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Chapter 35 Bombing to the scum

Piao Tian Literature "Chengcheng, use the Platinum Queen." Tang Zheng did not forget that there was a small burden on him. He quickly shouted and reminded him. At the same time, his right arm was like a steel whip on the shoulders of the Dortmund fans. This guy twisted

waist, avoiding the vital parts.

The German's body is in the air. Although he cannot restore his balance or adjust his center of gravity, he can explode his seeds, enhance his defense, and the light defense shield also pops up.

A swinging arm strike knocked the German down again. Before he hit the ground, Tang Zheng bent his knees and hit his waist.

The German punched Tang Zheng hard on the head, but unfortunately his center of gravity was unstable and he couldn't exert any force. After he dodged it, he was punched in the chest instead.

"Take her away." Tang Zheng grabbed the diamond-turned little girl with one hand, threw her towards Zhang Ke at the door, and at the same time released the gravity control.

The second ability of the Furious Queen is gravity control, but Tang Zheng usually uses suppression, but this time, he changed the method.

"Damn it." The German was furious. His body was in the air and he couldn't teleport if he couldn't reach the surrounding buildings. So he took out his weapon and gave him a fatal blow, but suddenly, his body seemed to have fallen into a muddy swamp.

Any action has been slowed down.

The flow of air also slowed down and became as solid as if it had been filled with thick concrete.

"Go to hell!" Tang Zheng stood on the ground, with full firepower, blasting at the German guy, his fists and whip legs as dense as a storm.

The German was like a broken sandbag, constantly falling back and forth. Whenever he was about to hit the wall, Tang Zheng's clone would grab his body, pull him back, and then give him a good beating.

Although the clone of Tang Zheng summoned by the crystal heart has no abilities, it has copied all the physical qualities, strengthened more than fifty times, its own state is optimized, and its combat power explodes to 90%. It can completely crush ordinary second-level conquerors.

The light defense shield could not withstand such a high-intensity blow and shattered. Tang Zheng also exerted all his strength, and the muscles in both arms swelled visibly. The floor under his feet clicked and was stepped on like a spider web.

of cracking.

For a moment, the whole room was filled with the sound of banging fists and gunshots.

The flight attendant with big breasts and perky butt was frightened by Tang Zheng's violence, and the strong wind brought out by the wave of her arms cut into her face, which still hurt a little. She subconsciously moved to the wall to stay away from this place.

Tang Zheng took out the Yukishiro Pill and slashed the German guy's shoulder with his knife, cutting into the firefly's protective suit without any hesitation.

Zheng, an arm was chopped off, thrown away, and fell to the ground.

"SS level?" The German guy narrowed his eyes, and a trace of panic appeared on his face. Then he saw the attack power displayed by Tang Zheng. He knew that he had reached the third level of explosive seed very early, and the daily foundation laying was going well.

It is not comparable to a conqueror like myself who only had level 3 explosion in the last game.

But what scares the Germans the most is Tang Zheng's endlessly powerful equipment, as well as his instant judgment and response to combat situations.

Because he couldn't touch the wall, the German couldn't teleport, and his best wandering assassination tactics couldn't be used, so he had to be beaten.

"Hemerocallis, come out. Bless the state."

Hemerocallis appeared wearing a nurse's uniform and holding a syringe. She immediately snapped her fingers twice and spread a golden halo on Tang Zheng and the clone. Their strength and agility increased again, and their offensive doubled again.

Whoosh, whoosh, almost at the same time. The two men released their moon blades, and the crescent-shaped blade tore through the air and struck each other.

The German guy's body was splattered with blood, but nothing happened to Tang Zheng. The moon blade hit the Tyrannosaurus protective suit, leaving only a slash mark.

"How many SS-level equipment does this guy have?" Thinking that Tang Zheng still had a set of Hellfires that he didn't wear, the German felt that his future was gloomy. "This is not fair."

Phew, taking advantage of the German guy's clone, Yukiyomaru opened another hole in his body.

"Level 3, open." On the edge of life and death, the German opened the Level 3 Explosive Seed, and his abilities evolved. The room was filled with stones that were blown away by the energy. He stretched out his arm and touched it, and his whole body squirmed.

, suddenly got in and disappeared.

Tang Zheng suddenly sensed that something was not good, and Yukishimaru quickly killed him, but only half of his foot and a scream from the German were left.

"Damn it, level three, blast it for me, female musketeer, come out and find someone for me!" Tang Zheng was annoyed. He couldn't even keep the other party here. With his teleportation ability, once he was determined to escape, he

But there was really no way to deal with it, and he was so angry that he asked him to activate the third level of explosive seed.

The female musketeer is an agility-type servant, and her perception is naturally high, and she is good at detecting enemies. However, Tang Zheng was not satisfied yet. With a wave of his right hand, the Oshu Eagle jumped out of the ring, flew out of the building, and circled outside to monitor.

"How can we prevent him from running away?" Tang Zheng forced himself to calm down and not look at the corpses of the soldiers. Then he suddenly raised his right arm, opened the mechanical lion roar cannon, and fired towards the floor.

