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Chapter 1 Black Long Straight Girl

Chapter 1 Black long straight girl

After greeting everyone, Tang Zheng began to teleport, and three seconds later, he appeared on the outskirts of the city. The Blue Trojan was obviously still jealous of the Warhammer team, so he threw them all into a place with inconvenient transportation, causing some minor trouble.&


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Tang Zheng took out his mobile phone, opened it, and glanced at the time. The first lunar month had just passed, and the temperature had not yet warmed up. It was still a scene of decay, but he rarely smiled.

"It's so good to be alive!" Tang Zheng sighed casually, put his hands into his pockets, checked the direction, and went home.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, the cool wind was dry, and after taking a deep breath, he could feel the smell of frost in his lungs. Tang Zheng walked towards the road not far away, but after a moment, he frowned, something faint

Trivial sounds reached my ears with the night wind.

Tang Zheng, who had already taken out his tactical flashlight, stopped opening it, lowered his body, looked around, and then spotted the car parked sixty meters away.

"Robbery? Kill someone and abandon the car?" Tang Zheng frowned. With his eyesight, he could only see a rough outline. He didn't dare to delay. He bent over like a cheetah in the dark, moving quickly and lightly.

On the suburban land, quickly approach the target.

"Hopefully, it's still not too late." With all his strength, Tang Zheng sprinted very fast and appeared within ten meters of the car in an instant. Then a deliberately suppressed female voice floated out. It was very weak, and the originally quiet car suddenly started to shake.

Tang Zheng thought that the hostage was struggling under the coercion of the gangster, so he broke out again, leapt forward, and rushed to the car door. He punched the glass with both fists.

With a crash, glass fragments scattered, followed by the sound of steel twisting and creaking, and then the entire car door was torn off under Tang Zheng's brute force, and the entire car body was shaken by the inertia.

Tang Zheng stretched out his arm and was about to throw away the car door and choke the gangster. Then he froze. In the faint moonlight, he saw the scene inside the car.

A woman in her thirties with permed and curly hair was lying on the back seat, moaning with love. Her top was pushed up to her neck, exposing her breasts, and her lower body was naked. A man knelt next to him and pulled

She put her legs on her shoulders and vigorously moved her body, working on the woman's body.

"What the hell, what is this?" Tang Zheng couldn't help but curse. It turned out that they were a pair of wild mandarin ducks playing car rides in the countryside at night, and they were also acquaintances, the brother and the prostitute who they often met.

"You..." The brother had just convinced his lover and was taking out his gun and mounting his horse. Unexpectedly, the car body shook violently, the glass shattered, and then a cold air that made people's hair stand on end rushed in. He turned around and wanted to

As he started to curse, he saw the sturdy figure standing outside with one hand holding the car door, and he immediately swallowed all the complaints back into his throat.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. Not to mention the car door weighs tens of pounds, who can remove it with your hands?" Brother put on a smile, but he was cursing in his heart. He might be broke tonight, and as for what's under his body,

He didn't care at all whether the woman would be raped.

"Ah, robbery!" After the initial shock, the prostitute finally shouted out, but she subconsciously covered her mouth in an instant. Unexpectedly, it was useless to shout loudly in the wilderness, and she had vaguely seen Tang Tang just now.

The violent scene of Zheng tearing open the car door with his bare hands made his whole body tremble with fear, and then he lost control and fluid flowed down the car seat.

Bang, Tang Zheng locked the door on the car and left with a gloomy look on his face.

"Yeah, my car!" Seeing Tang Zheng walking away, Brother De immediately stood up, without even bothering to lift his pants, to check the damage to the car. This was his guy to eat.

"You don't even know how to care about me." The prostitute was angry and kicked her brother in the stomach. However, she still thought about her brother, "You coward, go make him pay for it. You can fix it just by looking at it."

A car."

"How many lives do I have to lose? If I make someone angry, what should I do if I get another vote?" Brother looked at Tang Zheng's back and didn't dare to go.

"Okay, you liar, didn't you say you don't have any money? It turns out that you didn't want to take me to the hotel, so you came to the countryside to suffer the cold." The prostitute was angry, and she rushed to her brother and kicked her hard, then was stoned.

