Turn off the lights
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Chapter 64 Zombie Town

Late at night, six armed Humvees were driving on a quiet and deserted road. Apart from the sound of the wind, there was only the monotonous roar of the engine. Listening to it for a long time made people feel irritable.

"How long will it take to catch up with the helicopter? Can you drive faster?" Zhou Meng was worried about Su Su's safety. He was anxious and urged the police to speed up again.

Before the time limit given by the Trojan ended, relying on the armed Hummer running at full speed, the survivors luckily escaped from Chicago and embarked on a road that leads to an unknown destination.

At this point, the convoy has been driving for more than an hour. Although there are many people crammed into the carriage, it is overcrowded, the air is not circulated well, and the smell of blood and sweat is pungent, but the newlyweds who have been frightened for a day can't help but take a nap.

Of course, there were also some who had insomnia, staring outside the car, eager to meet Tang Zheng as soon as possible.

The helicopter didn't have much fuel, so Tang Zheng couldn't fly with the convoy, so he went to explore the route in advance. This made the remaining newcomers very uneasy and afraid of being left behind.

"It's useless to be anxious, how about you drive?" ** was very dissatisfied and glanced at the rearview mirror, "The road conditions are okay, but it's too dark, and I don't want to crash."

Even so, the leader of the group relied on his skillful driving skills to leave behind the five Hummers behind him.

"Change seats, I'll drive." Zhou Meng started to push the passenger door.

**Happy leisure time, just take this time to wait for other cars and go together, it will be safe.

Tang Zheng flew along the road, hoping to find a place to stay as soon as possible to spend the night. He glanced at the fuel gauge. The pointer entered the red area, which meant that the fuel was about to run out. He had less than twenty minutes left, so he tried again

Speed ​​up.

"When is this flight going?" Liu Man couldn't help but ask. The cabin was too crowded, almost more crowded than the train during the Spring Festival travel season. They stayed in the same position for a long time, their bodies were stiff, and they felt terribly uncomfortable.

"I can't find a place to stay, so I'll just spend the night on the highway!" Tong Dahong didn't want to continue flying. It was like torture.

"Stop talking, Tang Zheng is much more tired when flying a plane than you guys sitting there." Song Xin felt sorry for Tang Zheng, looking at that strong back. She wanted to cry, if it weren't for him, everyone would have died in the city.

The newcomers were silent. Then they remembered that the regiment leader had been fighting for a day. Look at Kong Licheng and Dong Zixuan. They had fallen asleep with tired faces. They were bored just now. Sophie told them about the time Tang Zheng left.

, what kind of difficulties he has experienced, if it were anyone else, he would have collapsed long ago.

Tao Ran huddled in the corner with his legs in his arms, peeking at Tang Zheng, feeling that as long as he was here, the sky would not fall.

"Just be patient. There are usually gas stations, rest areas and the like along the highway." Tang Zheng comforted him with gentle words and moved his stiff fingers.

"There is light!" Su Su suddenly shouted with excitement. Through the plane window, she saw some spots of light flashing on the ground in the distance, shining like a beacon in the darkness.

"It's a small town. We can finally rest. Maybe we can have a hearty dinner, take a hot bath, and have a good sleep." Tang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. Others were also happy.

He couldn't help but licked the corner of his mouth.

Five minutes later, Tang Zheng flew over the lights. He was not in a hurry to land, but was circling and observing.

This is a small town less than one mile away from the highway. The main street is only a hundred meters long, but it has complete internal organs. Except for a large gas station located on the highway, there are grocery stores and supermarkets. In total, it is about 100,000 square meters.

There are sixty households, all of which are two-story buildings with wooden structures.

"Why haven't we landed yet?" Tong Dahong didn't understand. "We have weapons, what are we afraid of?"

"Don't you think it's too quiet?" Tang Zheng frowned slightly and turned on the xenon light at the bottom of the helicopter. Although the propeller noise was not loud, it was enough to alarm the residents, but why did no one come out to check?

"There are soldiers!" Kong Licheng suddenly roared, startling everyone.

Tang Zheng nodded, indicating that he had seen it, and at the same time quickly raised the fuselage. He did not want to be shot down, but he was obviously overly worried.

After circling for a week, Tang Zheng saw the whole town and the army that was temporarily resting in the town. It was about the size of a battalion and was armed to the teeth. In addition to the personnel carriers, there were actually five

The modern tank he couldn't name, with a desert color paint job, looked quite domineering.

"How come they all turned into zombies?" When the xenon lamp illuminated several people, Kong Licheng saw their pale and rotten faces, raising their heads and roaring at the helicopter.

"I don't know." Seeing that the fuel was about to run out, Tang Zheng flew towards the west side of the town. Some soldiers left and chased after him, "Sit tight, I'm about to land."

"Hey, why, are there zombies here?" Su Su was very scared.

"We're out of gas. Besides, it's safe to live in a small town. As for those soldiers, they are just for you to practice. Their courage and marksmanship are all developed. Do you think you can learn them in just a sleep?" Finally encountered a wave of zombies.

