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Chapter 65: Game 4

Warhammer and Moscow Do Not Believe that Tears not only ranks in the top two in terms of team size, but also has the strength that is absolutely in line with their status.

The cruel sea battle made all the coalition forces retreat, and they had no courage to fight, so there were only two teams left on the sea.

Although Vasily was at a slight disadvantage due to the magic ship, Natasha was not worried, and her strategy was still to deal with the Warhammers and the sea monster at the same time.

"Are these guys really arrogant and looking down on others?" Mu Nianqi snorted coldly, using all his firepower regardless of loss.

"Tang Zheng, change the target. I'll hold Vasily down while you deal with the others." Tantai transmitted the information through mental remote sensing.

Tang Zheng understood that if the agents wanted to play Tian Ji's horse racing game, the ghost ship was the strongest. Instead of being dragged here, it would be better to overturn those relatively weak ships.

No one backed down. As a strong team, they still have this kind of domineering attitude. However, the Trojan horse was not beautiful and the announcement sounded.

"Please note that Di Jingfei's team killed a big sea monster, and the third Trojan game Age of Discovery ended early. Thirty seconds later, the teleportation begins."

"Please note that the standings have been locked. Even if you fight, there will not be any increase or decrease in the ranking."

In unison, all the teams stopped fighting. Those with more than 200 people breathed a sigh of relief and started cheering, while those with more than 300 people looked ashen.

"Three hundred and one, it's over!"

The most unlucky ones were the teams that had the potential to make a comeback, but because the game ended early, they all lost their chance. At this moment, they hated the Dragon King team and wanted to skin them.

"Why didn't you announce it a second earlier?"

The members of the Cinnabar Girls watched their leader being pierced through the heart with a magic spear by Qin Yan and nailed to death on the deck. They were about to cry without tears. They were just a little bit away from going back.

Two magic ships passed by each other. Tang Zheng and Vasily stood on the deck, less than thirty meters away. For the fearless, they were completely within the attack range, but neither of them made a move.

"I don't know if we still have a chance to face each other?" Vasily smiled, "But there is no damage. I can face Ben-Hur with a complete lineup."

Although the Warhammer team showed good strength, the Lord of War still did not take him seriously. Ben-Hur is the ultimate enemy.

"As long as we get to the end, we will definitely encounter each other." Tang Zheng was very confident. He made a fist and turned the ghost ship towards the team.

Without waiting for the rendezvous, the teleportation arrived, white lights lit up, and all these survivors disappeared on the sea, leaving only empty ships.

As soon as Tang Zheng returned to the hall, he immediately felt several lustful eyes falling on him.

Guangu Wunta and Yu Qingqiu almost broke their teeth. This kid really made them suffer a big loss, but Tang Zheng didn't care at all, because Yan Chiyang walked over directly.

"Captain, stop making trouble." The deputy commander tried to hold Yan Chiyang back, but was slapped. He was angry and hated that he not only didn't give him face, but also didn't consider the overall situation as important.

Everyone looked over.

"Tang Zheng, you are very good. I will definitely kill you in the next game." With Yan Chiyang's explosive personality, he couldn't say this without a few harsh words.

"I hope you can live until that time." Tang Zheng looked into Yan Chiyang's eyes unwilling to be outdone, with a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth.

The nuclear flames were furious, and the whole body suddenly burned with flames, forming a huge mouth of a giant beast, biting Tang Zheng, but before he could get close to swallow him, he was blocked by the gravity abyss.

Wow, a burst of noise suddenly erupted in the hall. Seeing that Yan Chiyang couldn't wait any longer and wanted to decide the winner with Tang Zheng, no need to guess, he knew that he had suffered a big loss at the hands of the Warhammer Team.

Some people didn't care who died and who lived, but the fighting power that burst out at that moment frightened them. It was only a fourth-level hero, and it was terrifyingly strong.

"Fighting is prohibited in the hall. Violation will result in death." Trojan became angry, "If you have any grudges, go and resolve them in the game!"

"Can your rules restrict me?" Yan Chiyang was disdainful. He also had partial immunity. Although he would be punished, the Trojan horse no longer had the right to blow his head.

"Humph, I can't kill you, but I can kill your companions. When the time comes to enter the game, you will have a lot less power." Trojan said bluntly. After all, after the Holy Land War, there will be a big reshuffle. What if these people heard the inside story?

"What, can the restrictions on Trojan horses be lifted?" Some second-level heroes were shocked when they heard this for the first time.

"Nonsense, otherwise how could the old monster have lived for so long?" There is no shortage of elites everywhere. They have long discovered that the old monster's team has been ranked tenth, neither higher nor lower. This is better than grabbing the first place.

It's difficult.

Everyone's eyes fell on the corner of the hall, where there was a tent.

