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Chapter 43 The fierce beetle chariot

Mei Jueye argued loudly... He had been preparing for Tang Zheng to hit him, but when the arm was whipped out like a steel whip, he didn't even have time to react. He felt a pain in his mouth and leaned back involuntarily.

He spat out two bloody teeth.

"You were the first to escape last time we acted together. What else would you do besides running?" Tang Zheng didn't check the seeds dropped by the monster, so naturally someone else did it for him. "Pang Meiqin still has excellent driving skills.

After the mission, the score is higher than yours, what else do you want to complain about?" []

Pang Meiqin snorted and secretly thought that she would find an opportunity to kill this high school student. He was too crooked. As for Tang Zheng speaking for her, she was still very happy.

"I don't care what your reasons are. If you don't contribute when the team needs it... you are everyone's public enemy and idiots. Why should the team protect you?" Didn't Tang Zheng never think about throwing the Terminator next to the high school students and letting them

Damn it, but this guy is too cunning, he doesn't even think about fighting, he just expects others to take advantage after losing both sides.

"Yes, this guy is so greedy that he is even compared to a woman. As a man, don't you feel ashamed?" Yao Feng liked Pang Meiqin. When he saw Mei Jueye slandering her, Li Jiao jumped out and said to her.

Yelling at him in vain.

Pang Meiqin nodded towards Yao Feng with a smile. Lifu, a second-year middle school student, felt that his bones were lighter by two liang and he was in a state of high spirits. He had no idea that the stewardess with beautiful legs thought he was a fool.

"You're not really in love with me, are you? Haha, you're so stupid, why don't I take advantage of you!" Pang Meiqin didn't expect that Yao Feng would take the bait with just a few words, and she felt a little proud.

How could the newlyweds care about the dead bodies on the ground, which made them panic..." I didn't know what to do, and couldn't wait to leave here.

"Tang Zheng!" Not only Shizuka, but also other female employees wanted to get closer to Tang Zheng and seek help. At this time, they finally understood that without the conqueror, they would never survive.

Three terminators died, and a total of four golden seeds were dropped. No one went to check it. Even Chu Baichuan learned the lesson this time and did not take credit for his hard work. Moreover, after picking up the seeds dropped by Qin Si

, and threw it to Tang Zheng.

"Let's go, get out of here, you deserve this." Tang Zheng threw the seeds to Chu Bai again, took the other three from Yu Manli, put them in his pocket, and then took out a piece of silver and threw it

To Xu Liangmao, "I don't want to see anyone splashing in the water!"

When Xu Liangmao heard this, he was shocked and couldn't help but glared at Yu Manli complainingly. If he had just spent 20 points, he could have gotten a piece of gold. You know, Tang Zheng was very generous.

"Idiot!" Yu Manli curled her lips, slandering the hard-working man in her heart. Playing slowly and steadily is safe. Chu Bai and Z almost died, let alone Xu Liangmao's level. She felt that she had to make it clear to him.

No one had any objections to this distribution. Tang Zheng was naturally the one who contributed the most, and if he hadn’t rescued him in time, Chu Bai and Z would definitely have died. Now that they can share a seed, they are even more determined to follow Tang Zheng.

Thought a

Ai Yixin hugged Chu Baiz's arm and checked his injuries. He was filled with gratitude to Tang Zheng. It was such a blessing to meet a good leader.

"Ging Guo, let's go find you now!" Tang Zheng took out the intercom and reminded him to open the way first.

Naturally, there was no reply, and he was breathing rapidly throughout the call. Tang Zheng felt something bad, and ran with the Trojan team for ten minutes before he saw a few dead mechanical squid guards.

"Ging Guo?" Tang Zheng warned the surroundings and lowered his voice, "Don't fight alone, come back quickly!"

"It's okay, the killing is almost over!" Ginguo panted and hid behind a row of jars...reporting angrily to Tang Zheng, "The noise of your battle just now alerted the guards, so I had no choice but to kill them.

Although Bai Guo said it in an understatement, everyone could understand the danger of the battle. Suddenly, rapid gunfire rang out, causing the newcomers to subconsciously bend down.

"I'll go to support first!" Tang Zheng summoned the raptor mount, jumped on it, and ran towards the direction where the gunfire came from.

Bai Guo is a strong girl. She was hiding well at first, but when she saw the fight between Tang Zheng and others alarming the guards, without thinking, Li Zai jumped out and attacked them, trying to distract them. She knew that Tang Zheng and others were fighting.

When facing a punishing force, Zheng will be under great pressure, so he tries his best to help.

Bai Guo was lucky. These mechanical squids were not equipped with infrared scanners, otherwise their stealth capabilities would be completely useless. At this time, the trajectoryless gravity guns were quite fruitful.

The four mechanical squids scurrying around like headless flies saw Tang Zheng, with the gun in his mouth. Lijiao sprayed bullets, and the suction cups of his tentacles opened and fired missiles.

Tang Zheng took out his Gauss sniper rifle, and the blue energy beam shot through them, turning them into a ball of scrap metal.

"Tang Zheng, I'm here!" Ju~ Milky White Guo's body appeared out of thin air. His face was covered with burnt black stains, and his abdomen was injured, with a bloody bandage attached to it.

