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Chapter 56 Defeat the Fleet

"If something goes wrong, it must be a monster!" Li Yuan observed the fleet on the opposite side with a telescope. He was wearing a white pirate uniform, fluttering with the sea breeze, quite pretentious, "But it doesn't matter, we have twelve

The most powerful Spanish warship, whatever it was, was blown to smithereens."

"The captain is wise." The first mate immediately flattered him. After a few days, he had figured out the captain's character. This guy was vain and wanted to save face. Just to please him, the first mate rose from a low-level sailor to his current position.


"Young men, get into battle formation." Li Yuan put on a calm general demeanor, with a rather disdainful look on his face, "Sign up and ask them to surrender, or I will kill them all after I capture them."

"Li Yuan's old habit has happened again, captain, what should we do?" Xiang Ning stood beside Li Kelun, looking at the approaching ghost ship uneasily, always feeling that something was wrong.

"I am a member of the Low-headed Dragon King, and my strength is not bad. What can I do?" Li Kelun's face was dark. If his own ships were not enough, there would be no need to team up with Li Yuan and suffer this kind of anger.

"You are too worried. It is just an ordinary ship. Seeing that there is no way to escape, you are using deceptive tactics." Pan Hui comforted. She didn't know that the ghost ship was just a Spanish galleon based on its appearance. Only after the actual war would it be revealed.

Will show his fangs.

"I hope so." Xiang Ning knew that she had no choice. Even if there was a problem, she had to fight first and then think about it. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing to be scared away by a ship.

"Notify Song Xiaotang, take advantage of the situation to retreat, stay at the back of the team, and act according to the opportunity." Chen Xiong watched the situation, his eyebrows deeply tangled together.

If Tang Zheng was here, he would definitely be able to recognize them. These men and women are the fearless men who are in the same jurisdiction as him. They once invited him to join the Conqueror Alliance and explained the secrets of the hero level.

"Captain, when we enter the firing range, do you want to fire?" the artillery chief asked.

"No, keep going. If we scare them away directly, wouldn't it be troublesome to chase them?" Tang Zheng shook his head.

"Haha, their artillery is not as good as ours. What are you waiting for? Let's fire. Let's fire a salvo first and sink them." Li Yuan spent a lot of money and bought ten magic cannons. The range is two times that of an ordinary 60-pound cannon.

times, and the power was increased to five times. He was confident that he would beat the enemy ship into sawdust before it got close.

Bang, bang!

The roar of artillery kicked off the naval battle!

When the merchant ships saw the huge solid cannonballs smashing into the sea water and the huge water droplets splashing up, they were so frightened that they ran around in panic all day long.

The flagman kept begging the flagship to escape, but Tang Zheng ignored him.

"It turns out that they have some trump cards!" Jiang Xiuming smiled, "Don't sink them all. Leave a few ships for me. This saves me from having to go back to the port to buy ships."

"I want that flagship, it's very powerful." Dong Zixuan licked the corners of her lips. She likes to be the captain.

"Sorry. Choose another ship. The flagship will be sunk first." Tang Zheng let go of the rudder and let Tao Ran take charge.

"Haha, did you see those guys panicking? Doesn't he want to fight me on the merchant ship?" Li Yuanmei bubbled and ordered the sailor, "Go and draw ten small boats on the deck."

These patterns represent Li Yuan's number of sinkings. He has painted more than 20 ships, which is considered a good record. No wonder he is so arrogant.

After the second salvo, the ghost ship was still not hit, but a merchant ship was more unlucky and was hit on the deck, killing several sailors.

"Forget it if you don't test fire. The hit rate of the second round of salvos is also ridiculous. With such combat power, you still cooperate with us to fight?" Ying Shangwu shook his head and completely lost interest.

"Captain, two merchant ships have escaped." The sailor reported.

Tang Zheng turned around and saw that the two merchant ships at the end of the queue could not bear the fearful pressure of such bombardment and were turning around in an attempt to escape.

"Sink them." Tang Zheng waved his hand.

The skeleton sailors shouted the slogan, immediately loaded and calibrated, and twenty seconds later, the five cannons opened fire.

Without any suspense, all five loaded chain rounds hit the target, and two of them broke the mast, causing it to hit many people.

Li Kelun and others were shocked when they saw this scene. The opponent's bombardment was very accurate.

"The power is average." Li Yuan smacked his lips and roared, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and capture them alive. They are all gold coins."

The sailors shouted with high morale, but the next second they were covered up by a blast of cannon fire.

Facing the pirate fleet on the side, the ghost ship fired its first salvo with twelve cannons in a row, totaling thirty-six cannons in three rows.

In an instant, the pirates saw that the side of the ghost ship looked like a monster's lair, spewing flames and white smoke, and was then submerged by a hail of bullets.

The pirate ship at the front seemed to have been hit by a hail of steel, and was directly blasted into a hornet's nest. The fragile wooden structure could not withstand such a powerful blow, leaving more than thirty holes.

Within ten seconds, the superb skeleton gunners fired the second round.

The pirate ship that had been severely damaged was completely baptized this time. There was no living person on the entire deck, and there was blood, broken limbs, and broken wood chips everywhere.

Not only the fleet commander Li Yuan, but also the other conquerors were dumbfounded. They were really suppressed by the powerful firepower of the ghost ship. A single encounter destroyed the ship. No wonder they had the courage to rush up.