The members of the Millennium Earl are staying inside, with two guardians, both dressed in medieval retro attire, looking exactly like characters who stepped out of history books.

There was no time for the survivors to talk nonsense, Trojan took care of itself and issued an announcement.

"At the end of the fourth game, teams ranked beyond 300 will be punished by erasure!"

"don't want!"

"Wait, give us a chance."

The conquerors who were about to be wiped out changed their faces and begged for mercy, but received no response at all. Their heads suddenly exploded like rotten tomatoes.

With brains and blood splattering, headless corpses fell dead one after another.

Except for an idiot like Fang Zhiwen who turned pale and wanted to vomit, the others had experienced countless lives and deaths and had long since taken it lightly. Their attention was entirely focused on the dozen or so strong teams and gathering intelligence.

"Only one of the main players of the Warhammer team died. It's so abnormal."

"The King of War team has not reduced its personnel. Damn it. This kind of game that tests the strength of the team is completely customized for them. It is too cheap."

"Just wait and see, they won't be so lucky next."

In fact, more people in the Warhammer team died than they seemed. Except for Ying Shangwu, none of the conquerors who entered the game for the second time survived.

Tang Zheng and Tantai looked gloomy. The game would only become more and more difficult. Not to mention Fang Zhiwen, even the veteran and Pang Meiqin could not guarantee that they would survive.

"It seems that some teams are doing well, but don't be complacent. The fourth game will be something you will never forget."

"You have three hours of rest, and then you will be forced to enter the game. Of course, you can also enter in advance."

"Isn't it too cruel? There is so little rest time?" Those weak teams spent a lot of energy and even suffered serious injuries in the third game. Entering in such a tired state was really a disadvantage.

"You can use the roulette spin opportunities and points to buy rest time, but please note that if you delay entering the game and are overtaken by others, don't consider yourself unlucky."

The Trojan horse's answer is tantamount to not telling. At this time, no one is eager to be the first.

"What's the fourth game?" Sekiya Maruta shouted, arrogantly.

"You will enter a future city full of orcs, where humans are just fifth-class citizens. Apart from tasks, the first priority is how to survive."

"Fifth class? Please speak more clearly." Yu Qingqiu instinctively hated this word.

"That means you are only one level higher than slaves. Until you are pardoned, you have no right to walk on the street or speak loudly. When you see orcs, you must salute and walk with your head down, and you cannot look directly at them."

Every time the Trojan horse reported something, it made everyone look ugly.

"Are there any human rights left?" Americans were the first to frown and complain.

"Shut up, I haven't finished speaking yet. Even if the orcs kill you, you will be fine if you pay a fine. But if you hurt an orc's finger, you will be judged as their slaves as compensation."

"FU~CK, living in this kind of world, I would rather die."

"Aren't humans worse than pigs and dogs? They won't resist?"

"You cannot carry any dangerous items in public places, and you cannot carry jewelry. Of course, with a meager human salary, you cannot afford it. Even if you buy it, you will be robbed."

Trojans continue to irritate these poor people. The orc city is a nightmare for humans. Any conqueror who enters will never want to visit again.

"Stop talking nonsense, who is the enemy in the fourth game? What is the mission goal?" Vasily took a sip of wine and asked the core question.

"This time is to unlock the scene. After you enter the game, you will only unlock the next task after completing one task. Please be sure to act according to the Trojan rules. If you violate it, even if the Trojan cannot punish you, it will deduct points and make you angry.


Trojan horse became impatient and said, "You guys talk too much. I will only answer three questions. Please be careful when asking."

"Shut up, everyone." Di Jingfei roared, looking around fiercely, and got a chance to ask questions.

“Is there a survival rate limit this time?”

"No, but the mortality rate will reach an astonishing 80%, especially those unexpected enemies, which will severely damage your team."

"Wooden Horse has mentioned this again and again, which means that the enemy is not just a monster in the game, nor a conqueror, because these are too common." Tantai frowned and thought, "Could it be a clone?"

"Didn't you beat the clone once?" Lu Fan's little face turned into a ball, "Conquistadors from other worlds have also encountered it, so what will be left?"

"Trojan, could it be said that our enemy is a Trojan?" Tang Zheng suddenly interrupted, and everyone was shocked by what he asked, and they all stared at the virtual screen in the hall.

"No comment, but a reminder, no." The Trojan horse cursed. These guys' minds were spinning very fast. It knew that besides Tang Zheng, there must be a few people who had guessed this clue. "Don't bother,

That is an enemy you cannot think of even if you want to defeat him."

"Copy, Trojan, huh? Is it that?" Tantai murmured, suddenly startled, and looked at the team in astonishment.

"What is it?" Jiang Xiuming's eyes lit up. He knew that the agent had a high IQ, so he probably guessed something.

The movement here also made other teams look over and look at him expectantly. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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