dangerous to attack. We don't even know how many conquerors are on the other side." Bai Guo begged, not wanting to see anything happen to Tang Zheng. "That's their territory, there must be an ambush!"

"Have you learned to think? Don't worry, if there were more people on the other side, they would have come out to attack us long ago." Tang Zheng teased Ziran Duo. He asked Kirov to bomb the land just to eliminate the opponent's terrain advantage.

"This bastard is so cunning!" John's nose was almost crooked with anger.

"This guy wants to annihilate us all. Hurry up and go find the leader. The natives have all run away anyway." Kelly felt the heat wave coming towards her face and her legs became weak from fear. She was only a third-level person.

Facing such a situation, I lacked courage.

"Don't even run away, or I'll kill him!" Several natives ran past John and were chopped down by him with his vampire scimitar. However, this still couldn't stop him from collapsing, and he was so angry that he yelled, "You didn't see

Was the advance to Kirov very slow? The Chinese young man deliberately let the indigenous people escape, so that "it would be impossible for us to ambush."

"Follow me, I won't care if you die if you fall behind." Tang Zheng held Ginkgo in his arms, jumped on a mecha, and went to the back door of the camp to intercept him.

Tang Zheng had seen the tactic of surrounding three and missing one. When he rushed over, three disgraced conquerors were already waiting there.

"Aren't you ready to run?" Tang Zheng put on a sarcastic expression, but it was actually a cliche.

"It won't be too late to kill you before leaving." There were a hundred warriors behind John, and next to him was an old man with colorful feathers on his head, holding a staff.

Because of the lack of food, the natives would force the elderly to leave the tribe and fend for themselves. The old man in front of him not only had a ruddy complexion, but was also wearing complete animal skins and decorated with animal teeth, which clearly meant he was of great status.

"It must be a trouble, kill it first!" Tang Zheng thought, and the rail gun shot out hot plasma, scattering the soil and breaking up the formation of the three people.

"Hurry up and use the violent spell!" John yelled, grabbing the old man and dodging to the side, "Jordan, Kelly, come here quickly."

"It's too late." Tang Zheng teleported and appeared behind John through the cover of mud and gunpowder smoke, slashing at the back of his head with Tang's knife.

The white dwarf star appeared above the head, and the gravity abyss descended. If John hadn't exploded in time, he would have kneeled to the ground.

The military commander turned into armor and covered Tang Zheng's body. The female gunner appeared next to him and suppressed fire. Every bullet fired interfered with John's escape route.

John transformed into a beast, grew a tail, and whipped Tang Zheng fiercely, slapping his head with his sharp claws.

Bang, bang, the bullets hit John and were all bounced away, but also deformed his movements.

"Even if you are Eiji, you will die today!" Tang Zheng missed the blow and shook his wrist. The Tang sword drew a brilliant arc and stood on the wizard's neck.

A dark red light shone on the wizard's hand, but before he could throw it out, he was killed. The brewing natural force exploded, destroying his body and leaving no trace of his body.

The teleportation cloak is unlocked, but the Wuhui Lake Light cannot be used yet, otherwise Tang Zheng would definitely be able to send John to the West within thirty seconds.

Tang Zheng changed his strategy. After the teleportation time had cooled down, he appeared next to Kelly, who was looking nervous. When the woman saw that the enemy had suppressed John, she ran away.

"Beauty, where are you going?" Tang Zheng grabbed Kelly's hair and slashed with his sword.

"Don't kill me!" Kelly screamed, and then she was hit in the jaw by the back of the knife and passed out. If this woman had been calmer, Tang Zheng would never have troubled her first. With a look of fear on his face, no one else would have known that you were

Everyone kneaded the shrimps.

"Come on!" John shouted, but he fled in the opposite direction.

"FUCK!" Jordan took a step and knew that he was being used as bait. He immediately stopped fighting and wanted to run away. However, after taking a few steps, he saw the young man blocking him.

With Tang Zheng's current strength, the first-level conqueror was no longer qualified to be his opponent. In just ten seconds, he was pierced through the heart.

If Jordan was strong, he wouldn't be left to guard the camp by the group leader.

John failed to escape, and Bai Guo suddenly emerged from his shadow and stabbed out a dagger. Although he failed to hurt him, he succeeded in delaying time.

"Get out of here!" John kicked Bai Guo in the chest. He was shocked when he saw Jordan was killed, "So fast!"

John knew he couldn't outrun Tang Zheng, so he immediately changed his tactics and wanted to capture Ging Guo alive as a hostage. After a fight, he realized that this child-like face with huge breasts was no more than the third level and was destined to be completely tortured.

"Back off!"

When Bai Guo heard Tang Zheng yelling, he instinctively evacuated and avoided John's claws. If he tried to take action again, Tang Zheng had already blocked the front.

"It's a pity that your only chance was wasted. Now just wait for death!" Tang Zheng said trash talk to stimulate John and make him make mistakes.

John was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. These two people were both capable and had no need to be afraid.

"Ging Guo, take that strong woman to persuade you to surrender."

There were many women and children, so it was impossible to escape at once. The adult soldiers stayed two hundred meters away, protecting them while watching John's battle. They did not have much favorable impressions of the new chief's men.

"Tell them that following Tang Zheng will help them live a good life!" Bai Guo urged the woman to shout. Looking at the natives, she was so excited that she even wanted to stay.

The woman jabbered a lot, but no one paid attention. It was only when Tang Zheng killed John that they showed horrified expressions.

That John is very strong, but the new guy is even stronger!

"Hurry up and shout!" Bai Guo was anxious, Fang Zhiwen was also trying to persuade her, but to no avail.

"Idiot, what welfare are you telling the primitive people? Do they understand?" Tang Zheng stabbed the woman with the handle of his knife and gestured, "If you leave one person behind, I will give you the weight of meat!"

The strong woman's eyes lit up, her voice became louder, and she spoke very quickly to persuade the natives. Finally, someone was moved. After all, their homeland was occupied by Tang Zheng. They wanted to take revenge, but the other party was so powerful that they had no choice.

In the end, there were seventy people left, including more than twenty adult warriors, all of whom were women's tribesmen, and the rest were women and children, trophies given to them by the chief.

"It seems that my appeal is not enough!" Tang Zheng shook his head and suddenly changed his face, "Go and catch them, they will be your slaves from now on!" (To be continued. If you like this work

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