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Chapter 1364 Aircraft Carriers Are the Future

Chapter 1364: Aircraft carriers are the future (Second update, please subscribe)

Author: Xiaoyu’s Destiny

Chapter 1364: Aircraft carriers are the future (Second update, please subscribe)

Accompanied by the passionate and majestic music of "Naval March", the Imperial Navy battleship "Da Qin" approached with a majestic momentum like Mount Tai.

As it approached, everyone on the "Suzaku" warship was filled with exclamations as they gazed at its majestic mountain-like hull.

Although the military attachés from various countries holding cameras were surprised, they still picked up their cameras one after another and took pictures in horror. Their own naval technicians needed to use these pictures to judge the warship.

Because he personally approved the construction of the "Dynasty-class" battleship, Emperor Zhu Da knew its parameters relatively well, but he still couldn't help but turned around and asked:

"Looking at it now, the "Dynasty-class" battleship should be the most powerful battleship in the world right now, right?"

"Yes, the most powerful!"

Shen Yaozu said proudly:

"It can be said that none of the target foreign warships can compare with it. The "Dynasty-class" battleship not only has an overwhelming advantage in firepower, but also has an overwhelming advantage in protection performance, at least in terms of speed. In the next three to four years, there will definitely be no combat ship from any country that can compare with it..."


Standing between his father and the emperor's grandfather, Zhu Dingxi, the emperor's eldest grandson, stared blankly at the giant warship, as if he had already described in his mind the scene of the warships fighting at sea.

Looking at his eldest grandson who was staring at the battleship in a daze, Emperor Zhu Da touched his head affectionately.

This child may not know that this may be the final glory of the battleship...

At this time, the ship review is still continuing, the waves are rolling, and the battleships are chopping the waves...

With people's hearts fluctuating, where is the world headed?

On this day in the twenty-sixth year of Shengde's reign, the wind on the Atlantic Ocean outside Yingtian seemed calm, but it was also unpredictable, and the clouds were also erratic.

This unprecedented scale naval review is regrettable.

Because the aircraft carrier was not involved, why the aircraft carrier did not show up is because it is... the empire's trump card.

In fact, according to the original plan, the aircraft carrier would participate in the ship review, but it was denied at the last minute.

At the Imperial General Staff Headquarters, the sky was gradually getting dark, and only the desk lamp was on in the dimly lit room.

"Major Qiu, today's conversation is not to be disclosed to the outside world, and it is strictly confidential internally. In other words, this matter can only be known to you and me."

Admiral Cheng Bichen said in an extremely serious tone.

This was the evening of early 1995.

Although Akira Naoyuki was not tall, he always looked energetic. He sat upright and looked at the Imperial Admiral with bright eyes. The air in the room seemed particularly tense.

"Recently, I read your report."

Cheng Bichen paused here, took out cigarettes from the cigarette case, handed one to Qiu Zhenzhi, and lit one himself.

"The Persian issue is likely to trigger a war. The time has not yet been determined, but once a war breaks out, the empire must take a preemptive strike."

When General Cheng Bichen spoke, Qiu Zhenzhi listened carefully.

"That being said, a fight may not break out immediately. However, we must consider that a war will break out soon!"

Qiu Zhenzhi nodded deeply and agreed.

"Indeed, it could break out at any time!"

"When I met Chief Lin last time, he said with a smile that once the war breaks out, he is determined to break into the tiger's den himself. However, this tiger's den is not easy to break into."

Cheng Bichen continued:

"Our fleet has two main forces, one in the Atlantic Ocean and one in the Pacific Ocean. The maritime enemies we face are as far away as the United Kingdom and as close as the United States. The United States, like us, has its fleets deployed in the two oceans - the Atlantic Ocean.

and the Pacific. No matter how we attack the enemy first, we can only choose one or the other. However, your report allowed Chief Lin and the others to see an opportunity, so we discussed it in private... Just for this matter, today

I’ll bring you here to talk.” Cheng Bichen paused for a while and said in an emphatic tone:

"Mainly I want to hear your opinion."

"Sir, this is the last chance."

Qiu Zhenzhi took a deep breath and said.

"As we have worried before, the U.S. Navy is deployed on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific. If we strike preemptively, we must launch attacks on both sides at the same time, which obviously violates the taboo of dispersing our forces. That is to say, once a fight breaks out,

, According to the historical combat assumptions, we have to take the initiative, but it is still unknown whether such a strategy can lead to a quick victory. After all, it is impossible for us to defeat its main force in one battle and then free up our hands to invest the navy in other battlefields. But

Now... at the end of October last year, they "ended the world cycle and returned to the Hampton anchorage where they started. They are all currently anchored there. After all, the long voyage requires proper maintenance of the warships. Now is our last chance -

—Before the Pacific Fleet returns."

As a staff officer, Qiu Masayuki has always been thinking about how to annihilate the main force of the U.S. Navy in one battle. This is the best option for the Imperial Navy to win the war. And the "Great White Fleet" that has not yet been disbanded has allowed him to see


"So I hope the superiors can fully consider my suggestions."

What is his suggestion? Just seize the opportunity and take the initiative to decide the outcome in one battle!


Cheng Bichen nodded and then said.

"So we have fully considered this issue. However, we must have some ideas on how to command the battle. I have an idea, which is very different from the previous battle ideas. I hope you can participate and study my idea.

Is this idea feasible?"

Then Cheng Bichen added:

"Of course this is not a formal order, it is just a matter of secretly studying combat issues as a staff officer... Do you know about aviation operations?"

Qiu Zhenzhi, who listened with bated breath, listened to General Cheng Bichen finish what he said, and he continued to listen like this for half an hour.

"Okay, this is my idea! Now the way of fighting has changed. I don't think a decisive battle with battleships alone can determine the outcome of the war. We have aircraft carriers that other countries don't have. I believe that aircraft carriers can win this battle.

It played a role in the war beyond our imagination."

Then, Cheng Bichen leaned on his chair, smoked vigorously, and stopped talking.

As the founder of the empire's first aircraft carrier fleet, the reason why he supports aircraft carriers is not just because he is the founder of this fleet, but more importantly, he keenly sees the huge potential of aircraft carriers, so he proposes this


At this time, it was already dark, and Qiu Zhenzhi was stunned. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the general, and he did not recover for a long time.

"Major Autumn!"

Cheng Bichen suddenly shouted.


"What do you think? Is there any chance of success?"

The reason why he asked this was because aviation combat was a very new thing to the navy, and he himself had no confidence in it.


Astonished, Qiu Zhenzhi asked.

"It seems that the superiors already have a plan?"


Leaning forward, Cheng Bichen said:

"Even His Majesty thinks so. The only question is... what are the chances of success?"

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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