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Chapter 57 The two German teams are wiped out

Chapter 57 The two German teams were completely wiped out

Xu Changtai's West Lake Longjing team has fifteen people. In addition to the third-level Huangfuxiong and the second-level Yaoyao, there are still ten college students, a hawker, and a driver. Their strength is pretty good, and they can see the sky and the huge When the Iron Sky hit, they immediately moved towards Tang Zheng's battlefield. \\9vk.com first release\\

"Whose ability is this? It clears the area, it's so scary!" Seeing the Sky Eye floating in the air, constantly gathering energy, and shooting out beams, Yuanyuan was so shocked that her eyes almost exploded. This was the first time she had seen such a powerful force. The group killing skill, but the next moment, she was shocked again because of the appearance of Steel Sky.

It seems like a steel barrier covering the sky, engraved with textured metal lines. After opening it, the ferocious-looking Kirov airship descends, drops heavy bombs, and launches missiles. Not to mention, there is even a mechanical sound in its center. The center stack formed a rail gun, and the thick blue-white plasma beam seemed to blast through the earth.

"The sharp seed ability is at least the level of a third-level conqueror." Huangfuxiong sighed. His floating shuttle is a powerful weapon in single combat. Even if it is a fourth-level one, it can still fight, but when it comes to group killing and clearing the field, it is absolutely There are no two kinds of toughness in the sky.

"No matter who is fighting, as long as the operation is good, you can definitely make a profit." The slightly fat Xu Changtai stepped on the accelerator with a relaxed expression. He was very confident because he was a four-stage seed blaster who had activated the hero mode. .

Turning a corner, just as Xu Changtai was wondering what benefits he could get, two armored vehicles rushed out of the fork on the right and almost collided with each other.

As soon as they met, the armored vehicle's 30mm machine gun turned around and sprayed shells frantically.

Xu Changtai turned the steering wheel hard to avoid, twisted into an S shape, and ran out diagonally.

The apron girl's shooting skills and reflexes were superb. One look at the opponent's driving skills, and she knew that there was a Conqueror sitting on it. There was absolutely no way for her to get the results. She immediately aimed at the armed Humvee behind and roared with machine guns.

Bang, bang, amidst the fierce shelling, none of the shells missed, they all hit the Humvee and penetrated its armor.

The interior of the Hummer suddenly felt like a flesh and blood mill. The blast of air and splattered shrapnel were like a metal rainstorm, frantically harvesting lives inside the vehicle.

The vendor didn't even bother to hum. A piece of shrapnel was shot into his eye socket and embedded in his brain. He died instantly and lay on top of a female college student. A dozen shrapnel roared in and penetrated his body.

The female college student was splashed with blood on her face and screamed in fear. However, she survived because the vendor's body shielded her. The other six people were not so lucky. They were shot by broken iron pieces and screamed in their throats. The screams.//《》.com《》Novel Network//

Because they wore protective clothing, they did not die immediately. If treated in time, they could have saved their lives. Unfortunately, they encountered an apron girl who was good at shooting, and instead suffered even more tragic ravages.

The machine gun did not stop at all, and the woman in the apron did not miss a single shot. In more than ten seconds, hundreds of grenades were blasted into the Humvee. The entire armored vehicle wall was riddled with holes and shattered into scrap metal, which could be directly seen. The miserable situation inside.

Except for the female college student who was crushed underneath and was seriously injured, everyone else was dead. Their bodies were blown into pieces and splattered all over the car cabin. Blood flowed from the cracks in the car door.

Xu Changtai didn't want to fight with the other party, so he wanted to drive away and take advantage, but the other party pursued him tightly, opened fire with machine guns, and smashed the tires.

The West Lake Longjing team never cared about newcomers, so the seriously injured female college student was afraid and died of excessive blood loss.

Fleischer is a fourth-level man, probably because he is a homeless man. His brain is not very good and he is very indifferent to everything. He has never thought about being a hunter with an oriole behind him. When he sees an enemy, he wants to kill him. If he is allowed to

Knowing that Xu Changtai on the opposite side is also at level 4, he would probably consider the consequences of the battle to some extent.

"Damn it, is it over yet?" Xu Changtai was angry, opened the car door and jumped out. With his always cautious character, he did not fight, but observed first. This pause actually killed Yaoyao.

Seeing that the opponent's Hummer was damaged and stopped, Fleischer pounced out without any probing and just attacked directly.

Roar, with a roar, the former tramp, now the German captain, directly activated the third level, released his ability, and instantly grew in stature, turning into a burly werewolf, and jumped over more than ten meters in one leap.

From a distance, it hit the Humvee with a bang.

He opened the car door and came out. Before he could find the enemy, he saw a fist coming from the corner of his eye. Just as he was about to dodge, a roar came out. He was stunned and his eardrums were about to rupture.

The other newcomers were even worse, with blood even flowing from their ears. This was Fleischer's evolutionary ability, the giant wolf roar, which could stun the enemy and cause a slight mental shock.

Bang, Fleischer smashed Yaoyao's head, and the headless body rolled out like a torn sack.

Huangfu Xiong's head was also a little unclear, but he resisted well and was not the first target.

