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Chapter 1028 Border Guards

Accompanied by the harsh sound of electric bells, the soldiers who were resting in the sentry tower woke up from their sleep one after another.

"what happened?"

Team leader Matsushita didn't even put on his clothes and hurried to the perforation of the gun tower. At this time, the searchlight on the top of the building moved again.


In the bright light, you can see the natives holding leather shields, spears and bows and arrows.

"Ba, Ba..."

The moment they discovered the enemy, the soldiers who had just woken up opened fire.

"Report to the commander, the lower class soldier died of serious injuries!"


When the "ga" sound suddenly stopped, Panasonic's curse turned into...

"What the hell, hurry up, hurry up and get into the battle, phone, phone..."

"Report, there is no response from the phone, the phone line may be cut off!"

"Eight... what the hell! Grass!"

Matsushita scolded and shouted to his subordinates in the bunker.

"Everyone is in your position and just shoot like you did in the past."

Jishi didn't even ask him to do this. These soldiers had already laid down in front of their respective shooting holes, and then used the moon to shoot at the moving figures outside.

Although searchlights occasionally swept through the dark crowd, the soldiers often found the enemy with the help of moonlight. Under the cover of night, the enemies surged up from all directions.

"Quick, shoot quickly..."

At the shooting position of the sentry tower, the soldiers desperately pulled the bolts of their guns, aimed, and fired, but the black enemy still came like a tide.

The border guard tower is actually a bunker, a bunker built of bricks and stones. The bottom wall is about one meter thick, the top wall is about two feet thick, and it is about ten meters high.

From a distance, it looks like a cylinder.

Well, it is almost the turret that is well known to people in later generations. Why is this kind of turret used as a sentry tower?

After all, it's still cheap.

Four years ago, in order to prevent the indigenous people who had fled into Sudan from counterattack, the colony built hundreds of large and small gun towers on the border, housing at least a dozen people and as many as more than a hundred people.

Although this lonely turret has a small number of troops, it is an almost insurmountable natural hazard due to the difficult terrain and the lack of heavy weapons among the natives.

Bing 17 sentry tower is a lonely turret located on a mound.

Although a trench was dug in front of the turret, facts have proven that defeating ten groups with one force, more people is better than anything else, but it is of no use when being massively invaded...

Actually, you can't say that.

The natives holding leather shields, holding spears, and bows and arrows braved the rain of bullets and dropped the earthen cages directly after arriving at the trench dozens of steps away from the gun tower...

The trench was 3 meters wide and 25 meters deep. It only took a while to level the trench despite the rain of bullets.

"What about Na...he, he actually knows how to fight?"

The reason why Matsushita was so surprised was that... in his traditional understanding, those dark-skinned natives did not know how to fight, and the backbone of the riots had always been those Tianfang and mixed-race people.

"Captain, someone is coming from behind!"

There are actually tactics!

Panasonic was shocked and quickly went to the other side to take a look. Sure enough, there were hundreds of land people running quickly from the south. The leader was a guy wearing a Tianfang robe!

The squad leader Teng Ye followed and cursed:

"This group of guys who don't have enough brains. What a bastard they are. They actually rebelled with the Tianfang ghost who took them as slaves. These guys must have sneaked in when we weren't paying attention. They also cut the phone lines!"

Now they have really learned how to fight. Not only do they know how to cooperate inside and outside, but they also know how to cut off the connection between the turrets and the rear.

Sure enough, the Tianfang people are not stupid at all. Once they get closer, they will definitely use explosives to blast the turret. Hand-to-hand combat may be faster than they think!

"They're coming up!"

The sentry on top of the turret sounded the warning again.

The natives who surrounded from the south approached the gun tower without any hindrance. After several natives crossed the ditch, they directly used the gun tower as a shield so that the soldiers in the gun tower could not shoot them with rifles. Then they directly ignited the bomb packages.


Almost as soon as Panasonic finished speaking, there was a "boom" and a violent explosion sounded below the turret, causing the entire turret to shake.

Amidst the violent explosions, everyone in the turret was dizzy. Many people were knocked to the ground, and some soldiers' ears were bleeding.

"Is anyone hurt? Is anyone hurt..."

Although Matsushita shouted desperately, he couldn't hear his own shouting, and the buzzing tinnitus suppressed all sounds.

"No, no..."

Komatsu stood up unsteadily. He glanced at his comrades, shook his slightly dazed head, and responded to the captain's call. The man holding a rifle fired from the shooting hole on the second floor of the turret, targeting the people below.

Shooting of oncoming natives.

Because the crowds were so dense, when a 7.5mm bullet penetrated the body of a native, it would even hit another native, wounding or burying him.

In the sound of gunfire, the dizzy soldiers who were bombed seemed to recover. They picked up their rifles one after another and returned to their posts. Although the smoke and dust outside the turret obscured their sight, they did not need to aim at all.

Just shoot outside the turret and you will definitely hit someone.


In the billowing smoke and dust, the natives were shouting crazily. They held up their spears and leather shields, shouting that the soldiers could not understand the howls, and rushed to the bottom of the turret like a tide.

They believe that a big hole must have been blown out of the gun tower now - Mahdi's rebel army used this tactic to destroy the British-Egyptian bunker.

But when the crazy people rushed to the bottom of the turret, they were all dumbfounded - in front of them, the thick brick wall had only been blown away, and the explosive packs only left some craters on the brick wall.


how so……

When the natives were dumbfounded, Panasonic in the turret shouted loudly.

"Quick, get to the top of the tower and use grenades..."

He was not worried at all that the explosive pack would blow up the turret. After all, the bottom of the turret was completely solid - its first layer was a 4-meter-high rammed earth layer, and a one-meter-thick brick wall wrapped around a five-meter

The rammed earth is simply a pile of small city walls. Let alone more than ten kilograms of explosives, even if it is hit with ordinary artillery shells, it has no meaning. Even entering the sentry tower, you have to go up to the second floor through a ladder.

While directing the soldiers to the top of the tower, Panasonic directly opened the armory on the third floor.

"Bring the grenades and more ammunition..."

After the soldiers reached the top of the tower, they threw the grenades down even though the smoke under the tower had not cleared.

This chapter has been completed!
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