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Chapter 44 Bus Escape

Chapter 44 Escape on the bus

"Are you kidding me? Do you think the armed tyrannosaurus is made of clay?" Danny shook his head and said with a smile, "A one-on-one challenge? It's not even enough to fit between your teeth!"

"Humph, Fanfan also helped!" Lu Fan couldn't tolerate being ignored, but he was more considering the consequences of exposing the secret. If they were hostile to himself and his uncle before, then they might have murderous intentions now. Jin Dudu

The horns are enough to seduce them into madness.

"Would you like me to show you the golden horn? By the way, the two of them have collected it all." Miranda seemed very unhappy that Tang Zheng was being slighted and urged him to produce evidence.

"Where is it? Let me take a look." This time Danny was stuck. After all, the loot couldn't be faked.

"What is your seed ability?" David was more concerned about another question.

"It's a pointless argument. Let's go to the *** ward on the tenth floor to rest. We'll leave tomorrow morning." Of course Tang Zheng wouldn't answer. He thought Miranda was unintentional at first, but she was so eager that she was exposed.

The purpose, "is to provoke conflict, let me kill them and take away the horn!"

When Miranda saw Tang Zheng glance over, she also showed a smile, but her heart trembled. She wouldn't have been discovered, right?

There was nothing to say for a night, and everyone hid in the hospital with complicated emotions. During this period, Miranda took the opportunity to recommend herself to Tang Zheng for a pillow, but he refused. After all, a little loli was sleeping next to her, and it was too easy to be discovered.


On the second day, no citizens could be seen on the streets of the entire city. Occasionally, various dinosaurs could be seen running past and a torn corpse was pulled out from a certain building.

*** Ward, everyone is discussing how to escape.

"It's too dangerous. Can you think of a safe way?" Jenny was unsure. The corpses would die if they escaped from a city occupied by dinosaurs.

"I have no choice. Let's go out later and get on that bus. Who has better driving skills?" After Tang Zheng made sure that the road surface was fine, he still chose a bus. After all, it was easier to defend.

"Me." Knightley raised her hand and introduced herself.

"You are checking the map while the others check the weapons and show up in two minutes." Tang Zheng took out the Thunderstorm Rifle. There was no need to save anything at this time.

"What should we do about the tyrant?" David was still thinking about that mission. They followed Tang Zheng's order because they just wanted him to help kill the armed tyrannosaurus.

"We will encounter it. The ideal situation is to kill the tyrant near the portal and then teleport to the room." Tang Zheng looked at his watch and said, "We will get in the car later. David and I will be in charge of the front. Maggie

Danny will be in charge of the rear. If there is a crisis over there, Robert will help over there. The others will set off on both sides."

Tang Zheng didn't take care of anyone this time. He opened the door and walked out. Everyone quickly followed. When they walked to the hospital hall, many citizens who were hiding saw them. Their faces were full of confusion, and some tried to

They struck up a conversation, but no one paid any attention to them.

"A bunch of lunatics." Some people saw them rushing onto a bus from the window and couldn't help laughing. Now that the whole city is full of dinosaurs, where can they escape? Especially when a few tyrannosaurs are running towards them.

They were all a little gloating, but when they saw the oriental young man in the team kill the Tyrannosaurus one by one, the smiles solidified on their faces.

"Quick, get in the car!" Tang Zheng deliberately slowed down, so even Julia, who was holding her daughter, did not fall behind. When Maggie stepped onto the car door, Tang Zheng couldn't wait any longer and pushed her butt and squeezed in.

"Can it be activated?" Tang Zheng asked hurriedly. He did not want to use Plan 2.

"No problem." Knightley turned the key, and the engine started roaring immediately. The driver just ran for his life and hid, and didn't even have time to pull out the key, which was an advantage to Tang Zheng and others.

"Everyone is in position." Tang Zheng banged twice and smashed part of the car window with the butt of his gun, clearing the shooting area.

The exhaust pipe instantly spurted out a large cloud of gas. As Knightley suddenly stepped on the door, the bus flew out like an arrow. The newcomers in the carriage were staggered by the inertia and hurriedly looked for something to hold on to.


"Sorry." Knightley's head was covered with sweat and she was holding the steering wheel tightly. She was too nervous.

"Relax, you can do it." Tang Zheng cheered her up casually, but his eyes were roving left and right, monitoring all the streets ahead in order to kill the dinosaurs as soon as they caught up with them.

This bus was the only one running on the entire street, so the roar of the engine was particularly harsh. Within two minutes, a dinosaur caught up with it.

"Robert, it's up to you." Tang Zheng felt that he should prepare a sniper rifle as a backup.

The Ranger didn't waste any time. He placed the Gauss sniper rifle by the rear window, squatted on the ground, aimed at the dinosaur several hundred meters away, and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang, gunshots continued one after another, and the dinosaurs would scream and fall to the ground. Robert did not specifically pursue the headshot effect. Anyway, even if he hit the body, he would not die, and he would not have the energy to chase anymore.

"Here we go again, a group of velociraptors." Jenny shouted loudly, and quickly raised her rifle to shoot.

