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Chapter 1254 Daming is an expert in fighting fire

Chapter 1254: Daming is an expert in cultivating fire (Second update, please subscribe)

Author: Xiaoyu’s Destiny

Chapter 1254: Daming is an expert in cultivating fire (Second update, please subscribe)

Why sacrifice a generation?

At best, sacrificing a generation is the price of rising, but why should Ming Dynasty bear it?

Even if you have to bear it, you should let others die more.

It is the unchanging truth of this world that you should die as a fellow Taoist but not as a poor Taoist.

That night, Emperor Zhu Da couldn't sleep!

At six o'clock in the morning, after washing up and drinking a glass of cold water, Emperor Zhu Da ran for an hour in the imperial garden as usual, which was about ten kilometers. This was something he had developed over the years.


After having a simple breakfast, he started to work, think, sometimes write, and sometimes chat with some ministers about work. This was his day's work.

The emperor's office - this is a large study room. The floor is covered with a thick and soft carpet made of alpaca hair by the Indians in the highlands of the Andes. There is a wide and long writing desk in the room. Not far from the writing desk is a

A large globe placed only on a black wooden stand.

The walls on both sides are bookcases filled with books. Most of the time, Emperor Zhu Da preferred to read, which is why he chose to work here. Perhaps because of the time travel, after time travel, Emperor Zhu Da had

I can instantly remember the contents of books and materials I have read, and even remember them word for word.

This is definitely an enviable ability.

Reading and flipping through various documents, including daily intelligence consultations, is his job. However, outside of work, Emperor Zhu Da also needs to consider various affairs of the entire country, America and even the world.

Of course, what he needs to consider more is the future of the country.

After Emperor Zhu Da, who had had a sleepless night, finished reading the document, he called one of his attendants in and said to him.

"Ask Qian Zizhuang to come over."

Why is it called Qian Zizhuang?

To put it bluntly, it is because we cannot let a generation of Ming youth bleed!

Why should the young people of Ming Dynasty bleed?

"Before we Ming people bleed, the British must bleed first!"

After Qian Zizhuang arrived, Emperor Zhu Da said directly.

"Now, according to various intelligence sources, the road to war is inevitable. What is the only question?"

Staring at Qian Zizhuang, Emperor Zhu Da said.

"The only question is, in future wars, will we shed more blood, or will our enemies shed more blood?"

In Emperor Zhu Da's understanding, or after the simulation decades ago, he only insisted on one principle in his heart, which was to let the enemy bleed. As for Ming Dynasty himself... of course, he wanted to do as little as possible.

Bloodshed, after all, was precious to Ming's population.

“Is the Southern Africa Plan ready to go?”

Looking at Qian Zizhuang, Emperor Zhu asked.

"Your Majesty, the time has matured to implement this plan. The only question is whether the British will take the bait."

Qian Zizhuang thought for a while and then said.

"But whether they take the bait or not, we will make sure they do, just like we did in southern Africa!"

Southern Africa!

It is simply a blessed place for the Investigation Department!

It’s not just a blessed land, it’s a land of gold.

It doesn't matter whether the British made money there, what's important is that the Investigation Department made a lot of money there. The first gold rush in southern Africa - that is, the gold rush bubble burst in Barberton

Previously, the Investigation Department used dozens of leather goods companies to purchase a large amount of land in the Baishui Ridge area. Then after the second wave of gold rush, that is, after the Baishui Ridge Gold Rush, the land that was originally worthless turned into incense.


Selling the land is just an investment for the Survey Department to gain profits. More profits will come from its subsequent financial speculation. Unlike previous discoveries, the gold deposits there do not exist in quartz gravel, but in the water mill of the sedimentary layer.

The stone in the conglomerate is very hard. Despite this, gold prospectors from all corners of South Africa still found gold. In 1885, although less than 300,000 pounds of gold was mined in the entire Whitewater Ridge,

It's also shocking.

Although the speed of mining gold was too slow, it did not delay the purchase of land. Various companies appeared one after another. Those listed companies attracted funds from the entire colony and overseas. The second southern African gold rush happened again.

However, just like the first gold rush, soon, as the surface gold mines were exhausted, not only did the stone get harder, but the gold grade also continued to decline. By last year, the gold grade of the gold mines

It has dropped to the point where it cannot be withdrawn. After the news came out, the second southern African gold rush collapsed again, hundreds of listed companies went bankrupt, and the financial community in Cape Town and the UK lost more than 100 million pounds.

It is conceivable that the "investors" of the Investigation Department made profits through the sudden rise and fall of the gold rush. Through many speculations during the gold rush, the Investigation Department earned tens of millions of pounds!

For the Investigation Department... that place is definitely the richest among the blessed!

"Then find a way to use their money to bleed their blood!"

After a pause, Emperor Zhu Da said,

"In the coming days, all we need is to bleed as much as possible and let out the blood of the British Empire! This blood is not just money, but wealth and life!"

With a cold smile, Emperor Zhu Da said in a cold tone.

"The Transvaal authorities, those Boers, will certainly not watch the wealth of the gold mines being usurped by the British. Perhaps the profits and taxes from the gold mines have enabled the economy of the Transvaal Republic to develop rapidly.

But at the same time, it will inevitably intensify friction with the UK and even trigger conflicts. All we need to do is speed up this process."

Why speed up the process?

Emperor Zhu Da's idea was very simple - just to drain the British blood completely before the war came.

It is better to fight a weak British Empire than to fight a prosperous British Empire, and the only way to make the prosperous British Empire weak is to bleed, and by supporting the Swaziland government, it is to provoke the Boer

War is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Your Majesty, this is not a problem. The conflicts and contradictions between the Boers and the British are deep-rooted. Although the conflict of interests in the Rand Gold Mine has not yet broken out, with the increase in the output of the gold mine, conflicts are bound to happen.

It will happen again, and I have a way to intensify the conflict between the two parties!"

Emperor Zhu Da shook his head and said.

"What I want is not just a conflict! It's a war...a war that can weaken Britain!"

Not just weaken it, but let the British blood flow there clean if possible.

In another world, the Boer War cost Britain hundreds of millions of pounds of wealth, but did not leave Britain with much blood.

In this world, the Ming Dynasty must turn the Boer War into a blood pump. It will continuously draw their blood from the British, consume their lives, and turn the land of southern Africa that contains wealth into a land of death.


Emperor Zhu Da was still very confident about this. After all, the Boer Republic had territorial borders with the Ming Colony.

He is also an expert in making fire, but before making a fire, he must burn the fire first!

(End of chapter)

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