Fleischer is not stupid. A conqueror like Yaoyao who wears a unicorn is neither strong nor weak, so he is naturally listed as the first target to kill. This not only reduces trouble, but also lowers the enemy's morale.

"Damn it!" Seeing Yaoyao's death, Xu Changtai was furious. He exploded instantly, unleashed his abilities, and faced Fleischer. "Go kill that German woman."

"Humph!" Huangfu Xiong leaned forward and jumped out. At the same time, the air around him vibrated in ripples, and ten floating shuttles were shot out, surrounding the German team's armored vehicles.

Zhi, zhi, zhi, the beam shoots out.

The girl in the apron had already jumped down. At this time, there were still six German newcomers jumping out. They were hit and instantly dismembered, and their bodies were broken into pieces.

The Rangers also have fifteen people. In addition to Fleisher and the apron girl, there are still seven neo-Nazis and six stewardesses. Among them is Berta, who won the Thunderstorm rifle after winning the rookie competition.

When the woman in the apron saw Huangfu Xiong, she was immediately shaken. She turned around and ran towards Fleischer. She did not forget that this man had hellfire, which was obviously not something she, the second level, could deal with.

Huangfu Xiong was too lazy to pay attention to him and began to kill the newcomers. The floating shuttles scattered and killed them. They rotated and the beams they shot were like sabers, slashing at the stewardesses.

A flight attendant gasped and ran away in embarrassment, but the next moment she found that her lower body was gone. When she looked back, she saw that her lower body had been cut off at the waist and left in place. With a crash, the inertia disappeared and she fell to the ground.

, the internal organs were scattered all over the floor.

The other newcomers did not escape the disaster and were all killed by Huangfu Xiong.

"Captain, leave quickly, you can't beat me." The woman in the apron warned, took out a heavy gravity gun, and blasted the newcomers of the West Lake Longjing team.

The black gravity ball blasted out, accurately hitting the newcomers who wanted to stay away from the battlefield, directly blasting them into pieces. The encounter was so cruel, and if they were weak, if they were targeted again, they would be killed instantly.

At this point, all the newcomers on both sides were killed, and the battle became more intense. After Xu Changtai saw that the woman in the apron was being raped, he immediately looked at Huangfu Xiong and decided to work together to kill them, otherwise they would jump out later when the fishermen benefited.

We still have to fight, so why not decide the winner now?

On the main battlefield, several college students shivered and stayed in place, trying to avoid the sight of the conquerors. They did not dare to participate in the battle against the German newcomers. Two German stewardesses were crying, squatting on the ground, and wanted to run away, but were stopped by Lu Fan

Imprisoned in a desert cage.

"What should they do? Break their legs and throw them away?" Pang Meiqin tapped them with her chin and asked Tantai, clearly letting the agents take the blame.

"Throw it away when the next batch of bugs comes." Tantai was not kind enough to be a woman, so he decided on the death penalty for the two flight attendants. When the college students heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his team won.

, otherwise it would be them who died.

"A bunch of trash." Pang Meiqin cursed, picked up the telescope and looked at the battle in the distance, "Do you want a few people to help? Hey, there is so much movement over there, it seems like someone is fighting?"

More than a hundred meters away, there was a sudden rumble and a building fell down, which attracted Pang Meiqin's attention.

"No need, let's move first." Tantai scanned the team's injured numbers and decided to play it safe. Anyway, as long as Tang Zheng recovers, future battles will be much easier.

As Xu Biyun and Ruan Feifei joined the battlefield, the German newcomers' defense line was broken, and their momentum completely collapsed. The video game girl holding a Thunderstorm assault rifle, under the cover of a puppet human shield, charged directly, killing every newcomer she saw.

Even if they hide in a bunker, it won't work. The lightning balls and combat puppets can blast through the walls and kill them. Ruan Feifei's electric current, not to mention, is invincible and leaves a lot of charcoal wherever it passes.

"Sharp." Squad leader Zuo watched the two women clearing the battlefield with absolute superiority. He was filled with envy. He also wanted to have super powers.

Shen Qingshuang ran to the dead neo-Nazis, picked up the space backpack, and then checked their pockets.

"Stop it, take the newcomers back, we're leaving." Xu Biyun shouted, stopping Shen Qingshuang.

Five minutes later, everything was over, Tang Zheng and others evacuated, and he also knew that Chen Hong was killed.

"Chen Hong desperately sent the message and asked everyone to rescue you. It's not in vain that you took care of her for so long." Tantai sighed and did not dare to mention Chengcheng's death, "Don't worry, I

We will arrange for someone to collect her body."

With a creak, a Hummer jumped out and blocked Tang Zheng's convoy. Xu Changtai, who was covered in injuries, walked down and stared at the entire convoy with a gloomy face, judging their casualties.

"Impossible. There is only one Level 3 Warhammer team. How did they win? The opponent had a Level 4 one!" Huangfu Xiong couldn't even imagine what happened in this battle. Just now, the blue Trojan was standing there.

A new prompt was given on the handheld device. Landecker's star team was completely wiped out and exited the game. Fleischer's Rangers team had only three players left.


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