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Chapter 63 The Bloom of Life

Chapter 63 The Bloom of Life

"Stop!" Tang Zheng and Tantai both noticed the abnormality of the soldier who had broken his leg. Unfortunately, they were too late. With the sound of a gunshot, the soldier who had already been tortured by pain chose to commit suicide and smashed his head with a pistol.



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Several soldiers staying in the mother fort were stunned. The last scene they saw was comrade Xiao Zhao pointing a gun at his temple and smiling miserably at them. Then he turned into a corpse, collapsed, and his blood was sprinkled on the

on the wall.

"Xiao Zhao?" Brother Sun rushed in with sweat on his face and threw himself next to his body. Seeing this honest fellow soldier commit suicide, he shouted out with unspeakable grief and irritation in his heart.

"My condolences!" Tantai sighed, thinking about the consequences of this incident, as well as the stretched troops and ammunition reserves. However, the newcomers were dying, and they all looked like they were about to collapse from exhaustion.

This time the rest took a little longer, more than 30 minutes, and then twenty-two portals came. When all kinds of bugs came out, the newcomers breathed a sigh of relief. Compared to the bugs, these guys were actually better.

It's better to deal with it.

Tantai was about to send the three uninjured soldiers who were staying in the mother castle to the front line, but this time the number of flying insects was several times greater, and the mother castle was under great strain, so he had no choice but to give up.

In less than ten seconds, thousands of bugs appeared on the battlefield, which exceeded the barrage projection capability achieved by the Warhammer team with ordinary firearms. Therefore, the Conquerors all switched to S-class firearms to withstand the sea of ​​bugs.


Tang Zheng raised his hand and released the Oshu Eagle. A white light flashed through, followed by a sharp eagle cry that pierced the sky. The black eagle with white spots on its wings flapped its wings and flew high. Then it turned back, like it was falling into the sky.

Like a meteor in the atmosphere, it pounced straight down at a speed close to Mach 1. The insects along the way were instantly strangled into pieces by the airflow it brought out, forming a bloody mist in the sky, and then fell.

This is the aerial combat skill of the Oshu Eagle, Blade Cutting. Any air on the path it hits will vibrate due to the extreme speed of its wings, forming a sharp air blade that is enough to cut through steel.

Boom, the Oshu Eagle hit the ground, and the meteor impact skill was activated. The portal that was hit head-on was directly broken into powder, and the bugs within fifty yards around were also squeezed into meat paste, even a little bit of meat.

None of them stayed, and then the impact waves were blown around, black and green, like the tide lapping at the coast.

The bugs were unable to gain a firm foothold and were drowned by the flowing meat sauce. Then the juice was poured into the No. 3 bunker from the nozzle, and it was more than a foot thick. The smooth touch and stench almost made it overwhelming.

Manli and others went crazy.

Boom, because the Oshu Eagle exceeded the speed of sound, it took several seconds before the strong airflow made a series of popping sounds, and then squeezed down. A big hole opened up in the entire ground.

The eagle just fluttered its wings and took off, spitting fireballs towards the phosphorus-winged flying insects in the sky, and cleared a large area. All the insects that were hit screamed, burned into balls of fire and fell from the sky.

The Oshu Eagle entered the battlefield and instantly gave the conquerors a chance to breathe.

"It's so sharp. It's worthy of being Oda Nobunaga's ace pet. This attack power definitely exceeds the S level." Tantai operated the Beetle to straf the battlefield. Countless hot bullet casings jumped out of the ejection port and hit the ground with a clanging sound.

on the floor.

The wounded saw the Oshu Eagle going berserk and killing hundreds of bugs with every attack, and they all felt that they would have no problem surviving this round.

Tang Zheng nodded, sat at a shooting port, and shot downwards. Every time the lightning ball was blasted, a lightning jungle would explode. As a result, more than a dozen bugs fell out, but it still didn't work. It was filled with other bugs in an instant.

"I have studied the list of Trojan horses. There are very few props that can be used for aerial combat. You are still a pet. It also has investigation capabilities and is definitely profitable." Tantai was right. The Oshu Eagle is a rare prop in the scene.

Although it is S-level, it has SS-level combat power because it can fight in the air.