, Tang Zheng wants to train Tao Ran and his party as soon as possible.

"The benefits don't stop there. If we get their weapons, our strength will be improved by several levels." Dong Zixuan was eager to try. After taking a nap, she regained some energy.

Two minutes later, the helicopter will land on the west side of the town, about a hundred meters away. The ground is covered with lush green grass. It feels quite comfortable to step on and will not make any noise.

After the propeller stopped turning, a dozen chasing zombies lost their source of sound and began to wander nearby.

Tang Zheng grabbed the rifle, jumped out of the cabin, knelt on one knee on the ground, and looked around. Without night vision goggles, he could not see far away. As for the tactical flashlight, he did not dare to turn it on. In the dark night, that

Toys are the best targets.

Kong Licheng opened the cabin door and jumped down. The newcomers behind him also came down one after another. They were not as cautious as Tang Zheng. They all groaned miserably and took in big mouthfuls of air. Liu Man could not stand firmly and fell down with Su Su.

It fell into a ball.

"Don't scream, shut up." Tang Zheng growled, "Hurry up and move your hands and feet to restore blood flow."

"What should we do next? Fight in?" Dong Zixuan held a rifle and came close to Tang Zheng. She followed his example, squatting on the ground and looking towards the town.

"Next time, remember to point the muzzle down, and don't point it where there are people." Tang Zheng stretched out his left hand, pressed on the barrel of the policewoman's gun, and lowered it.

"It's embarrassing." The policewoman's cheeks turned red. Fortunately, it was dark and no one noticed.

"Su Su, go and wait on the highway. Don't let the police pass by. But according to the estimated speed, it will take them an hour at the fastest to arrive." Tang Zheng began to assign tasks.

Su Su didn't answer or move her legs. She stood there with her hands and fingers intertwined and stopped talking.

"If you have any ideas, tell me!" Tang Zheng hated wasting time.

"Zixuan." Su Su was frightened, her body trembled, and she looked at her colleagues for help.

"You are really a person. She is a girl. If you ask her to squat on the road alone and guard her, no one will be scared." Dong Zixuan rolled her eyes at Tang Zheng.

"Zhao Yulian, you go with her." Tang Zheng was too lazy to waste time on these things and ordered another woman.

"No, I can't do it." Zhao Yulian hugged the child, her voice trembling. The thought of standing in the wild in an unfamiliar place made her scared.

"If you don't want to go, then go fight the zombies. It's your choice." Tang Zheng sighed, these people really don't know what to do.

"Don't bully my mother." The child woke up, saw his mother crying, and immediately glared at Tang Zheng angrily.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Zhao Yulian slapped the child on the back of the head, fearing that he had angered Tang Zheng.

The child cried in grievance.

"Forget it, it's up to you, Liu Binshi, you and Su Su go, remember to bring guns." Tang Zheng gave up on Zhao Yulian. If he didn't work hard to adapt, no matter how much help others gave, it would be in vain.

"I want to fight zombies. Let's arrange for a woman to wait." Liu Binshi refused. He wanted to practice marksmanship, which would give him a better chance of saving his life.

"Hui Xin, go ahead." Liu Guohao gritted his teeth and handed the shotgun to his wife, "When you see a stranger, just shoot."

"Be careful, I will take care of myself." Li Huixin is not pretentious, she is a very decisive woman and is more responsible than some men.

"Tang Zheng, can you give my wife a few more bullets?" The rough and arrogant man scratched his hair, a little embarrassed, "I want her to practice her marksmanship while waiting, is that okay?"

"Okay." Tang Zheng opened his backpack, grabbed two boxes of shotguns and handed them over, "Be careful, don't lure the zombies over."

"Yes." Liu Guohao nodded, remembering his kindness to Tang Zheng in his heart.

"Okay, let's disband now. I don't care what method you use. In short, everyone must kill at least five zombies." After Tang Zheng finished speaking, he walked towards Zhao Dongtao, "Tao Ran, Song Xin, come here."

The newlyweds looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Tang Zheng, I'm with you." Liu Man curled her lips and went after him. The other newcomers looked at Tao Ran and Song Xin with all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred in their hearts. The leader obviously wanted to teach them personally.

"Tang Zheng, what do you mean?" Dong Zixuan frowned, "Everyone follows you because they trust you, but you abandon them?"

The newcomers didn't dare to take over, and they felt a little bit resentful.

"Some of you trust me, and I'm very grateful, but some of you just want to find a strong guy to protect you, so don't treat me like a fool." Tang Zheng stood still and glanced at the newcomers, "What do you think?

Can I protect you all my life? To be honest, sometimes, I can’t protect myself. While it’s temporarily safe, you should take the initiative to train. Only by leaving me can you actively think about how to survive and become more courageous to kill zombies.


The newcomers were convinced that with Tang Zheng by their side, even if they faced zombies, they would feel psychologically safe, and it was indeed impossible to practice.


This chapter has been completed!
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