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Chapter 1008 Steel Feet in the Mud

Chapter 1008 Steel Feet in the Mud (First update, please subscribe)

Every generation in the country has talents.

Although the personnel changes in the center of the Ming Empire have caused certain repercussions around the world, countries around the world are paying attention to the next trends of the Ming Empire. But for ordinary people, the changes in the center have no influence on their lives.

...almost zero.

Compared with the changes in the officialdom, what do ordinary people care about?

Of course it's the simplest thing - life.

The seven things that ordinary people do when they open their doors every day are nothing more than firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea.

The glory of the empire and the future of the empire are too far away from ordinary people.

In the early morning, when the sound of roosters was echoing between heaven and earth, Wu Huasun, covered in oil, had been busy in the barn nearby. The engine of a Benniu 24 tractor in front of him had been dismantled into eight pieces.


Benniu tractor is a famous brand produced in Ming Dynasty - five years ago, Benniu Tractor Company was established and launched the Benniu 16 tractor, which was the world's first internal combustion engine tractor. It used a 16-horsepower gasoline engine and changed the style of steam tractors.

Clumsy, it quickly gained popularity in the market. It was not only popular among farmers in the Ming Dynasty, but was also exported to Europe and the United States in large quantities.

In the past few years, this kind of light tractor, which can pull plows, sow seeds, and even tow harvesters, has been very popular in the market and has become the standard equipment of many Chinese farms.

Picking up a newspaper from the side, Wu Huasun didn't even read the news about Qian Degong's appointment as Prime Minister of the Executive Yuan. He tore a corner of the newspaper, took out some tobacco leaves, and rolled a cigarette.

After lighting it, Wu Huasun took a sip and then said to himself.

"This wheel is completely unsuitable."

Staring at the wheels of the tractor, Wu Huasun frowned. His farm is very close to the wetland. The soil here is very humid, and the wheels of the tractor are prone to slipping and even losing power. This has always made him upset.

In fact, tractor wheels were originally made of steel. In order to facilitate use on cultivated land, designers widened the wheels to increase the ground area and reduce pressure, but the effect was not good; later, a layer of steel wheels was added.

Rubber protective layer, in addition to steel wheels, Benniu tractors also have a pneumatic tire like a car. However, car tires are not completely suitable for tractors because the grooves of car tires are too shallow and thin.

Staring at the shallow grooves on the outer rubber layer of the steel wheel, Wu Huasun, holding a paper pipe in his mouth, suddenly thought.

"What if it were replaced with crawler tracks?"

Wu Huasun, who once served in the Imperial Armored Forces, is no stranger to tracks. After all, the biggest difference between tanks and armored vehicles is the steel tracks. It is the steel tracks that enable them to walk on muddy battlefields.

flat ground.

Recalling the tracks he had seen in the army, Wu Huasun naturally recalled the "confidentiality agreement" he signed with the army when he retired.

"The confidentiality contract is not to reveal military secrets such as tanks and machine guns, but... the track is just a part."

Sometimes, people always have some sudden ideas, and when these ideas come up, they themselves don’t know whether the idea is right or wrong, but what is certain is that no matter what they say to themselves, "

"The track is not a tank but a part." However, Wu Huasun still made many modifications to the parts, just borrowing the idea of ​​​​the track. After completing the preliminary design, Wu Huasun went straight to the nearby station maintenance section.

Every slightly larger railway station will have a maintenance depot. The locomotive depot is a place where trains are inspected and repaired. In such a place, there are various machine tools and equipment used to repair train parts. In addition, they also receive external

Orders, after all, there is only one company with machining capabilities in this area hundreds of miles away.

Staring at the drawings Wu Huasun brought, the engineer from the locomotive depot thought for a while and said.

"Are these parts made of steel?"

"Yes, cast in steel."

Wu Huasun asked, explaining his ideas one by one.

"Roughly how long will it take?"

"A week, maybe. You know, this kind of off-site business needs to be queued behind the regular business. You have to wait for a few days."

"Okay, I'll come back in a week."

The rest of the things couldn't be simpler, just sign the contract and pay the deposit. All that's left is to wait. Of course, Wu Huasun didn't wait. After returning to the farm, he started to make some simple modifications to the wheels.

to allow them to adapt to steel tracks.

A week later, Wu Huaxun brought back nearly three hundred pieces of steel tracks, cast tracks, machine-added connecting pins, and cap tips from the locomotive depot. After connecting these parts one by one, two tracks soon appeared.

In front of his eyes, Wu Huasun laid the tracks flat in front of the wheels. Wu Huasun carefully drove the tractor onto the tracks, then dragged the tracks. Finally, he used connecting pins to connect the tracks into a whole. After fixing the cap tips with a hammer, he watched.

Look at this tractor equipped with a pair of "steel feet".

Wu Huasun said to himself.

"It looks like that's the case."

After he cranked the engine again, put the gear on, and stepped on the clutch, Wu Huasun took a deep breath. The moment he released the clutch, he could feel the wheels seem to be moving. At the same time, he heard in his ears

To a sound similar to the "clatter of chains".

"It's moving, it's moving..."

Wu Huasun shouted excitedly and drove the tractor out of the barn. The tractor fell straight towards the house. When he turned the steering wheel hard, he remembered that the direction of the track was not controlled by the steering wheel.

"No, I have to find a way..."

In the next month, Wu Huasun focused on his "steel feet" and began to modify the steering system. Finally, a month later, he appeared on his farm driving a newly modified tractor.

Amidst the roar of the engine, the tractor equipped with a pair of "steel feet" easily plowed several ravines in the sticky black soil.

"Much faster than before..."

Wu Huasun said a little excitedly.

In the past, when plowing in the fields, the tractor would slip easily, but now? It can be said that plowing the ground could not be easier.

At the end of the day, more than ten acres of land were plowed.

But in just a few days, the news that Wu Huasun had installed a pair of steel feet on the tractor spread throughout the nearby villages, attracting not only the attention of nearby farmers, but also the attention of reporters. Soon

A reporter came to interview me.

Faced with the reporter's interview, Wu Huasun did not hide anything. A few days later, a piece of news appeared in the local tabloid...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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