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Chapter 40 Most's Trojan Horse Squad

Chapter 40 Most’s Trojan Team

Tie Ying snatched Ging Guo's f-gun, causing the death of one of the Predator warriors. Therefore, the remaining one was judged to be at the highest danger level and treated as a key target, giving him more attacks.

The red beam laser cannon and the six-clawed darts drove Tie Ying away like a rabbit. There was no way, he had no effective means of attack at all. Melee combat? He didn't think he was as good as Tang Zheng.

Challenge the terrifying physique of the alien.

The Predator also saw the weakness of the prey, and did not want to waste the energy of the laser cannon, so he drew out the steel spear, jumped over, and started fighting. Bai Guo took the opportunity to grab Runa and fled to Tang Zheng. They had no way to stop the enemy.

There is only a dead end if you stay here.

Tang Zheng also caught a glimpse of their danger from the corner of his eye. After biting his lip, he took the risk and pushed hard on the ground with both feet. He rushed towards the Predator ten meters away. He had to kill this one before Tie Ying was finished.

That's troublesome.

Boom, the red beam hit Tang Zheng's left arm, a cloud of white smoke rose up, and his shoulder was almost dislocated by the impact, but he could still continue shooting.

Although the Predators were huge in size, they were extremely agile, but ordinary shooting couldn't hit them. Tang Zheng was furious.

"I regret not strengthening my nerve reaction speed." Tang Zheng complained. He no longer shot the Predator, but instead blasted the wall on its dodge route. The explosion caused rubble to fly and smoke filled the air, finally blocking it.

way out.

"Good opportunity." As soon as he entered the five-meter range, Tang Zheng immediately released the gravity suppression. However, when he pulled the trigger, the thunder ball did not fire out and the magazine was empty.

"Fuck." Tang Zheng yelled. Seeing the Predator struggling to break away from the restraints, Tang Zheng let go of his rifle, drew out his bronze sword again, and pounced on him.

Suddenly, the wrist knives on the Predator's hands also came out, and with a clang sound, they struck together with the bronze sword, and sparks shot out.

The veins in Tang Zheng's arms popped out, and he let the bronze sword rub the wrist knife blade quickly and cut it on the hand bones of the Predator. Then he suddenly used force and cut directly into the instruments and armor on his arms, drawing blood.

Immediately, it spurted out from the edge of the blade and splashed in Tang Zheng's face. Unfortunately, the force was too close, and the opponent stabbed a wrist knife into his lower abdomen, so Tang Zheng had to duck and retreat.

The Predator let out a scream similar to that of a wild animal. Half of his arm was cut off and hung by the elbow just by the skin, swaying and looking extremely ferocious and bloody.

Tang Zheng jumped out again. The Predator tore off his severed hand and threw it at him. The red laser cannon on his shoulder also fired again. Because the distance was too close, it hit him directly in the chest.

The impact force forced Tang Zheng to retreat. Seeing that the opponent was about to escape the range of gravity suppression, Tang Zheng threw his arm and threw the bronze sword in his hand with all his strength. With a clang, the blade was like a cyan lightning, directly breaking through the titanium steel mask on his face.

, stabbed into the head of the Predator,

When he ran to the body of the Predator lying on the ground, Tang Zheng just drew out his bronze sword, turned around and rushed back, and his eyes were immediately broken.

At the bottom of the stairs, Tie Ying was held by the only remaining Predator by his throat with one hand and held in the air. His feet kept kicking, and then a wrist knife was stabbed into his stomach.

As soon as he pulled it out, like a broken water bag, the organs and blood flowed out of the body and scattered all over the floor. The smell of blood and a stench instantly filled the air.

"Tie Ying!" Tang Zheng shouted, knowing that even the gods could not save him. No, the wooden horse could, but everyone had not completed the task and could not teleport back.

"Waiting at the top." He warned as he passed by Ginkgo Runa. Tang Zheng jumped forward and fell in a slight curve. At the same time, he held the bronze sword behind his back with both hands and aimed at the Predator's head and pierced it.

Tang Zheng's luck finally came back. The laser cannon on the Predator's shoulder was aimed at him, but it did not fire and ran out of energy, and then immediately hid to the side.

Bang, Tang Zheng's feet hit the ground, and the bronze sword struck the floor three inches with a clang. Before he could pull it out, a spear pierced his vest. Due to the presence of protective clothing, it did not pierce through.