"What are you still waiting for? Fire, give me a volley." Li Yuan was shocked and turned into rage. His loud voice rang out on the sea and he roared at the coalition forces.

"Captain, you're not a human being." The first mate's telescope fell to the ground with a bang, his mouth opened like a hippopotamus.

"Bah, you are not a human being." Li Yuan slapped him in the face, causing his teeth to fly.

"No, the sailors on the opposite deck are not human." The first mate had no time to care about being beaten, and pointed at the ghost ship opposite with a look of horror on his face, "They are skeletons, the legendary ghost ship."

Other sailors also began to whisper that the conquerors had seen many kinds of monsters and were not afraid, but the same could not be said for the indigenous sailors, and their morale dropped sharply.

The firepower of the original volley also failed, and only a dozen were fired, and the miss was ridiculous.

Tang Zheng was not going to be polite. He fired two more rounds of critical strikes. All the explosive shells hit the ship, completely smashing the side of a pirate ship and starting to sink.

"Open fire, what are you afraid of? He is just a ship." Li Yuan was angry and encouraged his morale, "Ten to one, he is dead."

After all, pirates have many ships, which means they also have many artillery pieces. A dozen of them can hit the ghost ship under a salvo, but they are unable to cause any damage to the solid hull, which means they kill a bunch of skeleton sailors.

"Fight the deck, kill all his sailors, and see who can sail the ship for him." Li Yuan's tactics were good, but it was a pity that the Warhammer team had more than this in their cards.

Tang Zheng did not activate his defense, fearing to scare away the enemy.

The two sides exchanged fire, and almost every minute, a pirate ship would be sunk. If Li Yuan hadn't shouted to kill and seize the ship, they would have collapsed.

"It's Tang Zheng. I didn't expect that the little miscellaneous fish back then would actually grow to this point." Chen Xiong sighed when he saw Tang Zheng standing on the deck, with a flash of jealousy and envy in his eyes, and then commanded

The fleet broke away from the battle circle.

"Captain, the Chen Xiong and Song Xiaotang have escaped." the first mate reported. In fact, he also wanted to escape.

"Sink them for me." Li Yuan was furious and lost all his grace. He opened his collar and breathed heavily.

"We can't spread the firepower at all now." The first mate was worried. He didn't have enough firepower to begin with, so if he kills one of his own people again, and gets stabbed by the other party in a hurry, it would be really tragic.

"Damn it, where did this guy get the magic ship?" Li Yuan was about to be furious, why didn't he have such good luck?

Chen Xiong's departure triggered a series of reactions. Except for Li Yuan's three ships, other allies began to turn around and evacuate.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" Tang Zheng snorted, "Skeleton Gunner, prepare the magic bullet."

A white light flashed, and sixty female musketeers appeared on the deck, in groups of three, operating twenty artillery pieces to bombard the enemy.

The magic bullet was so powerful that a salvo hit a pirate ship and exploded directly, blowing it into a burning fireball. The nearby sea turned red, and the ignited sailors screamed and jumped into the sea water.

"Run, run." The captains urged the boatswain, regretting extremely at this moment that they should not have followed Li Yuan's order and rushed forward.

The merchants were dumbfounded. They originally thought that the battle would be fatal, but they did not expect such a turn of events. They looked at the ghost ship and felt cold in their hearts.

The ghost ship with full firepower showed a powerful attack power, and almost every shot was fired. Every salvo would definitely destroy a ship.

Li Yuan could no longer calm down. Seeing that the situation was over, he shouted for the sailors to escape quickly.

"Okay, we're out of range." Chen Xiong just breathed a sigh of relief when a group of cannonballs passed over the pirate ship in the middle like bumblebees and hit him directly.

There was no doubt that Chen Xiong's car was riddled with holes. Now the conquerors understood that they had just been playing tricks on them.

"Tang Zheng, I'm Pan Hui!" Pan Hui shouted, hoping that Tang Zheng would let her go for the sake of their cooperation.

"Let it go first and focus on attacking the flagship." Tang Zheng did not forget the woman he met in the Golden City.

Without the release ability, a giant palm formed by spiritual energy acted like a shield, blocking the flagship. Magic bullets hit it and exploded with sparks.

"Tang Zheng, do you think that if there is a ghost ship, you will kill me? Just dream about it." Li Yuan laughed proudly.

"Sophie, heavy artillery at your service."

Sophie summoned a 120mm cannon, pulled the match rope, and the shells shot out like sharp arrows, tearing the air and even cutting open the sea surface.

Li Yuan burst into laughter, and it took a lot of life energy to block the cannonball at this moment. Just when he was about to say harsh words, he saw ten more giant cannons appearing on the opponent's deck.

Boom, Li Yuan's spiritual palm was penetrated, and his car was severely damaged.

"Tang Zheng, if you have the ability, challenge me to a duel. Don't be a coward." Looking at the sunken pirate ship, Li Yuan knew that he could not escape and wanted to go straight to the central palace.

"You think I'm stupid!" Tang Zheng raised his middle finger, "Why are you still standing there? Blast him to death."

Li Yuan was wrapped in the palm of the regenerated spirit body and wanted to dive away. Unfortunately, Jiang Xiuming was searching for him. Even if he turned into a crab and dived into the sea sand, he would be dug out. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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