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Chapter 104 Accidental support on the battlefield)

Taizu's Military Art Training: Let Yu Yong pursue the poor bandits!

If we don’t catch up now, when will we wait?

A commander should treat his enemies as ruthlessly as the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves.

With this in mind, Zhu Xianhai gave an order, and Chief Manuel Namunza, Chief Bagal and others led the army, bravely rushed out of the forest in the mountains, and quickly pursued the Chileans in the direction in which they retreated.

The four-legged horse chases the infantry without any suspense.

Although General Rodriguez left his troops to cover the retreat of the main force, half a day later, the Mapuche people still caught up with the remnant Chilean army led by General Rodriguez.


The scene of tens of thousands of Mapuche cavalry charging with spears was earth-shattering.

Facing the pursuing enemy, General Rodriguez ordered the army to set up a formation. After they formed a hollow square formation, the Mapuche launched an attack.

The next moment, the ground shook, the earth was trembling, and the mountains were roaring...

Zhu Xianhai was frightened by this scene and murmured to himself:

"What's this……"

As soon as the thought comes up, the simulated scene falls apart in an instant.


In the tent at the foot of the mountain, Zhu Xianhai screamed and sat up, gasping for air. He touched his heart with both hands and found that he was soaked all over.

Fortunately it's not water, it's sweat!

Covered in cold sweat.

Finally returned to reality.

Zhu Xianhai still has lingering fears!

It was too fast, everything happened too fast.

Flash flood!

Who would have thought that a flash flood would come while the war was going on.

There was no way to hide, and the flash flood directly washed away tens of thousands of Mapuche cavalry into rubbish...

The light screen flashes.

[Evaluation: In the early stage of this simulation, the user's psychological control of the Mapuche people was successful, and he should have made a perfect response to the battlefield situation and tactics. In the later stage, the cavalry was used to chase the defeated troops, which can also be called a textbook tactic.

, but any accident may occur in war, and natural disasters are also one of them.】

[This time of simulating life is too short and there is no profit. I hope users can understand the inevitable rule that "any accident may happen on the battlefield". 】

When the simulation ended, Zhu Xianhai was stunned for a long time before he spoke.

"This way there will be no more..."

It’s not that The Sims is over,

But...this is the end!

Thinking of the thunderous torrents, Zhu Xianhai murmured to himself.

"Where did this flood come from?"

Rushing out of the tent, Zhu Xianhai asked someone to call Chief Bagal.

"Bagar, has it rained heavily recently?"

"heavy rain?"

Bagal shook his head and said without even thinking.

"Heavy rain? How is this possible? Some rivers are almost dry."

"The river is almost dry?"

Zhu Xianhai said in surprise.

"Is it such a drought?"

Looking at the surrounding environment, it doesn't look like a severe drought. How could there be a river that is about to dry up?

Suddenly, he thought of a picture in the life simulator - the river!

In front of the Chilean hollow phalanx, there is indeed a river covered with gravel, and the river has long since dried up.

Could it be that……

"Did that river used to have a lot of water?"

"It used to be almost as deep as one person, but after the earthquake half a year ago, the water in the river became less and less, and almost all of it disappeared in many places!"


In an instant, Zhu Xianhai understood what was going on.


All this is caused by the earthquake.

"Let's go to the mountains and have a look!"

Add a yellow robe!

Two days ago, Zhu Xianhai was the boss of America Company, but now, he is the king of Araucania and Patagonia!

Well, or rather, the King of all Mapuches!

However, the Mapuche people were so careless in persuading them to come in. Wouldn't they all kneel down and shout long live, and then be dressed in yellow robes?

Even now, Zhu Xianhai feels that the throne he got was a bit nonsense. After a dozen chiefs discussed it, the former king they recommended was deposed, and then they supported him as the second king.

Isn’t this nonsense!

However, it does not matter, it is better to have this name than not to have this name. With the king's name, the rest will be easy to handle.

After tens of thousands of Mapuche Mountains shouted "Long Live", Zhu Xianhai led 16,000 soldiers and horses and marched more than ten kilometers south.

However, after only half a day's march, we stationed troops near the old river. The old river, which had no water left, was visible in the distance.

After ordering the army to stop, Zhu Xianhai directly ordered the Mapuche cavalry to station on the hillside, and then stood at the bottom of the hillside, meditating.

If you go further, you will enter the death zone - the fleeing Chileans formed a hollow phalanx 500 meters away from the south bank of the river, and then the Mapuche people launched a charge from the north bank of the river, followed by a flood from the sky.

,completely annihilated.

Including more than a dozen chiefs.

Everything ended so simply and so simply that it was outrageous.

The flood from the sky not only turned the losers into winners, but from then on, the Chileans no longer had a strong enemy in Araucania - the Mapuche people lost their best warriors and could only let them go.

Mermaid meat.

Just in case, Zhu Xianhai deliberately simulated the plan in the simulator.

"The most critical thing is the location. From the time the Chileans discovered me, to the time they entered the trap, and then... the flood will arrive in about thirty-five minutes. The peak of the flash flood is about one kilometer wide, and the impact range of such a flood is usually only ten

Several miles long..."

Zhu Xianhai said to himself as he recalled the results of the simulation over and over in his mind.

"Although flash floods can severely damage Chileans, many of them still have a chance to escape..."

Zhu Xianhai's brows were furrowed.

"Although the impact of the flood is great, the peak of the flood is only one kilometer wide. As long as they respond quickly, almost one-third of the people can escape..."

"So, the most critical factor in solving these problems for Chileans is that we must not rely solely on flash floods!"

In fact, Zhu Xianhai has long discovered that there are always some deviations in life simulators when simulating future behaviors.

For example, there will be a little deviation in time and events,

After all, simulation is always a simulation. It is impossible for him to accurately simulate the future, and in fact, it is even less possible for him to simulate people. After all, human consciousness will change. For example, when facing a flood, the commander of the Chilean Army

What kind of response will General Rodriguez make?

This is the most critical thing. After all, when a flash flood arrives, it is an earth-shattering sound.

Would General Rodriguez be like a fool and let his troops stand there and be swept away by the flood?

This cannot be truly simulated in a life simulation scenario. It cannot simulate human nature!

This chapter has been completed!
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