Just knocked him out.

But this move was enough for Tang Zheng. He stood up and felt that his spine was cracked. The movement just now twisted his neck. It was like riding a roller coaster. The body moved but the head remained in the same place. That kind of

The tearing force is really painful.

The Predator had no long-range weapons and was fighting hand-to-hand with Tang Zheng. The latter's seed ability had also expired, and he only had a bronze sword in his body. He had no choice but to fight in hand-to-hand combat.

Fortunately, Tang Zheng's physical strength and strength were sufficient and he was not overwhelmed. However, due to his weak nerve reaction speed and the need to entangle him so that he could not attack Ginkgo and Runa, Tang Zheng suffered several blows and was completely injured.

He managed to survive with the help of the firefly protective clothing and was not seriously injured. However, the iron-blooded warrior did not suffer any loss. The gray steel armor on his body could not block the edge of the bronze sword. He was cut several times and blood flowed from the wounds.

Every step you take will be sprinkled on the ground, bit by bit like plum blossoms.

"Aren't you going to help?" Runai waited on the spot, worried and anxious. Two people died in a short period of time, and Tang Zheng seemed to be about to die, but the arrogant girl never thought of running away. She was smart and had heard that

If Tang Zheng can survive the one-month period, there is no point in escaping and counting on the weak ones at home? It is better to think about how to prevent Tang Zheng from getting killed.

Bai Guo didn't answer. He hurriedly picked up the f-gun and the thunderstorm rifle. He loaded a new magazine and handed one to Runai. He aimed at the Predator below, but there was no chance to shoot. They fired.

It's too intense.

After noticing Bai Guo and the others' actions, Tang Zheng decided to take some risks and fight quickly. Who knew if he waited any longer, new monsters would not appear, so he slashed the air with his sword and immediately ran up the stairs, pretending to run away.


"Ging Guo, shoot to stop it." Tang Zheng shouted. I don't know if the Predator could understand it. In short, it was enough to show his panic and retreat. Then he stared at the bronze sword in his hand. The blade was bright enough.

, although it’s a bit blurry, it’s perfectly fine to reflect what the Predator behind him is doing.

Ging Guo shot at the Predator, but all the thunderballs missed. Runai also shot with the f-gun, but also had no results. After the Predator avoided the bullet, he chased behind Tang Zheng and stabbed him with a steel spear.

Seeing this scene through the reflection of the sword blade, Tang Zheng quickly moved his right foot to the right, stepped back with his left foot, and retracted his whole body to the right to avoid the spear. He turned around, holding the bronze sword in both hands, and with the help of inertia,

He slashed hard at the waist of the Predator, slicing in, and then came out of the body and passed by.

Half of the Predator's body was torn apart, and blood spurted out, staining Tang Zheng's upper body.

After Tang Zheng faced the Predator, he kept moving. With his left foot as the center of gravity, he moved forward, raised his right foot, and directly kicked the Predator in the stomach with his side, kicking him down the stairs.

Because the prey's back was facing him, the Predator was a little careless, and he didn't expect him to fight back, so this series of attacks all hit the mark.

"Shoot." Tang Zheng felt that if he had a pistol and could refill it at this time, the victory would be completely assured.

Bai Guo was not stupid, he seized the opportunity, and he was afraid of missing it and used a continuous fire, so the Predator who had just fallen down the stairs was swallowed up by the thunder ball and exploded into pieces, not to mention there was a Runa next to him to dunk f-

The trigger of the gun caused it to burn into a ball of fire.

"Huh, it's finally solved." Tang Zheng sat down on the cold stairs, a little exhausted, and his heart still felt a sense of relief after the crisis was over. However, it didn't last for five seconds, and he forced himself to become nervous again.

"Are you okay?" Gingo and Runa ran over and asked in a panic.

"I'm fine, hurry up and clean the battlefield. There should be seeds left. After all, it's two consecutive very difficult encounters." Tang Zheng was very upset about not being able to clean the battlefield on the subway just now, and

He also didn't believe that the enemy would come again, otherwise it would be too tragic.

"What kind of seed?" Runai was puzzled, but Bai Guo suddenly understood. He returned the rifle to Tang Zheng, took back his f-gun, and ran away in a hurry.

"I'll explain when I get back. How are you?" Tang Zheng grabbed Runa's shoulder and turned her around. After making sure she was not injured, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you scared?"

