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Chapter 126 Entrepreneurship is difficult

Opportunities are for those who are prepared.

For Li Weimin, who was unwilling to be a worker, when he saw the announcement of recruiting teachers, he took the initiative to stand up. He did not have Tang Ming's reputation as a scholar, nor was he a scholar like others.

But he knows English!

As a native of Ningbo, after Ningbo opened as a port, he took the initiative to learn English from an interpreter from Guangdong and later learned English from missionaries. English became his means of livelihood.

It was like this in Ningbo, but in Nanhua... but he saw it as an opportunity to advance!

Sure enough, just as he guessed, after learning that he knew English, he was immediately asked to teach the advanced English class.

In the past few months, he has been teaching English to the students while compiling teaching materials based on his memories. Although it is just a simple English conversation, others... they don't know it!

With this advantage, he does have a chance to show his face in front of his club, such as now.

"Have you studied English?"

Zhu Xianhai speaks English.

"Yes, I was an interpreter for a foreign company in Ningbo."

That is to say, I have been a translator...what a great talent!

It is not important whether he understands engineering or mechanics. What is important is that he can train a group of students who are proficient in foreign languages. This is the most important thing.

Zhu Xianhai asked after having a simple conversation with him in English.

"Being a translator...well, not bad."

Zhu Xianhai asked through the glass window, looking at the children in the classroom ranging in age from six or seven to eleven or twelve.

"I plan to send a group of people to study abroad. Those people are probably a little older. Basically, they have studied at home, or at least studied with someone they know personally. In your opinion, how long will it take for them to study?

Only by learning a foreign language can we adapt to life in a foreign country?”

Li Weimin was a little confused. Although he didn't know what studying abroad was, he still vaguely guessed the meaning of his employer's words.

"Are we going to send the students to study with Westerners?"

Studying abroad? That should be what it means.

"Yes, that is to study abroad in a school in the UK or the United States."

Zhu Xianhai nodded.

"Let them learn modern Western science there."

Is it realistic to directly send young people who receive traditional education to study abroad without going through primary and secondary education?

Studying young children in the United States is the answer!

It took Zhan Tianyou and others eight years to graduate from Yale, and many of them didn't even know English.

Eight years...

This is the shortest time to cultivate talents!

Is there a faster way?

Zhu Xianhai didn't know.

But now there are no Chinese engineers or experts in Nanhua.

Among the 60,000 people, except for a few scholars who have no knowledge of science and have only read the Four Books and Five Classics, half have only received literacy education in education camps - they can write a few hundred words and do simple addition and subtraction. What about the other half?


Can Zhu Xianhai realize his ambition just by relying on them?

Of course it’s impossible!

These people may be trained to become factory workers, but Nanhua needs more than just such workers. It needs engineers, mechanical experts, modern education experts, and experts and scholars from all walks of life. Only in this way can Nanhua rise.

the road.

Therefore, even if it means to undermine the success of others, there are still some things that he has to do!


After thinking about it, Li Weimin said.

"Going back to my boss, I haven't been to the UK, so I really can't tell for sure. However, if you teach me this, as long as it takes half a year, they will be able to have conversations with foreigners, and there should be no problem in their lives!"

Zhu Xianhai nodded. That's enough. He will spend another half a year to strengthen his mathematics learning, and he will be almost at the elementary school level. When he goes abroad, he can start from the upper grades of elementary school.

In fact, Zhu Xianhai's requirements are not high. He will be satisfied if the first batch of international students can produce a group of talents like the young children studying in the United States.

Cultivating talents is a continuous, step-by-step process. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Only by getting started can we plan for the future.

"Well, I asked people to find a suitable place next to the school and set up a preparatory school there. But you have to take care of this as well, and see if you can train some teachers!"

After speaking, Zhu Xianhai smiled and looked at Li Weimin.

"Weizhi, as long as you handle this matter well, my door will always be open to you!"

When Li Weimin heard this, he hurriedly bowed.

"I will definitely live up to my employer's high expectations!"

After discussing English learning techniques with Li Weimin for a long time, Zhu Xianhai left the school. When he left the school, he still had a little bit of relief on his face.

This school, which looks like a grass-roots group, accommodates more than 4,000 students! They are of different ages, but they are the first generation of primary school students in Nanhua. Perhaps the textbooks they use are not scientific, and even the teachers are not

I can’t talk about professionalism—mathematics is okay. But teachers in geography, natural history, etc. basically just follow the textbook.

But it's at least a good start!

It is always education that determines the future of a nation!

If we want to develop modern education now... we can only turn to others for help!

To run an education, you need to ask for help from others, and to run a factory, you need to ask for help. Like all factories in Nanhua, the arsenal as a key project has twelve American engineers who help install equipment, train workers and guide production.

More than two dozen skilled workers were hired from New York and other places. Because of them, the arsenal was able to produce a variety of weapons including the p1853 Enfield rifle in a short period of time, realizing Nanhua's self-production of weapons.

However, it was Chinese craftsmen who ultimately produced these weapons. Li Qingen was also a worker in the arsenal. Compared with most immigrants, he was undoubtedly lucky. He, his wife and children all survived the knife wounds of Longmao.

"Sold" overseas. But at least we can live a peaceful life here.

It's not like in my hometown in Jinhua, where the war is chaotic, and I worry about being killed by Changmao all day long, or worrying about being defrauded by the officers and soldiers.

However, although the peaceful life was good, Li Qingen, as a scholar, was not willing to be an ordinary craftsman. Unlike many scholars, he had borrowed a friend's "Hai Guo Tu Zhi" more than ten years ago.

I have read some books and have a certain understanding of the West.

In the third year of Xianfeng's reign, when he heard that there was a Western concession in Shanghai, Li Qing'en also went to the Shanghai concession, where he saw Western sailing ships and steam engines, and even spent money to buy a few Western books. Although he did not understand them, he still knew about them.

He has his own curiosity about machinery.

Half a year ago, when he entered the arsenal to learn how to operate machine tools, he was surprised by the magic of machine tools that "cut iron like mud". He was already curious about Western machines and immediately immersed himself in these shocking machines. In addition to

In addition to normal machine tool operation training, Li Qingen also learned knowledge about machines through various channels. He even took the initiative to learn English from Western engineers and technicians, and learned the principles and structures of various cutting machine tools to steam engines by studying wall charts.

It seems that for Li Qingen, there is nothing more important than learning. During the day, he works in a factory. At night, he will use an oil lamp to understand the mechanical principles in the book by relying on his newly learned English.

, and sometimes he would draw some pictures.

At night, once again, as usual, Ms. Li Liu woke up from her dream. When she opened her eyes, she saw her husband lying in front of the table, drawing something with a pencil and an oil lamp.

"It's so late, why haven't you slept yet? You have to go to work tomorrow!"

Mrs. Li Liu worked in a garment factory. After a busy day, she was very tired.

"Just sleep, just sleep..."

Li Qingen stretched and then said.

"If this happens, not only can we live in a big house, but I might also be able to become a technician earning thirty yuan a month!"

The man's words made the woman laugh.

"Just have a good time dreaming and go to sleep quickly. You have to go to work tomorrow."

The woman's laughter made Li Qingen smile,

"What does a woman know? You will know when you look back."

This chapter has been completed!
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