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Chapter 69 Tyrant Attacks

~Date:~November 07~

, . x . o.c

"Don't be impulsive!" Tao Ran stopped Song Xin. If Tang Zheng turned into a zombie, she would definitely be attacked if she went in.

"Let me go, I want to see him." Song Xin struggled violently.

"Tang Zhengxiao, please go back alive, don't do anything stupid." Tao Ran hugged Song Xin tightly. She promised Tang Zheng to take care of her, and she would do her best to do so.

Song Xin hugged Hei Changzhi and cried sadly. She didn't expect that this meeting would be so short!

Tang Zheng couldn't hear the sound outside the door, except for a little heartbeat that couldn't even be detected by instruments. He was no different from a dead person. He was lucky. If he had been bitten directly by a zombie, not someone like Li Wenbo who carried the virus,

He would turn into a zombie in a short period of time, and would have died if he had not been intravenously injected with a large dose of the r-virus strain.

Even one microliter of this unkilled virus strain that retains the characteristics of the original organism can kill thousands of people. Since Tang Zheng has another type of g-virus in his body, they cannot fuse, so he

Their bodies were used as carriers, suppressing each other's killings, and then mutating, leaving him breathless.

Of course, ordinary people's bodies cannot withstand the ravages of these two viruses, but Tang Zheng is different. Although his body is restricted by the Trojan horse, both cell activity and various tissues are on the verge of enhanced imprints. This

Let him survive.

The two viruses kill, fuse, mutate, and silently infect Tang Zheng's chromosomes. No one knows whether this is good or bad. Even the Trojan horse is not sure. After all, it is not omnipotent and cannot control everything.


Tang Zheng did not die, at least that was lucky, but the other one was not bad either. Li Wenbo was bitten by the licker, but the antibodies to this single virus were under the control of the Trojan, so even though he was infected,

But he didn't die.

Trojans need Li Wenbo to kill Tang Zheng. In addition to testing the leader's ability, they also need to try to minimize uncontrollable factors.

Li Wenbo woke up, his head was in a mess and he was terribly dizzy. Then he saw the moonlight shining through the window. After a moment, he laughed.

"Am I not dead?" The night wind blew a little coolness on his face. Li Wenbo was very happy. After lowering his head, it turned into laughter because he saw that his broken left hand had grown back. Although there was no skin,

Only the muscles are left, but the movement is not affected.

The information carried by the virus was transmitted to his brain along with the genetic fusion with Li Wenbo. He understood that his body had been modified, and in a beneficial direction.

"Haha, there is no end to the road. Tang Zheng, Dong Zixuan, please wait for me a debt, and I will get it back soon." Li Wenbo looked at the knocked off calf, there was nothing, and he started to crawl out.

, he wants to eat meat, and as long as there is enough nutrition, his severed limbs can regenerate.

A licker heard the noise and crawled over from the ceiling. When it saw Li Wenbo on the ground, it jumped down. However, it did not attack, but circled around him in confusion. Its senses told it that this guy was the same kind.

Just as the licker was about to leave, Li Wenbo suddenly bounced up like a crossbow. He pressed it down and then bit it on the neck, sucking the blood.

Li Wenbo didn't feel any nausea at all. The only two thoughts left in his mind were eating and hunger.

The morning sun was rising, casting a warm glow. Tao Ran and Song Xin sat in the corridor, their eyes red, and they were sad all night.

Tao Ran looked at it several times. Although Tang Zheng had not turned into a zombie, he was still lying on the bed motionless. This gave her a little hope, but she did not dare to check because she was afraid that what she saw was a cold corpse.

"I'll prepare some food. You keep the door and don't disturb Dong Zixuan." Tao Ran took a few steps, but still felt uneasy, "If someone wants to shoot Tang Zheng in the body, stop them."

Song Xin nodded and leaned against the wall, feeling lost.

The newcomers all woke up and appeared on the streets of the town, smelling the fresh air. Some were looking for food, while others were picking up ammunition from the corpses of the soldiers. There were a lot of supplies, which was perfect for practicing marksmanship.

"It would be great if I could drive a tank." Kong Licheng stood on the tank, stroking the steel beast, wishing he could make it his own.

"Go find Tang Zheng and discuss the next itinerary." Tong Dahong carried the rifle, stuffed sausages in his mouth, and occasionally took a sip of bottled water, "What is Dong Zixuan doing? Would you rather live with a stranger? Don't want to believe us.


"I'm afraid what you saw will be a zombie." Kong Licheng looked at Tang Zheng's house, his face extremely dark, "According to his character, he has come out to command everyone a long time ago, why hasn't he shown his head now?"

"Did you tell me about the accident?" Tong Dahong shuddered, remembering that Tang Zheng had been bitten, and when he looked at the door again, he hurriedly ate the sausage and picked up the rifle. It seemed that a dog would jump out of the door at any time.


"Maybe he has been killed by Dong Zixuan." Kong Licheng cheered up and walked into the room. He actually didn't want anything to happen to Tang Zheng. They were a powerful party. Without him, the team's cohesion would instantly collapse, and their combat effectiveness would be even worse.

Straight down.