A thick beam of light penetrated directly through the eighth floor. Countless cement blocks fell and exploded, and then a beam of light exploded, this time towards the ceiling, directly blasting through it, and even the blue and clear sky could be seen.

"Get out quickly." Tang Zheng did not forget to tell the company commander, but he had already hugged Chengcheng and ran out with Zhang Ke. In this kind of battle, it would be very dangerous for him to stay and watch.

"Tang Zheng, he's over here, on the tenth floor!" Chen Hong screamed. After all, the outdated female star was not hopelessly useless. She made a contribution at the critical moment.

"Go and chase." Following Tang Zheng's order, the three female musketeers and the Oshu Eagle ran with all their strength, locking on him tightly this time and not missing anything again.

The German can teleport, but there is a range limit, and he cannot stay in a different space, so after teleporting, he will definitely appear within a range of 200 yards within one second.

"Huh, since you want to hide, I will demolish all the nearby buildings." Tang Zheng threw the first bow of Tokaido to the clone, then sprinted towards the window, followed by a vertical leap, and jumped directly.

The height of six floors was nothing to Tang Zheng and his clones. Their bodies fell rapidly, and the air flow blew past their ears.

Bang, bang, the two of them landed on both sides of the building. Then they raised the first bow and drew it into a full circle. Then they fired. Hundreds of light-spotted arrows roared out, smashing the surrounding buildings, and the building began to collapse.

, the clone's hands kept moving, still clearing the shooting area.

Tang Zheng was also armed with Hellfire. He poured out beams from his palms, rockets, and energy cannons from his chest. Most of the city block was flattened, leaving only a lonely building that was teleported in.

In fact, Tang Zheng guessed that the Germans might be hiding in the building they just teleported in, but company commander Zhang Ke was there. If Tang Zheng destroyed it, they would also be buried alive.

But it was enough now. All the surrounding buildings were razed to the ground. Even if the Germans teleported away, there would be no place to hide.

"I don't believe you can teleport a thousand meters."

Boom, boom, two beams of light were fired at Chen Hong, who was flying in the sky. The German guy also wanted to kill her as the monitor, but unfortunately, the has-been star was best at escaping, so he avoided it from a distance.

The three female musketeers caught up with the German, exchanged fire with him, and began to contain him, waiting for Tang Zheng's arrival. They alone could not defeat him.

However, the Oshu Eagle was powerful, like a shooting star, it hit him quickly, and a fireball the size of a washbasin was ejected from its beak, covering him and hitting him.

Tang Zheng ran towards the building. When he was close to three meters, he pressed his legs down, then jumped directly to the third floor. When he was about to climb, he heard Chen Hong's call.

"He went east."

Needless to say to Chen Hong, Tang Zheng had already gotten in through the broken window. In order to save time, he directly broke through the wall and sprinted in a straight line to intercept the German.

The Austrian Eagle and the Female Musketeer have already fed back the intelligence. As long as they are targeted, Germany will not be able to escape, and the clones have already rushed over.

"Why did so many people come out all at once?" The German was so depressed that he fell into a situation of being besieged. As soon as he touched the ground, he was about to teleport away, but in the blink of an eye, hundreds of light-spotted arrows exploded around him.

He opened it and knocked him out of the teleportation state. Not to mention, the Oshu Eagle started a meteor impact and swooped down. Half of the city block was destroyed, with dust and scattered rocks everywhere.

Alizee began to adopt suicide tactics and tightly wrapped herself around the German guy. No matter how hard she was hit, she just wouldn't let go.

Tang Zheng was the last to arrive, pulled out a handful of rabbit bombs, and threw them on the German guy.

Germano twisted off Alizee's head and teleported again, but when he appeared, another rabbit bomb exploded behind him.

Tang Zheng blasted in his direction, with the thrusters fully activated, and chased after him. The German teleported again, but the explosion came back again.

"Damn, why can't we get rid of it?" Germany couldn't remove the rabbit bomb, and he was anxious. He knew that the explosion would clearly indicate his position.

"Kill him!" Tang Zheng threw the Gauss sniper rifle to Marilyn.

The barrage of lightning balls shot out, the cannon beams shot one by one, hundreds of light-spotted arrows, as well as the fireball attacks and falling meteors of the Oshu Eagle. Under Tang Zheng's full force, the entire street was completely destroyed in an instant.

Overwhelmed by powerful firepower.

After all, the protection on the German guy's body was just an S-class firefly, which could not withstand such a blow. The next second, he appeared on a ruins covered in blood and dust and injured.

Tang Zheng calmed down a little. He was not afraid of the other party running away. The rabbit bomb was set to detonate at different times, which could completely indicate the direction. What's more, this guy was injured, and the blood flowing out was the best road sign.

"It's over." Tang Zheng originally wanted to use military equipment to trample the Germans into a pulp, but when he saw the destroyed buildings around him, he immediately gave up the idea. If he made such a big noise, he would probably come over.

For investigation, it’s better to keep a trump card.

In fact, when the battle reached this level, there was no need to worry about it. The victory was already determined. The German guy wanted to take a first aid kit for himself, but Marilyn blasted his arm with a cannon beam.

This chapter has been completed!
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