It hit my foot and fell to the ground.\\.com first release\\

"Oh, it hurts me so much." The prostitute screamed miserably, but her brother ignored her. He was worried about the damaged car. Then he looked at the torn car door and took a breath. This is what people can do.

Can it be done?

Bang, a stack of hundred-dollar bills fell near the car, directly attracting the prostitute's attention.

"Mine." The prostitute rushed over and held them in her arms. She roughly estimated that they should cost 100,000 yuan, which is enough to buy a new car.

"Hey, don't you think this back looks familiar?" Brother De looked at Tang Zheng who had disappeared into the night, feeling a little confused.

"I have sharper eyes than you. He is the young man we have met several times." The prostitute held a hundred-dollar bill and stuffed it into her handbag. "You won't need that much to repair the car. The rest will be considered as my mental damages."

"Two hundred is enough to repair my ass, please take it out for me quickly." The couple started to quarrel again, and after a few days of cold war, they got tired of being together again.

In a deserted place, Tang Zheng took out a car and drove into the city. Then he found that there was nowhere to go. Although he bought a new house, Chen Hong was dead. Going there would always remind him of bad things.

Memories, as for An Xiuru, I don’t want to have any more intersections, so I pretend to be missing, and I guess she will forget about her after a while.

"Forget it, let's find a hotel for the night." Putting his phone in his pocket, after finding the hotel, Tang Zheng drove the car into a dark alley, put it into the space watch, and walked towards the hotel.


After paying the money and showing his ID card, Tang Zheng took five minutes to get everything done at the front desk, and then followed the waiter to take the elevator to the eighth floor.

In the elevator, the waiter glanced at Tang Zheng secretly, and then involuntarily took a step away. There was nothing he could do about it. Although his sportswear was intact, there was a faint smell of blood all over his body, and he had a stern face.

, it was very frightening, this twenty-year-old girl was scared.

"Head?" Tang Zheng saw the waiter's finger kept pressing on the door open button, which was a little funny, so he suddenly frowned with a shocked expression, looked over the girl's shoulder, fell behind her, and subconsciously took a step back.

The girl in blue uniform was frightened by Tang Zheng's behavior. She shivered and couldn't help but take a step back before looking back.

"Nothing?" There was only a faint figure on the bright elevator wall. The waitress breathed a sigh of relief, then turned her head and saw Tang Zheng standing there solemnly, as if nothing had happened. She was

Only then did he realize that he had been tricked, and he couldn't help pouting.

"This is what it feels like to be alive." Tang Zheng took a long breath and felt sad when he thought of Chengcheng and Chen Hong.

"Room 806, get the room card. If you need breakfast, you can call the front desk." The waitress opened the door and made a routine introduction. As if to retaliate for the prank just now, she added, "There are no tenants on this floor yet.


"Don't worry, I'm not afraid of ghosts. By the way, are there any DVDs like Midnight Ring and The Grudge? I just want to kill time." Tang Zheng said nonchalantly, but it frightened the waitress so much that the hair on her body stood up.

Not daring to stay any longer, I threw down my room key and left quickly.

"Unreasonable lunatic." The high heels stepped on the floor, making a clicking sound. In the silent corridor, there was indeed a sense of panic. The waitress couldn't help but speed up her pace, and even rushed towards him at a trot in the end.

In the elevator, my fingers kept pressing the keys.

"Haha, take a bath!" After playing a prank, Tang Zheng was in a much better mood. He took off his clothes, took a hot bath, and then threw himself into the quilt, enjoying his sweet dream.

In the Trojan game, sleeping is also a luxury, so in reality, all the conquerors invariably sleep until the afternoon of the next day, until dusk.

Tang Zheng was dreaming that he was holding a wooden horse and giving him a fat beating, and was woken up by the ethereal ringtone.

"Uncle, you lazy idiot is still sleeping!" Lu Fan's clear voice came through the receiver, and he couldn't help but tell him the good news, "I am taking my father to see my mother tomorrow, and I can't accompany you anymore."

