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Chapter 1262 The Eve of the Storm

Chapter 1262 The Night Before the Storm (First update, please subscribe)

Author: Xiaoyu’s Destiny

Chapter 1262 The Night Before the Storm (First update, please subscribe)

Sometimes, the world is always full of too many accidents. Just when Emperor Zhu Da was deliberately trying to exterminate the British and weaken the power of the British Empire, sudden changes forced him to consider another possibility.

Smoking his cigar silently, at this moment, Emperor Zhu Da's mood was extremely complicated.

"If France learns of this news, they will definitely declare war on Britain!"

Eugenie and Judy will definitely declare war, as would any other country. It seems that history has made a joke here - the First World War will actually break out in another situation.

It is even somewhat similar to the fuse of World War I in another world... The death of Archduke Ferdinand in another world triggered World War I, but what about this world?

Almost eleven years ago, the assassination of Napoleon III would once again ignite the war in Europe.

"Yes, Your Majesty, France will declare war on Britain no matter for the dignity or glory of the empire. They have no reason to compromise!"

As the Prime Minister of the Empire, Qian Degong bowed slightly and then said.

"When the time comes, the Empire will definitely be involved. After all, the traditional friendship between the Empire and France makes it impossible for us to stay out of it."

What is the relationship between Ming Dynasty and France?

Not just an alliance, the two royal families are also relatives, and there is also a friendship forged by the war. All of this means that the empire will definitely be involved.

"Yes, it's certainly unlikely that we'll stay out of it."

Emperor Zhu Da asked:

"Now tell me, given the current situation, is it the right time to implement the "Red Plan"?"

The "Red Plan" is Ming's plan to declare war on Britain. According to the plan, Ming will declare war on Britain with its allies - France, Russia, and of course, the hesitant Austria-Hungary Empire.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, now is not the most appropriate time. After all, Britain is still very powerful, and its allies the United States and Germany are also very powerful. The maritime power of the United States will contain our maritime power, and

Germany's land power will contain France and Rome. As for Austria-Hungary and Italy, they may declare war or remain neutral. The premise for us to destroy the world empire ruled by Britain is to weaken it as much as possible. Here

It would have been extremely unwise to go to war with it before!"

"The truth is indeed this truth, but..."

Emperor Zhu Da nodded to the table,

"If France knows the truth about the "Jerusalem Incident", will they endure it? This is a question. I should sit down with Eugenie and Judy to discuss this issue. It is not how to retaliate against Britain, but how to win

War, but I don’t know if they can accept all this..."

Are they willing to wait?

"Your Majesty, I believe that for the sake of the common interests, we must convince them that only temporary patience can win the war in the future."

"That's true..."

Emperor Zhu Da nodded and said.

"We really need to convince them!"

"Is His Majesty planning to visit France?"

"You should go there, this matter needs to be dealt with in person."

"Your Majesty, there is no reason for a mother who has lost her child. France's retaliatory actions back then are still controversial even now."


The controversy is nothing more than accusations from some European "white leftists" of this era. For most Europeans, they don't care at all about the life and death of barbarians outside the "civilized world".

Not to mention only two million Tianfang people, no one would really care even if it were three million or four million. Besides... France lost its emperor, and the Catholic Church also lost its pope. In the past few years, the people of various European countries have

All they talk about is revenge.

In one sentence, France's revenge on the Tianfang people complies with the voice of the European people and is in line with public opinion. Of course, what is the biggest unexpected gain? It is that France will never have the chance to become "Francistan".

Almost all the people who survived in the Middle East have become "filial sons of God". Dutiful sons emerge from under the stick. It doesn't matter if you are unfilial. People can be buried in the sand. There are no filial sons in the world, but if you bury them, you will become filial sons.

"Yes, because of this..."

Emperor Zhu frowned and said.

"Do I want to go there in person? Well, let's think about the response plan first. If we can't convince her, the empire may have no choice but to join the war! Okay, let's go prepare!"

Will war break out?

No one knows the answer, but at the beginning of the 19th century, the Ming Empire entered a state of war readiness to some extent and began to prepare for war, but all this did not attract the attention of the outside world.

War preparation...what do you need to prepare?

The first step is to formulate an official combat readiness plan.

As the Prime Minister of the Empire, Qian Degong was naturally very aware of this. After he began to formulate the corresponding overall war preparation plan in accordance with His Majesty's request, he immediately visited the military boss in a private capacity.

Why do you want to visit in a private capacity? Because according to the imperial system, the civil service system and the military are clearly separated. The two sides do not interfere with each other. The civilian government does not have the power to command the army. Of course, the army cannot be arrogant and anarchic, let alone

It may be like the little book in another world, using legal means to coerce the government. After all, in the Ming Dynasty, the military and civil servants were separated, and they only had one leader-the emperor.

The military is independent of the government and cannot interfere with the government. The government does not control the military and cannot interfere with the military. The two sides are clearly separated, so they can only deal with some issues through private coordination.

There was not even a communication channel between civilian officials and the military - except for the establishment of the Supreme Command by decree of the emperor.

Since it was a private visit, of course Qian Degong had to prepare a gift - a bottle of victory wine worth 0.5 yuan. According to imperial laws, imperial civil servants could not accept gifts worth more than 2 yuan, otherwise they would be held accountable.

Moreover, this decree is really not a decoration. The imperial supervisory department has never relaxed its supervision of the imperial power departments. In the past few years, I don’t know how many seemingly respectable imperial civil servants have been fired because of accepting small gifts.

Some people were even fired for accepting a fish worth two yuan, so there was always a saying in the imperial official circles that "civil servants are not as good as a fish".

For an empire that pursues "high salaries to support integrity", the tolerance for corruption is almost zero. It is precisely because of this that in the past few years, the officialdom has been able to maintain consistent integrity.

"Prime Minister Qian, you're welcome."

When receiving the victory wine, Sun Hu smiled.

"This is how this wine has tasted to me over the years. Although it is cheap, in my opinion, it is the best wine in the world... Shengli, this name is auspicious!"

Putting the wine on the coffee table, this imperial army general, although he has no specific position, is definitely a real military boss, and his daughter is also a princess.

"Victory...is indeed a good fortune,"

Qian Degong nodded and said.

"The general must already know why I'm here."

Nodding slightly, Sun Hu said.

"His Majesty has already issued an order. The military has entered level three combat readiness. Presumably the Executive Yuan has also begun to make corresponding preparations!"

"Indeed, but General, you know that there are many things we need to prepare for, but in the end, fighting a war is still a matter for the military. The Executive Yuan also does the logistics work. Where am I coming this time? I want to know, the military

If we have any plans, or what we hope the Executive Yuan will do, we must first have a solid foundation or be prepared..."

Looking at Sun Hu, Qian Degong smiled.

"After all, what is real combat readiness? We are laymen, so we still need to consult you to know what the military means..."

(End of chapter)

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