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Chapter 1268 Daming can do it, so can I

Chapter 1268 If Ming Dynasty can do it, so can I (first update, please subscribe)

Author: Xiaoyu’s Destiny

Chapter 1268 If Ming Dynasty can do it, so can I (first update, please subscribe)

Rhodes took the bait!

Almost as soon as he hung up the phone with Rhodes, Pearson raised his brows slightly, revealing a slightly weird smile.

In the past year, he has been active in London and other places.

Just for today!

If there is no reason, then create a reason. If there is no excuse, then create an excuse. In short, he is not a war broker, but that does not prevent him from provoking a war.

Of course, this war was not started by him, but by Rhodes.

"God can testify that this matter has nothing to do with me!"

Of course, all this has nothing to do with the Ming Empire, and no one can prove the role the Ming Empire played here.

Except for him……

Faced with the opportunity to succeed, what should people do?

Then grab it!

When Jensen stepped into Cecil John Rhodes' office, he was holding a large pile of files, including a 100-page action report he had written, a stack of large photos and several

A map.

Looking at the map and photos displayed in front of him, Ross asked.

"When you were collecting this information, did anyone know who you were and who you were working for?"

"Sir, no one will notice this, no one will question it."

"Does anyone in the Transvaal know that they have anything to do with the collection of this information?"

"No, sir. I used existing archival materials. Although they are very rare, I still collected them. These materials are all public information."

"very good,"

Rhodes said,

"I'll read the report later. Now you can give me an overview."

Jason agreed, and he walked to the map, which was a map of the Transvaal.

"Look, sir, from the map we can see that the Transvaal is a typical landlocked country with no outlet to the sea. Of course, this is not important. What is important is that we have huge commercial interests in the local area.

The Transvaal Congress, customs, taxation, railways, banks... they are all exploiting us and British immigrants. We must take some actions to end this problem. This is why I proposed that plan.


While explaining, he took out a few photos from the file and pinned them on the board with thumbtacks. "Sir, if we want to solve the Transvaal problem, we must be surprised and carry out a surprise attack——

Just like the Ming Empire’s army’s expedition to Peru.”

"Car, you mean car?"

Ross stared at the large map intently.

"Yes, sir, my plan is to recruit 1,500 well-trained mercenaries, take 100 trucks, set off from Mafeking in the northeast, and drive directly to Pretoria under the cover of night. I

I have driven a car to conduct a field survey of the route. It is only 110 miles from Mafetin to Pretoria, and it is only eight hours away by car. We can arrive in Pretoria early in the morning and capture it before the Boers react.

In their capital, if everything goes well, the Boers will not even have a chance to resist and will have been defeated..."

There is no doubt that this is the reason why Rhodes is attracted to this plan. How could he not be tempted?

The cost of this plan is very small, and the probability of success is very high. How could it not be high?

The Ming Empire relied on such sneak attacks to occupy one country after another. If the Ming Dynasty could do it, he could do it too.

Of course, even if the worst result is that the sneak attack fails, the British Empire can still be dragged down.

"Where are the main roads? Is there a road there? If it's a car, it definitely needs a road."

Jason pointed with his finger.

"There are no roads at all there, and we don't need any roads at all. I have driven a car myself, and the land there is flat. Even if there are no roads, our fleet can travel normally, at most the speed.

Slower, but in most areas, you can even drive 20 miles on the grassland. If there are obstacles, they are a few small rivers along the way, and there is only a wooden bridge on those rivers..."

"So, the river will stop the convoy?"

Ross asked curiously.

Jason shrugged his shoulders and said.

"It can't be blocked at all. Those rivers are not deep, and most of them are shallow rocks. Our cars can pass there. And it is far away from the Boer farms. Most of the people living there are indigenous people."

Ross changed the topic again, although his eyes never left the map.

“What are the conditions like for the tribes living there?”

He asked again. And Jason answered his questions one by one. He stared at the map in front of him for 5 minutes. He thought hard about a mountain, a golden mountain, and of course those greedy people.

Boers, it's time to end this.

"Yes, your plan is indeed good. Although it has some risks, who knows? What is without risk? Well, of course we still have to be cautious and not let the Boers know our plan."

He... agreed!

Only then did Jason wake up.

"You mean...sir, are we going to implement this plan?"

Rhodes did not answer his question immediately. He walked to the window and stared at the dark night sky outside the window and the brilliant sea of ​​lights downstairs. At this time, the streets of Cape Town were lively, and the street lamps and window lights were lit.


Colonial officials and businessmen, clerks and merchants, bankers and doctors, customers and shopkeepers, and of course ordinary people, walking in the lively streets of Cape Town, what did they spend?

It's just an ordinary life. Most of them have been doing nothing all their lives. They have to wait for that moment to come.


Yes, until they die, all they have experienced is a wasted life.


He said stiffly to Jason behind him,

"Go ahead and I'll provide you with everything you need."

Jason quietly walked through the back door of the office and grinned all the way downstairs.

"I succeeded, I succeeded..."

He was talking to himself on the stairs, that is, when he was talking to himself and cheering for his success, in Rhodes' office, James was sitting on the sofa chatting with Rhodes.

"Do you think his plan can succeed?"

"The probability of success is very high, given the right commander,"

James thought for a while and then said.

"Sir, the reason why I agree with this plan is for this reason. Just as I said before, because there is a suitable candidate, I think the plan is likely to succeed. Jason... is a suitable candidate."


Shaking his head, Ross let out a hideous laugh.

"He is not a suitable candidate!"

As he spoke, he stared at James and said.

"I believe that you are the most suitable candidate, my friend."

Rhodes said without even waiting for James to refuse.

"You go with him to this grave, leave Cape Town, and go over there. My friend, you do it! You give us thirty days, Mr. James, to take away a country. Thirty days! We can take a country."


(End of chapter)

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