"The Oshu Eagle can attack freely for ten minutes. If you want to continue to use it, you must consume life energy." Tang Zheng glanced at the newcomer and said, "Of course, ordinary people can also use it, but it will be exhausted.

Their lives, suck them dry.//《》.com《》Novel Network//”

Tantai frowned. The wounded who originally had happy faces fell silent when they heard this. Their expressions changed as they looked at the long battlefield where fierce fighting was taking place.

In the later stage of this wave, Ruan Feifei and Li Xinlan both used their abilities and finally suppressed the insect wave. No one died, but they were all exhausted. Each newcomer felt that they could fall asleep even if they were standing.

But they had no way to rest and had to run out to reinforce the bunker.

The interval of more than twenty minutes was so precious. They were all sniffing the air greedily, sweating profusely, and sorting out their weapons in order to cope with the next round of battle.

Li Du suffered a broken arm. Coupled with the high-intensity fighting and harsh environment, the wound seemed to be infected and he started to have a fever. The German flight attendant took the initiative to ask Yu Manli for some water to take care of the soldier.

"You will be fine." The flight attendant was obviously moved by the scene where Li Du risked his life to save her, and she began to take the initiative to answer Li Du.

Li Du had no such experience with women, and the German that was imprinted in his mind was not very proficient, so there were some communication problems. However, the stewardess was very patient and talked to him softly.

Platoon leader Gao breathed a sigh of relief. This was probably the only heartwarming scene in the bloody battle.

Another timid stewardess hid in a corner with a dirty face, eating the food she was given, fearing that the soldiers would cause trouble for her.

"Sister Meiqin, if you are tired, please take a rest. I will take care of both of you and work hard with you." Yao Feng boldly showed his courtesy, fearing that he would never have the chance to express his feelings.

"I'm fine." Pang Meiqin took a sip of sweet water, and a warning sound came from the mother castle, and the portal opened again.

"Are you going to let me live?" Li Guazi lamented, but he still crawled towards the shooting hole and sniped at the insects.

A total of twenty-six portals appeared around the bunkers, criss-crossing and spewing bugs. This time there were all kinds of bugs, and there were even many bug-men shooting, and overlord beetles appeared one by one.

, fired a beam towards the bunker, hit the ground, rolled up the soil, and plowed out a deep trench.

Lin Weiguo held a gun with one arm and shot at the flying insects with a Gauss sniper rifle. Every beam shot out would penetrate the death tunnel of several hundred meters, causing the insects to fall down.

Ai Yixin recovered slightly and joined the battle. Tantai no longer shot the shadowless bow, otherwise he would die from exhaustion, and began to mainly use firearms.

The battle only lasted for more than two minutes, and the battlefield was already filled with bugs, which were flooding in overwhelmingly. Moreover, a bug that was twice as big as a yak beetle appeared and came towards them with great force. They had rhinoceros-like claws.

The sharp corners can destroy the fort with just one blow.

Tang Zheng threw the heavy-loaded magnetic storm rifle to a soldier, replaced it with a Gauss sniper rifle, quickly aimed at the rhinoceros beetles and fired, then moved the muzzle, locked the next target in the scope, and pulled the bolt to retreat.

bombs, so looking down from a high altitude, the mother fort continuously fired hot high-explosive armor-piercing bullets, hitting the bodies of the rhinoceros beetles. After exploding them, they shot into the bodies of the following ones, plowing out a path of flesh and blood.


"Too slow." Tang Zheng put on the cannon beam magazine. With one shot, he could blast out a passage several hundred meters long, vaporizing all the bugs he touched.

In Fort No. 1, a college student was injured. Of course, when an acid attack bug hit the perforation, he was too late to dodge, so the acid sprayed by the bug filled his entire face, and he screamed in agony.

He covered his face and fell down.

Everyone is fighting hard, and there are no extra manpower to take care of him.

"Fan Fan, you go." Qin Yan couldn't leave, and the only one left was the little Lolita. By the way, let her save some energy.

"Are you okay?" Lu Fan comforted loudly, took out a nano-robot injection, opened the protective needle, and was about to pull off his arm covering his face and inject it into his body, but when he saw that face,

Suddenly he was stunned.