A large group of velociraptors burst out from a street on the left and rushed towards the bus. Jack and the others also began to attack.

"Help us, the firepower is too weak." Mars' protective clothing was soaked through. The power of the m4a1 was too low, coupled with the poor marksmanship, it took nearly ten bullets to kill one, so the raptor was getting closer and closer.

Knightley saw all this in the rearview mirror, stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, leaving the velociraptors behind.

"Shout before changing speed next time, it will affect the shooting." Tang Zheng looked at the car calmly, very satisfied with the current situation. After the Velociraptor fell behind, Danny also started to fire, and the barrage fired by mg3 immediately swept it down.

Five or six.

Tang Zheng couldn't relax anymore. Dinosaurs began to appear sporadically on the street in front of him, and they rushed towards the bus.

"Don, ahead." Knightley shouted, subconsciously slowing down and looking around, looking for an escape route.

"Don't panic, just drive over and I'll lead the way!" Tang Zheng noticed Knightley's nervousness and quickly comforted her, "Follow the illuminated route."

David half-crouched on the ground and started shooting with the Thunderstorm Rifle. Although the location where the dinosaur was hit was not ideal, the electric ball was very powerful and could seriously injure them as long as it hit them. However, it took too many bullets and only took two or three rounds to hit.

One head.

"Don, this shooting posture is so awkward." David now felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly, and he felt even more distressed about the bullets. The bullets fired were all points.

"Get used to it." Tang Zheng couldn't help it, but he was able to hit the target perfectly. Although the bus was bumpy, it basically had no effect on him, "Don't think about hitting the head, hitting the body will kill you.


The situation was still under control. Watching the dinosaurs being killed one after another, the newcomers were all happy with death. Only Knightley's face was solemn. She was driving, so she was the first to notice that the dinosaurs on the road ahead were getting more and more...

There are so many corpses piling up, making the already crowded road conditions more complicated. The bumps are gradually getting worse. The most direct consequence is that shooting becomes more and more difficult.

Now, except for Tang Zheng and Robert, half of everyone else's bullets must be empty.

"Don." Knightley looked at Tang Zheng, wanting to remind him, but found that he made a shut-up gesture to her and said, "Concentrate on driving."

"That's right, how could he not notice it?" Knightley thought to herself that she was redundant and breathed a sigh of relief. It was useless to worry about it anyway, so she should just concentrate on driving.

"Fan Fan, how long is it?" He kept rushing out when he was free. Tang Zheng didn't bother to look at the map and could only ask Loli to help.

"Two-thirds." Lu's voice was clear and calm, "There is a portal right on the route, and it is still five hundred meters away from contact."

"Distribute grenades to the newcomers." Tang Zheng knew that firearms alone might not be able to stop them, so he couldn't skimp on weapons at this time.

Lu Fan took out two boxes of grenades and threw them in the carriage, then opened the lid. Seeing how generous they were, Robert also contributed a box of grenades and ten TNT explosives.

"Every newcomer, take one and prepare it to guard against the portal." Tang Zheng estimated that the portal is still in operation, otherwise there would not be so many dinosaurs in the city.

Gunshots continued to sound, coupled with the sound of engines, people in the buildings on both sides of the street kept looking out. When they saw the bus being chased and intercepted by dinosaurs, they all let out suppressed exclamations.

"We should actually wait for the police and the army to enter the city before taking action." Danny was a little tired. He hated this kind of high-intensity work.

"Don't count on them, otherwise it would have been last night." Even Mars, a policeman, had no hope for them.

"There are still fifty meters away from the portal." Lu Fan has been monitoring the map. After reporting for the last time, he picked up a TNT explosive.

"Take a look and see if you can get around it." Tang Zheng told Knightley, but unfortunately the latter had a poor sense of direction and didn't know the way at all.

After turning a corner, everyone saw the portal in the middle of the road. At this moment, Tyrannosaurus was occasionally teleported over. When they saw the moving bus, they rushed over immediately.

"Rush over at full speed." Tang Zheng gave up the idea of ​​​​going around and blasted at the Tyrannosaurus. He decided to rush in, otherwise it would be dangerous to be hit by them at close range and destroy the bus. Without transportation tools, no one can

Dinosaurs ran through the city.

The bus passed the portal, and two more tyrannosaurs happened to be teleported out. They immediately roared and launched a sprint. Tang Zheng reacted the fastest, grabbing the smashed body, and the broken meat and blood splashed on the windshield.

Because some of them were broken by Tang Zheng, they were poured into the carriage.

"Throw the grenade." Lu Fan shouted and threw the TNT explosives out of the car window, and the newcomers quickly followed suit.

"Pull out the safety pin." Except for Jack, everyone else was too nervous and forgot to detonate the grenade. Lu Fan could only take out a grenade and do it himself.

"It's been teleported again, it's the Dragon Bone natives." Maggie shouted, making the newcomers' hair stand on end and subconsciously forget about the past.

As soon as the natives riding the raptors finished teleporting, they took out their throwing guns and threw them at the bus. However, the next moment they were also drowned by the explosion, but no one cared about the outcome of the battle. They were all crawling under the car to avoid the throwing guns.

This chapter has been completed!
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