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Chapter 135 The Golden Age of Nanhua

"I can earn him at least 2 million pounds!"

Stretching, Zhu Xianhai whistled proudly,

Using an investment of less than 100,000 pounds in exchange for a return of 2 million pounds is definitely the most successful investment.

It's a pity that the profit of dozens of times is only this one chance.

It's a bit of a pity.

"Fortunately, I seized the opportunity, otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to make such quick money in a few years!"

With this money, you no longer have to worry about financial issues!

In fact, in the past year, Zhu Xianhai has been worried about funding problems. If he hadn't grabbed a fortune in a gold mine in Brazil, and the profits from selling drugs were very high, it is estimated that the capital chain would have been broken. But even so.

, Funds are also very tight.

This is even the reason why Buffett proposed to mortgage Helen's company in exchange for a bank loan last time.

Hailun Company and its "Liquor" and "Aspirin" are Nanhua's cash cows! They can be easily mortgaged. Maybe if one company is mortgaged, the company there will become someone else's. Those capitalist financiers are the worst

What is he good at? Using financial traps to seize other people’s property.

This is true in the 21st century, and even more so in the 19th century.

"Let's mortgage the telegraph company!"

The corners of Zhu Xianhai's lips rose. In fact, he knew very well that the mortgage also meant that he lost control of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, but what's the big deal!

After all, Britain and the United States will never allow that line to be controlled by others.


Zhu Xianhai smiled proudly.

"Who said only the UK can be a troublemaker?"

A dispute over the ownership of a telegraph line may not cause a war, but it will definitely cause a diplomatic conflict. As for the consequences, it is beyond his consideration.

For Zhu Xianhai, all he needs is to obtain more generous economic returns as much as possible in the conflict.

"After cutting a wave of British and French leeks, you have to collect some interest from the two crows first!"

Two million pounds is too little, less than ten million taels of silver, which is just a little interest!

"Sooner or later, I have to get back all my capital and profits."

Zhu Xianhai, who was in a good mood, opened the window of his office and looked out at Nanhua Bay. There were more than a dozen clipper boats parked in Nanhua Bay. After they sent the immigrants to Nanhua, they did not return immediately. After all, more than two people

After months of sailing, even sailors need a break.

Nanhua on both sides of the Nanhua River has already shown the prototype of a city, and Nanhua is changing day by day.

Soon, with big money on the line, it will change even faster!

After thinking for a moment, Zhu Xianhai said to himself.

"It seems it's time to conduct a long-term simulation."

In a long-term simulation, there are only a few opportunities left!

It is precisely because of its preciousness that Zhu Xianhai will cherish the few remaining opportunities.

After thinking for a while, he took a deep breath and started a new simulation.

【Whether to start life simulation.】


【Please select simulation time.】

"Long term simulation!"

【Start simulation...】

【February 17, 1862...】

The scenes in the life simulator are constantly changing.

The influx of the second batch of immigrants accelerated the construction of Nanhua.

In the following days, Nanhua developed at a speed visible to the naked eye. New buildings were completed every day, and tens of thousands of acres of fields were cultivated every day.

Just as Zhu Xianhai planned, after the successful trial launch of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, the company's market value rose sharply. Through the sale and mortgage of the votes of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, Zhu Xianhai obtained a large amount of funds. With sufficient financial support, Nanhua's development was even more

It has reached an astonishing speed.

While new factories were being built, with a foresight of history, during the Civil War, Nanhua accumulated a large amount of wealth by smuggling arms to the south and exporting cotton to Europe, completing its initial economic accumulation.

In the following years, not only shipyards were built, but also a series of factories such as textile factories were established. While the arsenal was expanded, heavy industrial enterprises such as steel plants were also completed. The dawn of industrialization appeared on this land.

[In October 1862, the University of Nanhua was established. During the same period, 13 technical schools were founded with Nanhua.]

[In May 1863, South Chinese immigrants clashed with Argentinian immigrants on the Colorado River, and the relationship between the "America Company" and the Buenos Aires authorities became tense. 】

[On October 15, 1863, the Buenos Aires authorities issued a statement "declaring" full sovereignty over the Pampas and Patagonia, and stated that they would never allow the "America Company" to arbitrarily

The act of invading and warring on “state-owned land”.]

[In the same month, in response to Argentina’s claim to sovereignty, you issued a statement declaring that the “America Company” had actual sovereignty over the Pampas and Patagonia, and the conflict in South Argentina was about to break out.]

[In March 1864, the Taiping Army lost Hangzhou, and the loss of the seaport prevented you from introducing immigrants on a large scale]

[In 1864, the Paraguay War broke out and Argentina was unable to look south. You seized the opportunity to further expand to the north and further expand the company's control over the Araucania region. 】

[In the same year, Zeng Guofan captured Tianjing and the Taiping Rebellion failed.]

[The Civil War ended in 1865.]

Although the Civil War ended, Nanhua's golden age did not end. During the war, Nanhua's industry was fully developed.