"Well, have fun." It seemed that the relationship between Fanfan's parents was easing. Tang Zheng was sincerely happy for her. Children should still enjoy the warmth of the family instead of acting coquettishly while hugging a strange uncle.

"I'm hungry, where can I eat?" It was a rare treat. Tang Zheng didn't want to eat takeout, so he put on a new set of sportswear and went out.

In the lobby, several waiters pointed and muttered something after Tang Zheng left. Of course, it was not because of his handsomeness, but because he had slept all day.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Tang Zheng settled the dinner problem and then wandered aimlessly. During this period, he called everyone. The problem between Shen Qingshuang and Zuo Yi was solved and they were training with Qin Yan. He didn't need to worry about it.

Pang Meiqin tactfully expressed her intention to come to him, but was rejected. Shizuka lost her job, was scolded by her mother, and was then arranged to go on a blind date.

"I'm not a psychiatrist. It's useless for you to talk to me." Listening to Jingxiang's complaints and cries, Tang Zheng really didn't know how to deal with it. "Anyway, don't let it slip, otherwise you will be obliterated."

"Well, are you free tomorrow? Why don't you come to my house for dinner?" Shizuka suddenly said boldly, but the last few words became quieter, and her whole face turned red with embarrassment.

"Later." Tang Zheng refused.

"Who is this? You actually hung up on my Xiangxiang phone number? You're so shameless." Seeing the disappointed expression on her daughter's face, Shizuka's mother couldn't help but wonder, "You actually called a man? It's so rare. How did you know each other?

?To what extent has it developed?”

"Mom, don't ask, I'm going back to the room." Jingxiang dropped the remote control, ran into the bedroom, threw herself on the bed, reached out and flipped up the photo frame buckled on the bedside. Inside was Tang Zheng

A photo of me taking a nap against the wall.

It was a cold night, and passers-by were hurriedly returning home. Tang Zheng felt like a lonely ghost, with endless desolation. During this period, he called his mother and listened to her tell him to study hard, don't be reluctant to spend money, and take care of him.

Good thing, Tang Zheng had the urge to cry.

Unbeknownst to his parents far away in his hometown, Tang Zheng had left the campus and was playing a life-and-death killing game with his life.

When passing by a small supermarket, Tang Zheng was attracted by the faint sound of guitar coming from the store door. It was the Hotel California, and he couldn't help but walk in.

A tall girl was sitting at the cashier, looking down at a yellowed book. Her long black hair was like a waterfall, pouring down from her temples, as thick as a touch of night, quiet and intoxicating.

Her figure is very beautiful, as peaceful as the rapeseed flowers scattered all over the fields, and she seems to be frozen under the curtain of night, becoming a landscape painting.

There was a speaker next to it, and melodious tunes were slowly flowing. The girl raised her head and glanced at Tang Zheng, then lowered her head, turned the page, and continued her story.

The paper squeaked softly, as if the ink fragrance was overflowing!

When the girl looked up, even with Tang Zheng's determination, he couldn't help but be shocked. The girl had a beautiful face, with red lips and dark eyebrows like the moon, but one of her left eyes was dim and she was blind.


Tang Zheng walked into the supermarket silently. For some reason, he suddenly didn't want to leave. The girl was reading "The Sorrows of Young Werther", a very old book.

Hotel California played on repeat, and Tang Zheng just leaned against the shelf and listened to it a full seventeen times. After the girl looked at him in surprise, she just let him stay where he was and made no move to chase him away.

"I'm so bored." The hour hand pointed to ten o'clock, Tang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, picked some goods at random, and walked to the checkout counter.

"Hello, a total of 128 yuan!" The girl skillfully carried out the same work, breathing steadily, without saying any unnecessary nonsense.

As soon as Tang Zheng took out the money and handed it to the girl, eight young men with colored hair pushed open the glass door and walked in.

"Where's today's money? Give it to me!" A boy of seventeen or eighteen years old squeezed over from the back, his face full of impatience, and he patted the table.

Tang Zheng frowned.

"Hey, what are you doing standing here? Get out of here after shopping." A young man blew out a smoke ring, glanced sideways at Tang Zheng, and shook his arm like a fly.