Zhao Dongtao and Xiao Wang were sleeping in the living room of the house next door. In order to protect Jinglan and the other girls, they came out and went to see Tang Zheng first without thinking.

"You'd better be careful," Kong Licheng reminded.

"If something happened, Song Xin would have called someone long ago." Zhao Dongtao felt that Kong Licheng was making a fuss and entered carrying a rifle, but the others hesitated and picked up their rifles.

On the second floor, everyone saw Song Xin, whose eyes were swollen like peaches, and Zhao Dongtao's heart skipped a beat.

"What's wrong with Tang Zheng?" Zhao Dongtao went to push the door but was stopped by Song Xin.

"He's fine, don't disturb him." Song Xin didn't want to say that Tang Zheng was dead, but Kong Licheng didn't want to be ignored and forced to see it.

"What's wrong with you?" Song Xin glared at Kong Licheng, dissatisfied.

"Is Tang Zheng dead?" Kong Licheng ignored her and opened the door. The group saw Tang Zheng lying on the big bed, unresponsive.

Zhao Dongtao wanted to run over to check, but was stopped by Kong Licheng.

"Be careful, you might turn into a zombie." Kong Licheng took out his pistol and wanted to blow Tang Zheng's head off.

"What are you doing?" Song Xin was annoyed and reached for the gun, "Dong Tao, stop him, do you want to watch him destroy Tang Zheng's body?"

"It's a corpse." Kong Licheng added, for the sake of safety, he still wanted to take action, but he heard the click of a gun being loaded from behind.

"Tang Zheng is already dead and there is no danger, why do you still shoot?" Tao Ran pointed the shotgun at Kong Licheng, "Are you going to watch your classmates being beaten to pieces?"

"Forget it, let's all go." Xiao Wang acted as a peacemaker and tried to persuade them.

"Where is Dong Zixuan? He's still sleeping, right?" Kong Licheng didn't want to get into trouble with these people, "Close the door and don't let him run out."

"Zixuan is not feeling well and is sleeping." Tao Ran would never let Kong Licheng see the policewoman.

"Forget it, it's up to you." Kong Licheng was too lazy to pay attention to these guys, "Let's go."

Just as Tong Dahong was about to speak, he heard the shouts of the newcomers and ran out immediately.

"What's going on? What are you shouting for?" Kong Licheng didn't see the zombies, and he was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

"Look, there's a truck!" Qin Liangping ate a bag of biscuits and pointed to the town. A truck entered the town.

"Stop the truck and don't come any closer." Kong Licheng fired several shots near the truck in a demonstration. He didn't know who the other party was and didn't dare to contact them rashly. "Go and set up the machine guns."

"This is my home, why can't you come?" The middle-aged driver wearing a peaked cap shouted and asked the newcomer. At the same time, he pressed the button and the truck compartment slowly opened.

The newcomers looked at Kong Licheng and were a little embarrassed. They had not yet learned how to occupy the magpie's nest and dove.

"There are zombies here." Kong Licheng just finished speaking when he was interrupted by Zhou Meng, "No, be careful. If he is a local, why doesn't he ask us strangers about their origins?"

Kong Licheng came to his senses and led several people to the truck to capture the driver.

"Don't kill me, I'm a good person." The driver begged for mercy.

"Put your head in your hands, come down, you two, go to the back and see what's in the car?" Kong Licheng waved his gun and called the names of Qin Liangping and Xiao Li.

"What is this?" Qin Liangping saw a man nearly three meters tall sitting in the carriage. He was startled and raised his gun to aim.

"Tyrant, tyrant!" Xiao Li had seen Resident Evil and naturally knew that this was a third-generation tyrant. His lips were trembling and he almost peed in fear. He turned around and ran away without even bothering to shoot.

"What?" Qin Liangping didn't know what it was, but it was up to no good, so he ran with it, but it was too late.

Boom, boom, the tyrant jumped down and chased Qin Liangping. Because of the fierce force, the whole carriage shook violently with a creaking sound.

The miners didn't understand yet, but some young people recognized the tyrant. His bald head, pale skin, and black windbreaker with restricted functions all showed his identity.

"Run!" Kong Licheng yelled and opened fire at the driver. The guy was very alert and lay down.

The tyrant was very fast, and in two steps he caught up with Qin Liangping, who was lagging behind. He quickly swung his arms thicker than human thighs.

Bang, Qin Liangping's shoulder was hit. His whole body seemed to be hit by a fast-moving high-speed train. He flew straight out and hit a wooden house. His shoulder blades were shattered and several sternums were broken.

Vomiting blood mouth after mouth.

The newcomers ran away and the traffic police opened fire, but the bullets hit the tyrant and had no effect at all. They were all blocked by the protective windbreaker.

"Haha, kill them all." The driver laughed, jumped out of the truck with an assault rifle, snapped his fingers, and then saw the struggling Qin Liangping, shot him again and killed him.

The tyrant is like a heavy tank, chasing the newcomers and forcing them to flee.

The driver shot and wounded a miner in the back. The tyrant grabbed his arm and head, pulled him gently, and tore him into two pieces, with his organs and blood falling out. (To be continued.


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