The college student's entire face was corroded and bloody, nothing could be seen, even his nose was collapsed.

"My eyes, my face." The college student wailed, but his throat was also affected, making his voice hoarse as hell.

"Relax, you won't die." Lu Fan saw the college student struggling, so he cut him on the neck with a knife, knocked him unconscious, and then injected him with medicine.

This college student was hopeless. He lost his eyesight and was even more cruel than those who lost their arms. Shen Qingshuang became more careful and did not dare to be distracted. However, Lu Fan's actions attracted his favor. The little loli did not lose his role because of the other person.

No treatment is given to college students.

"Ruan Feifei, release your power and clear the area!" Tantai's order came from the mother castle. There were too many bugs and they couldn't be contained.

The female anchor complained, stretched out her hands, and more than a dozen blue arcs began to swim and brew. Then they suddenly surged and turned into countless lightning jungles, all of which struck within a radius of 500 yards of the bunker. The insects were

When it was turned over, it turned into a black corpse, and a burnt smell began to float away.

Ruan Feifei panted heavily and was very satisfied with the effect of her actions, but she also consumed a lot of life energy. Although this round was difficult, she relied on her range skills to survive.

At the same time, Huangfu Xiong and Xu Changtai were also struggling. Their consumption was even greater. If it weren't for their own strength, they would have been brought down long ago. However, if this continued, sooner or later the game would be over.

The death marathon trial conducted by the Blue Trojan was extremely terrifying. The attack intensity of the insects increased one after another. It was no longer enough to rely on pure firearms. Li Xinlan, Lu Fan, and Ruan Feifei took turns releasing their energy before they were able to break back a little.

A little advantage.

Lu Fan's mass killing ability was so rampant that the area of ​​500 meters around the bunker instantly turned into a desert country, where tens of thousands of insect corpses were buried.

Li Xinlan's Ice Age also showed great power. After it was activated, the newcomers even felt the cold air, and the entire field of vision was crystal clear. The bugs were either nailed to death by the frost rose thorns, or were frozen, and then squeezed into pieces.

The contrast between white and green body fluids makes the blinking abnormal.

After the battle ended again, the survivors suddenly discovered that at some point, the early morning light had shone on the land in the suburbs, and the entire sky lit up.

By now, the No. 3 sub-fort had been completely destroyed, and Yu Manli led everyone back into the mother fort.

"There are still five hours left, and we have to go through at least eight rounds of the insect sea." Tantai didn't need to look, he knew how tired the three main players with group attack skills would be, "Tang Zheng, how many times can you release Steel Sky now?"


"Three times." This was already the limit that he could bear without risking his life. Tang Zheng was even considering letting Worm Heart continuously devour S-level items to replenish his life energy.

Tantai hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the row of injured people.

"Captain, am I going to die?" The blind college student even lost his hearing, and the acid burned his ears.

Tantai was silent, not knowing how to speak.

"Deputy commander!" the soldier with the broken leg muttered, guessing Tantai's purpose, and then smiled sadly, "No need to ask, I agree."

"I'm sorry, I can't take you back." Tantai grabbed the soldier's shoulders very hard. To be honest, he felt uncomfortable making such a decision.

"Use that black eagle, right? No problem, just let me, a loser, do my last bit for the team." The soldiers looked at it very openly, "But I have a request."

"you say."

"I want to write a letter to my parents and tell them that my son can no longer support them in their old age." Dabing didn't want to cry, but when he thought of his parents' gray hair at the temples, he couldn't hold it back and choked up.

"I want you to promise that as long as a conqueror goes back, he will bring back your letters so that your parents will have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives." Tantai took out pen and paper and distributed them to the newly wounded, "Write a copy of them all.

, the next battle will be even more brutal, and anyone may die."

"Write everything down." Platoon leader Gao took the pen and paper, squatted in the corner, and started writing. As a female college student wrote, tears overflowed from her eyes and fell on the paper.

"Why do we have to suffer all this?" Faced with the female college student's question, Tang Zheng and Tantai remained silent, unable to answer.