After five years of development, the original small town of Nanhua has turned into a city, a modern city with a population of more than 200,000 and developed industry. Thanks to the water conservancy irrigation provided by the Negro River and the Colorado River, in the city

Beyond are hundreds of miles of farms, where hundreds of thousands of immigrants live and work in peace and contentment.

But behind the prosperity is not without hidden dangers.

Although Argentina is deeply involved in the "Paraguay War" and is unable to prevent the expansion of South China in the Pampas, it does not mean that they will do nothing. In fact, they have been resisting and preventing the rise of South China.

[In May 1866, the Argentine authorities sent an envoy to the Qing Dynasty and established an embassy in the capital. 】

[In 1867, with the efforts of the Argentinian minister in Beijing, the Qing Dynasty issued an order to "strictly prohibit the export of coolies to South China", and immigrants from South China dropped sharply...]

The sharp decline in immigration was the real end of South China's golden age.

In fact, from the beginning, Zhu Xianhai knew the importance of immigrants better than anyone else. As early as the foundation of Nanhua, he determined the "basic national policy" of introducing immigrants from the country.

However, this "basic national policy" suffered heavy losses one after another - in 1862, the President of the United States banned American ships from transporting Chinese workers, which directly hit the transportation of Chinese workers. With the loss of the Taiping Army in Hangzhou, the number of Chinese immigrants further decreased.

Despite this, Zhu Xianhai still tried to attract immigrants as much as possible through various channels, such as pretending to be from Southeast Asia or even Australia, but the number was far from what it was in the past.

In 1868, less than 30,000 Chinese immigrants arrived in South China. At the same time, the number of European immigrants arriving in South China exceeded 10,000 for the first time - most of them were experts and skilled workers and their staff that South China actively hired from European countries.


In the 1870s, Nanhua was even called "the most prosperous city in the south of the earth."

This is not an exaggeration. It was the first city to have a power grid and electric lights - Zhu Xianhai invented the electric light as early as 1870, and humans began to use electric lights nine years earlier than in history.

However, talent has always been Nanhua's weakest link.

In order to make up for the shortage of talents, Nanhua established the first modern primary school as early as October 1861. In 1862, Nanhua established the first secondary technical school to train technicians.

But the cultivation of talents takes time.

It was not one year, nor two years, but a long process... 1870 was a watershed.

This year, the first batch of international students sent by Nanhua returned to Nanhua. They began to enter various industries and gradually played a role in various enterprises, replacing the status of foreign engineers. In the past eight years, Nanhua has trained more than

Thousands of junior technicians and junior technicians.

In 1870, Nanhua entered another "golden age" of its own.

Nanhua’s speed is absolutely like a miracle!

From the first iron-hulled ship to the first electric light, to the first bridge entirely designed and supervised by Chinese engineers in Nanhua, the first railway designed by Chinese engineers, and even driven by the first Chinese captain and navigator

Merchant ships built by Nanhua sailed to Hong Kong.

Nanhua in 1870 was destined to shock the world.

It was also in this year that the railway from Nanhua to the Gulf of Araucania, which Zhu Xianhai personally planned, was finally completed.

"The land of Nanhua will stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean!"

At the same time, the conflict between South China and Argentina - the issue of ownership of the Pampas and Patagonia plateau, as well as the increasing differences with Chile on the issue of Araucania, the three parties have had many conflicts.

Diplomatic frictions and relations are becoming increasingly tense.

Everything seems fine.

This way life is perfect.

Of course it is also comfortable.

As the actual owner of Nanhua, Zhu Xianhai certainly achieved his wish and reached the pinnacle of his life.

He married Bai Fumei and moved into a large mansion. While the medicine, arms and other businesses brought him huge wealth, the prosperity of the city also brought him countless wealth.

Moreover, his identity is dual. One identity is the king of Araucania and Patagonia, and the other identity is a capital tycoon-the boss of the American Company.

At the same time, the conflict between South China and Argentina - regarding the ownership of the Pampas and Patagonia plateaus, there have been many diplomatic frictions and even military conflicts with Argentina and Chile. The relationship between the two sides has become increasingly tense.

But Nanhua's army and the fortresses on the Colorado River protected Nanhua from the Argentine invasion.

Perhaps Nanhua is not a country, but in South America in 1875, Nanhua had already established informal diplomatic relations with other countries as an independent city-state. Just like merchant city-states such as Venice in history.

It seems that all this will last forever, but an undercurrent is brewing.

[On November 20, 1875, the anniversary of the founding of the city, conflicts broke out among citizens gathered in the city square. European immigrants took the opportunity to vent their dissatisfaction with the Chinese people's control of power in South China. After you sent cavalry to quell the conflict, Argentina, Chile, etc.

China lodged a diplomatic protest, demanding that South China not discriminate against European immigrants.]

[On November 27, Argentina and Chile secretly signed an alliance treaty against South China in Buenos Aires, and formed a coalition between the two countries. 】

[On November 30, Argentina and Chile issued an ultimatum to South China, requiring South China to amend the law, protect the rights of European immigrants, reorganize the government, and appoint European immigrants as ministers. You immediately refused and mobilized the army.]

【On December 1st, the war broke out.】

This chapter has been completed!
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