"Sir, here's your change." The girl probably didn't want to cause trouble to Tang Zheng, so she returned him a hundred yuan and asked him to leave quickly.

Because of this behavior, Tang Zheng became very fond of her. She is a kind girl.

"No, these things must cost more than a hundred." The boy often hangs out in the supermarket, and he obviously knows the prices of goods. He reaches out to grab the money from Tang Zheng's hand, and keeps cursing at the girl, "I just said

Why is there less money in the store? It turns out it’s all because of you, an ugly guy who can’t even do arithmetic? Fortunately, you weren’t asked to go to college, otherwise it would have been a waste of money!”

The big boy cursed and irritated the girl, revealing the most painful scars in her heart. Not only her eyes, but also her stepmother's efforts to prevent her from going to school.

Tang Zheng didn't want to get blood on his hands, so he turned around and went to the shelf to get a can of beer.

"Hey, Xiaotao, although your sister is blind, she has a really good figure, especially these breasts, they are so big, hehe, do you want me to be your cheap brother-in-law?" The leader attracted the attention of the young man.

Greedily roaming the girl's body, harassing her.

"Viagra, look what you said, how can my sister get into your eyes? That Lihong is the one who was with you the day before yesterday. How wonderful." The boy complimented the young man, with a smile on his face, seeing his half-mother

My sister didn’t take the money, so she cursed, leaned on the cashier, and took out the money.

The girl tried to stop her, but in vain, and was pushed down by the boy.

"Hey, it turns out you've fallen in love with Lihong, what do you think? Her breasts are big, do you want to rub them?" The young man glanced at the boy and said with a smile, "Can I give you a chance?"

"But, isn't that your girlfriend?" The boy was a little stunned.

"We've already broken up. If you like her, I can ask her out for you, but your sister has to stay with me for a day." The young man made the request shamelessly.

"By the way, come with us once." Others also started to cheer, and the girl was shaking with anger, especially after hearing her brother's promise, the color on her face had completely drained away.

"You ugly monster, if you refuse, I will tell my mother that you stole money from the store." The boy roared, fearing that this ugly girl would lose face to him.

Although it was possible to guess their relationship through the dialogue, Tang Zheng still sighed after hearing them say it. The girl's life was indeed not easy.

The young man looked at the girl's slim figure and couldn't help it. He glanced at the street and when he saw no one was there, he felt a little ready to make a move.

"Hey, I'm talking about you, why don't you get out of here." The young man named Viagra pushed the boy away and walked into the checkout counter. The girl took a step back, put her hands behind her back, and grabbed a wooden baseball bat placed there.

A girl is guarding the supermarket at night. She always has something to defend herself from. Even if it is useless, she wants some psychological peace of mind.

Tang Zheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, so he swung his arm and smashed the beer can on his forehead, causing blood to flow all over his face.

Viagra was stunned for a moment, and then he felt a pain in his scalp, his hair was caught, and then the cashier quickly expanded in his field of vision.

"No!" Before Viagra's Aegean squeezed out of his throat, Tang Zheng put him down and slipped to the ground like a dead snake.

There was a splatter of red blood on the cashier counter.

"Beat him and pay for the medical expenses." This was a rare opportunity to extort medical expenses. The gangsters didn't want to give up and swarmed up. They thought they would win seven against one.

"Run quickly." The girl was very kind and smashed the bat at the young gangster who was running at the front to buy Tang Zheng some time.

Tang Zheng stretched out his long arm, grabbed the baseball bat, and then slapped the young man on the mouth. Six big yellow teeth flew out immediately, and the young man screamed and crawled to the ground.

Tang Zheng whipped his leg to the left, kicking the young man away. Then the baseball bat swung out a ball of shadow and hit several gangsters in the stomach.

Blood splattered and screams came one after another, which was extremely harsh against the backdrop of Hotel California.

A passing middle-aged man came in to buy something. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the gangster lying on the floor and was frightened away.

"Damn it, I've been in the Trojan World for so long, I almost can't hold it back." Tang Zheng cursed, he had better be merciful, otherwise these guys will have to wait in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives.


This chapter has been completed!
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