"Let me help you bandage it." Tang Zheng did not charge blindly. At least he had to wait until the fight outside became intense before rushing out.

Yi Ting was not in the team. After leaving the virtual world, she was with Zhuo Lie and others, and they had safely reunited. Although Tang Zheng had planned to act later, he installed a tracker without knowing Yi Ting's anger.

But in the face of this situation, it also failed.

"You guys ride this one, I'll drive the Beetle to clear the way, Tantai, Mei Jueye, you guys are coming too, the others will follow!" Tang Zheng gave up the Velociraptor mount to the young woman with a broken arm and her daughter, and then released the six-legged Beetle.

, jump in and start, driving Mei Jueye and Tantai forward smoothly.

The Beetle turned on the powerful helium headlight, and two white lights shone on the front end, pointing out the way in the dark bioenergy warehouse. Rows of tanks filled with human bodies and viscous liquid flashed across the field of vision, like bubbles.

The formalin-filled herbarium is creepy!

Five minutes later, five red dots appeared on the radar.

"Two hundred meters away, it's the Mechanical Squid, prepare to fight!" Tang Zheng had already become familiar with the Beetle's functions. He turned off the lights, turned on the low-light night vision device, and sneaked over quietly.

The production process of the Beetle is quite outstanding. In this quiet environment, the tires rolled without making any sound, and they were as nimble as a ghost.

Hiding behind a row of jars and locking the squid guard, Tang Zheng pressed the launch button...the bomb nest opened, and ten missiles roared out and hit the mechanical squid.

Although the noise of the missile alerted the squid, the distance was too close. Before they could defend themselves, they were hit and exploded into a ball of scrap metal.

In order to kill with one strike, the six legs of the beetle suddenly jumped over the jar, appeared in the sight of the mechanical squid, and poured firepower towards them.

Ten seconds later, the Beetle rolled over the burning wreckage like a breeze.

"Are you taking the right route?" Without a map, Tantai could only rely on intuition and experience to judge. Every time a mechanical squid appeared, he was very happy, which proved that the route was correct. "Our team needs a doctor, and we also need a doctor."

Electronic warfare expert."

"You can't force it." Tang Zheng sighed. There are very few such talents, let alone the opportunity to enter the world of Trojan horses.

Mei Jueye closed his mouth and huddled in his seat. He couldn't talk about this kind of topic at all, and it was very stressful to stay with the strongest and most cautious man in the two-man team.

"If I kill their team, they will definitely collapse..." Mei Jueye began to have crazy thoughts again. The pain in his mouth and the missing teeth made hatred grow in his heart, growing like velvet.

After all, Tantai was also a person with mental abilities. Feeling the piercing gaze behind him, he suddenly turned his head and glared back fiercely.

"You should watch the radar!" Mei Jueye pretended to be calm.

"I know, you don't need to teach me!" Tantai Zongqi is not the kind of boring person. If he were to be replaced by Chu Baiz, Kenan would spit on his face.

"Discovered!" Hundreds of red dots suddenly lit up on the radar, and they were rushing towards this direction. Apparently, the Mecha Squid sent out an alarm signal before it died.

"It's time to come, lend me the Gauss sniper rifle!" Tantai took out a bottle of mineral water, took a sip, took the weapon handed over by Tang Zheng, suddenly opened the roof hatch, and climbed out.

The two sides were six hundred meters apart, but the weapon system of the Mechanical Squid had locked onto the Beetle and began to release missiles.

Heat sources reacted one after another on the radar, and beeping alarms sounded.

"Sit tight!" Tang Zheng operated the Beetle, suddenly accelerated, and shuttled between the battery cans like an ice skate. The missiles chased behind him and exploded with a loud bang. Countless battery tubes burst, and the human body soaked inside was blown up.

The liquid flowed to the ground.

Five seconds later, Tang Zheng approached from the side and clicked the firing button. The bomb nest immediately opened, dozens of missiles poured out, the turret rotated, and the large-caliber cannon also began to fire.

"Leave one for me!" Tantai fired only one shot, smashing the head of a squid, and then saw the missiles carpet-bombing the group of mechanized squids, completely submerging them, but the first

The second wave appears and is approaching rapidly.

"There is no ammo, what should I do now?" Mei Jueye was a little uneasy. Seeing Tang Zheng operating the Beetle and rushing over without hesitation, he felt that this guy must have gone crazy.

The mechanical squid vented its firepower and locked onto the beetle, but it was like a fish swimming upstream, dodging nimbly. Five meters in front of the first squid, it suddenly jumped and then hit it with a bang.

On top of it, trample it to pieces, then jump again, crushing another one, just like whack-a-mole, relying on the weight of the beetle to crush them, while the cannon continues to roar, hitting the head.

, destroy their control chips.

Whoosh, taking advantage of Tang Zheng's opportunity to jump up again, the Mechanical Squid locked onto it and released missiles. The bullets even hit the armor, making a ding-ding-dong-dong sound.

"Tell me, you can't kill someone without ammo!" Tang Zheng yelled. The Beetle landed with a thud and blew lightning. After two times, it suddenly turned back and rushed towards the Mechanical Squid.

The missiles were brought back again.

This chapter has been completed!
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