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Chapter 1115 Curse

Chapter 1115 Curse (first update, please subscribe)


In any war, intelligence work is the most critical. Compared to the Peruvian-Bolivian army, they know almost nothing about the Ming Empire’s army.

The Ming Empire knew them very well, even to the point of observing them under a microscope.

In the past ten years, a large amount of military and political intelligence has been obtained through the empire through official or unofficial channels. This is why Emperor Zhu Da dared to make a quick decision.

It’s not because of anything else, the root is understanding.

"His Majesty!"

Over the past few days, Eliodoro Camacho's experience has been like a dream.

He failed.

As a loser, he led his men to surrender to the imperial army. When he thought he was going to be imprisoned in a prisoner of war camp and then exiled to Africa, he left Bolivia and came to Asuncion under the escort of imperial soldiers.

Here, he actually met the emperor of the empire.

Look, how kind the empire is to its captives.

Emperor Zhu Da asked:

It's not that the Bolivian officers are very conscientious, but that they generally escape very quickly. Before the imperial army can even attack them, they escape with the troops.

Soldiers are running away, officers are running away, and so are generals.

"General, can I ask you some questions now?"

"Pfft" Hearing Heliodoro Camacho say this name through gritted teeth, Emperor Zhu Da spit out the tea in his mouth on the spot.

Well, they will also give birth to children and multiply there.

"Well, what I'm very confused about is, aren't you the commander of the 4th Infantry Division? Then why did the soldiers who surrendered with you include the 1st, 2nd and 5th Divisions?"

Of course, there is never any mercy in war, and I will not accuse them of fulfilling their duties, but the only thing I want to do now is to curse that stupid guy Hilarion Daza. If he is still alive

If he appeared in front of me now, I would step forward and strangle him without hesitation. In order to realize his damn heroic dream, so many troops were sacrificed in vain, a total of 20,000 people, five divisions.

Ah, more than 15,000 people fell on the road in vain. These soldiers did not even know how they died when they died..."

Eliodoro Camacho showed his good character. He bowed respectfully and then sat down on the chair brought by the attendant.

Facing the "fairness" mentioned by the emperor, Heliodoro Camacho lowered his head slightly. As a native white man, he certainly knew what the emperor was referring to.

Emperor Zhu Da said in a relaxed tone.

"All the troops mean is that these soldiers are the last remaining soldiers of the Bolivian army. Your Majesty, in theory, you have completely wiped out the Bolivian army. At this point, you can be proud of your airship, just like

As the whole world recognizes, your empire has the most powerful airship force in the world.

"How about a cup of tea, General, it seems you are very tired."

At this time, Emperor Zhu Da was looking at the Bolivian general in front of him with curious eyes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Eliodoro Camacho said.

There were not even prisoner of war camps there, but they could not return home until the war was over. But when would the war end? Chile...it took almost ten years!

"Don't be so anxious. The ship to Africa won't leave for a while. But before that, I want to invite you to have lunch with me. We can chat slowly at the table. You can rest assured that your soldiers

We will receive appropriate arrangements.”

That is to say, the Ming Empire was extremely kind and righteous to them.

Eliodoro Camacho bowed respectfully and answered.

Now as prisoners, they will not only receive fair treatment, but the Ming Empire will definitely be very lenient and will not even put them in prisoner-of-war camps. Instead, they will be sent to African colonies to contribute to the construction of that hot land.

The whole world knows that the Ming Empire treated prisoners well, fairly and tolerantly, but they must be sent to Africa.

"By the way, I want to ask, President Dasa, is he really dead?"

"Okay, Your Majesty the Emperor, if you have no other questions, please send me to my subordinates. I want to stay with them. Even if I go to Africa, I hope to be with them."

Emperor Zhu Da picked up the tea cup and asked curiously.

When Eliodoro Camacho said this, Emperor Zhu already had the answer in his heart, but he still wanted to confirm it.

"I also hope from the bottom of my heart that my choice is correct as you said, Your Majesty. But surrender is never a glorious thing. The shame of surrender will accompany me throughout my life. Even if I die, this shame will still be with me."

I will leave it to my descendants. I have only one request now. I ask you to treat the captured Bolivian soldiers with tolerance. They may not be so brave, but they deserve to be treated fairly. After the war is over, they deserve to return.

Surrounded by family.”

It's not because he's worried. There's nothing to worry about for a guy with big ambitions but little talent. It's more because he's curious.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, General. I think you will soon understand that surrendering to our army is actually a very right choice. I assure you that you and your soldiers will receive the most just treatment."

Emperor Zhu Da is not exaggerating. This is a fact. Whether it is Peru or Bolivia, those Indian soldiers are... well, consumables. Their food is worse than dogs. They are not soldiers, but slaves.


Emperor Zhu Da said politely.

"All ran away? I don't understand, General."

As for Da Maozi, he used the captives as donkeys, and they were the kind that didn't eat grass.

This was the first time he saw a Bolivian general who took the initiative to lead his army to surrender.

"I don't want to get any information from you, I'm just a little curious. Of course, from your standpoint, you don't have to answer my question."

"They all ran away, leaving all their troops behind."

Whenever he thought about how lenient he was in allowing the captives to live such a happy life, Emperor Zhu couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he was a typical good person who did good deeds without leaving his name.

Speaking of this, Eliodoro Camacho said with a wry smile:

"Bring the general a cup of tea."

China is a country of etiquette. Although we don’t like to dress people as well as the Qing Dynasty, we definitely still pay attention to etiquette.

Eliodoro Camacho nodded and answered.

"General, the Empire will treat every captured soldier of the Peruvian-Bolivia Federation with tolerance, and this is an indisputable fact. Your subordinates will tell you that the treatment they received in the Empire's prisoner-of-war camps is even better than that in yours."

Everything is fine in the army, they are fair there..."

One division of the Bolivian army only has about 4,000 people, which is also a symbol of backwardness. This is just the size of the division-level establishment in the Napoleonic era. But now the division-level establishment around the world has reached tens of thousands.

"Of course, Your Majesty, I will answer any of your questions truthfully."

"Yes, Your Majesty, when the airship bombed this family, they didn't even have time to escape from the car before they were killed! Napoleon, no one who calls himself "Napoleon" in South America has a good end."

"No, I can answer this question for you. It's not a secret anyway. As for why there are so many troops, it's because... because their officers have all fled,"

Emperor Zhu Da smiled and said to Eliodoro Camacho.

Sandoku mistreated the captives.

Emperor Zhu Da turned his head and said to the attendant standing aside:

In fact, when he surrendered, Eliodoro Camacho knew what would happen and why the other officers fled so quickly because they were afraid of becoming prisoners and being sent to Africa.

"Please take a seat, General."

Emperor Zhu Da asked with a smile.

Killing prisoners in my childhood.

Eliodoro Camacho smiled bitterly, then shook his head and sighed.

When guests come, how can you not invite them to a meal?

"Then I have no choice but to obey, Your Majesty."

The one who can lead the army to surrender...this is still the first one.

"Why is it another Napoleon..."

At this moment, Emperor Zhu Da could not help but feel a little melancholy. After all, there were also some good-hearted people in South America who called him the "Napoleon of South America".

Good guy, I thought it was a compliment at first, but now it seems like it's not a compliment, it's clearly a curse.

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(End of chapter)

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