"Not afraid." The arrogant girl was lying, and her trembling lips said everything.

"You will get used to it in the future." Tang Zheng gritted his teeth and looked through the corpses of several Predator warriors on the stairs. Sure enough, he found a golden seed.

"It's annoying, I don't want to get used to this kind of thing." Runai rolled her eyes at Tang Zheng, but her mood recovered a lot because of the teasing.

"Brother Tang, there are one gold seed, one platinum seed, and two bronze seeds. The drop rate is so high." After all, Bai Guo is not familiar with Zhang Yifeng and Tie Ying, and has seen a lot of deaths. The recovery is relatively slow.

Quickly, at this time, I have fallen into the joy of huge gains. I have participated in three games, so the total loot is not as rich as this time.

"I want the golden seeds, and the rest are yours." Tang Zheng took the gold and returned the remaining land to Gingguo as a reward for her loyalty.

"No, it's not fair. I just want a bronze one." Ging Guo was a little hesitant and insisted not to take it. After all, she cooperated with Tieying to kill one, and taking one away was already worthy of her own efforts.

"Stay here and buy some good equipment. Well, consider it as reward for carrying my backpack." Tang Zheng smiled and rubbed Ginguo's hair. She was really a stupid girl with a childish face.

"But..." Bai Guo was embarrassed, thinking that Tang Zheng was too generous, and felt a little happy that he cared about her so much.

"Stop it, as long as you don't think it's unfair that I took away the gold. In fact, you don't have many points. It's enough to exchange silver and bronze for things. After all, using gold seeds to buy props at a discount is a big loss." Tang Zheng considered.

There are more people, Ging Guo seems to have some respect for him, and he obeys his instructions, and he can definitely be cultivated into a loyal subordinate.

"But if I say I want to rub her big breasts, will this stupid girl agree?" As soon as this thought came into his mind, Tang Zheng was frightened and quickly threw it away.

"Yes." Bai Guo didn't notice anything, and nodded in agreement. The number of aliens and Predator warriors Tang Zheng killed alone was probably the total number of kills by everyone. If nothing else, he must be the first in points obtained.


When Tang Zheng was talking, he didn't notice at all that there was a mechanical beetle on the stairs, which was moving slowly, monitoring their every move, and recording all the battles just now.

At the same time, the owner of the Beetle, a burly Russian man, was standing under a giant roadside billboard outside the subway station, eating a burger and watching everything that just happened through the screen of his watch.

Sergey comes from the Russian Trojan team and lives in Most. After an inexplicable death from alcohol poisoning, he entered the Trojan room and started to participate in the game. He has survived five games so far and has gradually become familiar with the game.

world, and then joined the ak47 team.

The mission this time was to protect a girl named Uesugi Ryuna and a girl named Kawashima Airi, but unexpectedly they were beaten to the punch by a group of Trojan Team toys from China. Fortunately, the captain obtained their information in advance in Waseda.

Otherwise, this mission will end in failure.

"But these guys are strong enough to actually find Airi Kawashima and bring her with them." Sergey thought about the other group of companions who spent five days in Kyoto Prefecture, as anxious as a headless fly.

I looked for Airi endlessly, but found nothing, so I felt funny. They called me, and they kept complaining that the difficulty of the game set by some Trojan horse was too high. But when I learned that Airi appeared in Tokyo, all of their faces showed confusion.

A grim expression of belief.

The AK47 team has not yet launched an attack to seize control of Runa and Airi because the team members have not arrived and the other team is still on the train to Tokyo, so the team leader only sent a few people to monitor the target and warned them not to alert them.

, you must hit it with one hit.

"Do you want to take action in advance? This is a good opportunity." Sergey touched his chin after seeing everything just now. He really couldn't help but want to take action first. Those abundant seeds and the killing

The loot that could be obtained from the enemy made him itchy. "Two have already died, and the remaining Chinese women are nothing to worry about. In such a dangerous situation, even the seed ability is useless, plus a primary protection

Yi, he should be a novice, so that f-gun is better. The other man’s ability should be limited, otherwise the victory in the end will not be so dangerous."

After analyzing and sorting out the information, Sergey, who had a good brain, had already made a decision. After swallowing the burger in his hand, he walked towards the entrance of the subway station, "Ha, if I kill that man, I can still try it."

That Chinese girl smells like that, and those breasts are really big."

This chapter has been completed!
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