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Chapter 1077 Emergency

Chapter 1077 Emergency (fifth update, please subscribe)

Chapter 1081 (The chapters were reversed... I'm extremely sorry, I have adjusted the contents of the two chapters.)

"Wang Youling was assassinated!"

When Arsenio Martinez Campos, the colonial governor, heard the news, the champagne glass in his hand fell to the ground.

The music in the banquet hall also stopped abruptly - this welcome banquet was held to welcome Wang Youling. The guy said at the port that he would go to Chinatown, and of course the Governor understood this.

But while he was waiting for the arrival of this distinguished guest at the Governor's Mansion, who would have thought that he would receive this news.

"Mr. Governor, what's wrong?"

"Cuba is finished..."

Campos uttered these words in a daze, and then he shouted excitedly.

"Hurry, prepare a car and go to the hospital."

Soon, the generals, officers, and colonial officials in the banquet hall all knew the news, and their expressions all changed drastically. No need to ask, everyone knew what would happen next.

"Where's the assassin?"

"Major Varnes, you will go over there in person later and make sure that he is alive and that no accidents can happen. Our only hope is that he is not Cuban!"

Of course, his overseas inspections were not fruitless. Since he went abroad, he has written a letter almost every three days, in which he not only records what he has seen and heard, but also contains some valuable suggestions.

, and he even proposed building the Nicaragua Canal.

Emperor Zhu Da did not know whether there was a more suitable place for building a canal than Panama, but one thing is certain, Wang Youling's private trip did allow Emperor Zhu Da to make some decisions from a special perspective.

Why did Ming Dynasty not pay much attention to the Panama Canal at the international conference held in Paris in 1879 to review the Panama Canal issue? Firstly, it was because it had just annexed Brazil and needed to digest the fruits and change its image. Secondly, it was because Emperor Zhu Da was competing with who else.

We all know that the Panama Canal built by the French will end in tragedy.

The reason why Emperor Zhu Da had such an idea.

"...Although the French International Canal Engineering Company is currently in charge of the construction of the Panama Canal, in my opinion, for the sake of Ming Dynasty's national security, our next strategic goal should be to obtain the right to build the Nicaragua Canal and focus on European and American countries.

When the Panama Canal was being built, we had exclusive access to the Nicaragua Canal, although the distance of the Nicaragua Canal was longer than that of the Panama Canal. Longer distance means a larger project, greater difficulty, and more investment. However, there are Lake Nicaragua and the Punta Gorda River along the way.

Dule River, etc. Among them, Lake Nicaragua is the largest lake in Central America and has abundant water. Therefore, using these natural rivers and lakes can reduce project expenses as much as possible. Moreover, the natural rivers have abundant water and the canal's carrying capacity will be greater.

"Well, I understand..."

"Who is the murderer?"

Ten minutes later, when Campos arrived at the hospital, he learned the bad news - a bullet hit Wang Youling's heart, and he died before he even reached the hospital.

The adjutant's answer made Governor Campos sit up suddenly and said.

When the doctor made the report, Liang Weidong, the consul of the Ming Dynasty, rushed over angrily and protested loudly.

In contrast, although Nicaragua also has a tropical rainforest environment, the canal was actively built along the river, so the natural environment is relatively superior.

So Emperor Zhu Da's plan was simple - wait until they failed and the whole world regarded the Panama Canal as "impossible", then Ming Dynasty would take over.

Oh, God!

How could such a thing happen?

It's because he clearly knows why Wang Youling went abroad for inspection, because he hopes to show his existence through this, and he wants to make a comeback through this, unwilling to be lonely.

Now, he is dead!

In the letter, Wang Youling not only analyzed the pros and cons of building the Nicaragua Canal one by one, he even made a special field trip to Nicaragua, and finally concluded that Nicaragua is more suitable for building the canal than Panama. The reason is very simple - the local people

The environment is better than Panama.

"He was arrested at the scene and is currently under the joint custody of Ming Dynasty agents and us."

Governor Campos, who was already troubled by the rebellion that had lasted for many years, now had even more headaches.


Now facing his death, Emperor Zhu Da's mood was complicated.

"God bless, I hope he can survive..."

Major Varness replied.

Wang Youling was assassinated!

When the news of his death came, Emperor Zhu Da was handling government affairs in his study, and then he received a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"It's not clear yet, but officers at the scene said the murderer shouted "Viva Chile" in Spanish during the stabbing."

Governor Campos asked as the car drove toward the hospital.

Because the local natural environment is so harsh, when construction starts, people will find that it is simply a hell on earth: the towering dense forest is full of poisonous insects, which is intolerable, and the hot weather makes terrible diseases spread, killing people.

The lives of a large number of workers and technicians were lost.

I don’t kill Boren, but Boren died because of me!

When he hung up the phone, Emperor Zhu Da walked to the window without saying a word. Looking at the garden outside the window, Wang Youling's voice appeared in his mind again.

How to explain?

Could it be said that - I'm really sorry, because we didn't do a good job of protection, which resulted in your people being assassinated.

"Mr. Governor, the Ming Empire needs an explanation, a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, you will just explain it like the empire's fleet!"

Why can't the murderer have an accident?

Because if an accident happened, he would really have a hard time explaining it. Even now, he would still have a hard time explaining it!

This canal is related to the future of the empire. Although the empire has already built a Pacific Railway and the Second Pacific Railway is already planned, whether it is a merchant fleet or a fleet traveling to and from the east and west coasts of the empire, there is only one way to go, southward.

When going around Cape Horn, the various risks along the way are even more uncontrollable..."

Just like that, he died in the assassin's assassination!

While Zhu Da was looking out the window, an idea began to form. Someone else might have been immersed in the memory of the deceased, but Emperor Zhu Da was not that kind of person. He was an emperor, the founder of the empire.

Jun, the emperor may be ruthless, because the throne of the empire determines everything. As the emperor, he must handle some affairs without any personal feelings.

Just like now, what is he thinking about?

How to use Wang Youling's death to maximize Ming's interests!

Even for Wang Youling, this is a kind of comfort, because his death was not in vain...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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