Tang Zheng clenched his fists, and his nails almost pierced his palms. He felt deeply powerless. Just as Silver Trojan said, they are all toys and can never control their own destiny.

"Damn it." Xu Liangmao punched the wall. He thought of his lovely twin daughters.

Before everyone had finished writing their last words, the battle started again. This time, a full fifty portals appeared on the battlefield, spitting out insects in dense numbers with no end in sight.

"Shouldn't there be forty-two fans?" Ruan Feifei, who was pale due to excessive consumption, couldn't help complaining. In just one sentence, the sea of ​​insects had advanced to five meters in front of the bunker, to the second bunker.

The portals in the castle were densely packed, so there were a lot of bugs, so they were flooded all of a sudden. The castle body, covered in bug blood, had cracks and was crumbling.

Wow, countless layers of white ice surged out, freezing the surrounding areas. From the narrowing of the covered area, it could be seen that Li Xinlan had reached the end of her strength.

There is no way to clear the sea of ​​insects simply by relying on S-class firearms, only by activating abilities.

"You guys hit the portal." Tang Zheng was about to release his power to clean up the bugs, but was stopped by the soldier with a broken leg.

"Wait a minute, commander, save your ability for last. Maybe you can use it when you break out." After the soldier finished speaking, he looked at him and said with a smile, "How can we use that Oshu Eagle?"

Every second is precious, Tang Zheng knew he shouldn't hesitate, but looking at the young soldier who was determined to die, he couldn't help but feel cruel.

"Tang Zheng, you are the regiment leader!" Tantai wanted to persuade him again, but then he saw Tang Zheng took off the silver ring with the eagle on it and threw it to the soldiers, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just think about releasing the eagle." Tang Zheng was very distressed. Why were the newcomers with good character who died?

"Come out, Eagle." Da Bing only had time to say these words. As a flash of white light flashed out, forming the Oshu Eagle, all of Da Bing's life energy poured into the ring like a tide. As the energy of the eagle, he

His skin began to become dehydrated, cracked, and even shriveled, and he lost weight visibly.

Tantai gave him a sip of sweet spring water, but it couldn't make up for his consumption.

"Comrades, stay alive!" The soldier looked at Platoon Leader Gao, his lips moved, and he wanted to finish his last words, but the sound came out, "Death."

The Oshu Eagle was raging in the sky, each strike was as fast as a meteor, and the sea of ​​insects continued to scatter and collapse, leaving behind a large number of corpses. This is the will and heart of the soldier, and the last awakening in life.

"It's still not enough." Looking at the wild momentum of the sea of ​​insects, Tang Zheng sighed. He was about to release Iron Sky when he was stopped by another seriously injured soldier.

"Haha, it's my turn this time, and we can't lose the face of the 17th Company!" The soldiers crawled to the dead comrade, took away the ring from his hand, and began to inject life into it.

Seeing the death of the two soldiers, Ruan Feifei's expression changed. She originally wanted to save some energy to deal with the battle later, but when she saw this scene, she suddenly felt very ashamed.

"Use death in exchange for attack? Okay, give me the ring!" The blind student leaned against the wall and stretched out his hand. He heard the conversation just now, so he was not surprised. "It is better to live and suffer, or even be eaten by insects.

If I die, it’s better to make my death more valuable.”

Looking at the hands that were stretched out and trembling slightly, everyone understood that college students were also afraid, but he did not flinch and chose to face it calmly.

The ring was placed in the hands of the college student. He smiled brightly and left his last words, "It's a pity. I usually only think about playing Dota, but I haven't even fallen in love. Haha, so sad!"

Relying on the mighty Oshu Eagle and the group-killing abilities of Li Xinlan and the others, they finally managed to overcome this wave of insect sea. However, three more wounded people were added, and half of the second fort collapsed.

There is no way to defend.

The survivors were all exhausted and had no extra energy to repair, so they had no choice but to return to the mother fort.

When Pang Meiqin returned to the mother castle, she saw Tantai squatting in front of a mummy and pulling out a note from the deceased's hand. Then this cruel man who never changed his expression glanced at it, his eyes froze, and the corners of his eyes froze.


There was only one sentence on the note.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I can't go home...!"


This chapter has been completed!
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