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Chapter 1369: General Mobilization in Europe

Chapter 1369 European Mobilization (Third update, please subscribe)

Author: Xiaoyu’s Destiny

Chapter 1369 European Mobilization (Third update, please subscribe)

February 26th.

Three days after the "Battle of the Persian Gulf", Prime Minister Primrose gave a speech in Congress, publicly stating that "peace is hopeless" and declaring that "the Russians seek war as their purpose. If this is the case, then so be it."

, the British Empire will meet the challenge on land, at sea, and anywhere in the world!"

At the same time, Britain issued an ultimatum to Russia.

The ultimatum required Russia to immediately withdraw all its troops from Persia, withdraw to the pre-war border, and stop its invasion of Persia. At the same time, it also required Russia to hand over "criminals who killed British Royal Navy officers and soldiers" in the Persian Gulf.

No one would think that Russia would accept such an ultimatum that seriously hurts its national pride. "Whether it is the British Empire or the Roman Empire, they all have the pride and pride of empire..."

48 hours later, the Roman Empire directly rejected the ultimatum.

On the 28th, the Roman Empire announced general mobilization.

The next day, when the ultimatum asking the Roman Empire to stop mobilization was not accepted, the British Empire announced general mobilization.

At first, the situation seemed to be just a conflict between Britain and Russia. Newspapers from various countries threatened that this would be another recurrence of the "Crimean War", while newspapers supporting Russia believed that this would be a Russian military attack.

A great opportunity for the shame of Lymea.

But only on March 1st, the situation took a turn for the worse. On this day, the French Empire officially issued a "Jerusalem Incident Investigation Report." According to the investigation report, British spies Rouse and others planned this incident with the support of British officials.

An event!

For a time, the whole world was in an uproar.

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately made representations to the United Kingdom and gave it an ultimatum: requiring the United Kingdom to immediately arrest British officials involved in the incident, and for French police to enter the United Kingdom to investigate. It also requested that the United Kingdom support spies in planning the "Jerusalem Incident"

Hold direct talks on the matter.

Faced with the sudden accusation, London's senior officials were completely confused. They had no idea how this happened. However, after the investigation, everyone, including Prime Minister Primrose, knew that this incident was really true.

It's not about being dirty.

The British really did it!

Not only killed Napoleon IV, but also the Pope!

Faced with this fact, everyone including Prime Minister Primrose made a similar decision with one voice - deny!

Firmly deny it!

Two days later, British officials completely denied France's accusations, and even accused France of setting it up and an excuse for France to support Russia. As for Lawrence... there is no such person in Britain at all.

The British answer angered France, and the French people's anger was once again ignited. The French Legislative Council immediately used this as an excuse to announce general mobilization.

Although the "Imperial Alliance" members Austria-Hungary and the Ming Empire, as well as the Allied members Germany, Italy and the United States, have not announced mobilization.

But one thing that is certain is that a war of unprecedented scale is about to break out.

"In five to eight weeks, or at most three months, we will see the establishment of a new order in Europe and around the world..."

——The New York Times, March 4, 1995.

Of course, when the American public opinion circles made such claims, it did not prevent the American industrial and commercial circles from being happy, because they knew that the outbreak of the war meant business opportunities, and they could make a lot of wealth by virtue of neutrality in this war in Europe.

Gold is a good thing!

South Atlantic, San Jorge Bay, the First Air Force is training here. Before the ship review, the navy originally intended to show their new gadgets to the world through the ship review, but their idea was vetoed by Emperor Zhu Da


However, the Navy still took the opportunity to transfer the First Air Force from the Pacific to the Atlantic. In fact, this was also to enable the fleet to conduct long-distance navigation training.

On this day, the weather was sunny as usual. In front of us was a blue sea, with several small islands on the coast dotted on the sea like water droplets and rocks.

"As of yesterday, the basic training for maritime combat has basically ended. From today on, application training for shallow sea torpedo attacks will begin, and we will learn to attack anchored ships."

Captain Lu Deren said casually to the pilots who lined up in front of him. When Lu Deren taught the pilots the technical skills of torpedo attack, his tone seemed to be as casual and indifferent as announcing a general training subject. If it were different,

Ordinary people would probably swallow a gulp of saliva when talking about this, or secretly pay attention to the pilot's face. Even if he insists on pretending to be calm, there will inevitably be some actions that make people aware of the seriousness of the problem. However, Lu Deren

His attitude is no different from usual, and his tone may even make people not pay attention to what he is saying.

"He is truly the founder of naval aviation!"

Qiu Zhenzhi, who was standing aside, secretly praised him. At the same time, he felt that Lieutenant Colonel Lu was the perfect person to implement the plan, not only because he was a serious officer who was good at tactical research, but also because he had a tough character.

There is nothing better than being bold and careful in implementing this plan.

Since joining the First Air Force almost two months ago, Qiu Zhenzhi has been learning about the performance of aircraft carriers and aircraft, and learning tactics. Even now, he is studying in the war room like an ordinary pilot.

Glancing at Staff Qiu who was taking notes carefully, Lu Deren continued his lecture calmly:

"Today, we will use the training mine to simulate an attack without actual shooting. We must master the essentials. First, after taking off and gathering, the squadron leader will lead the altitude to two thousand meters. Fly to the east of the target and start preparing for the attack."

He gestured with his hands:

"Fly from the target halfway up the mountain and descend into the canyon. The distance between each aircraft is 500 meters. When zigzagging through the canyon, the flying height is 50 meters, and then when it reaches the sky above the bay, the flying height is 40 meters.


The team members have long been mentally prepared for all this. In fact, in the past month, they have been training how to raid the bay. The reason why they even conducted training in San Jorge Bay was because there was an enemy a few dozen kilometers away.

A bay suitable for training attacks.

But flying at an ultra-low altitude of 40 meters is definitely a challenge to the skills of all pilots. However, to carry out a torpedo attack, the altitude must be reduced as much as possible.

Lu Deren continued in a calm tone:

"At this time, the bay will appear in front of us, and the enemy's fleet will be anchored in the parking area. At this time, we will lower the flight altitude to twenty meters and launch immediately."

The team members all became a little nervous. When launching a torpedo at a height of twenty meters, if you are not careful, the plane will plunge into the sea.

"The target is a buoy on the sea five hundred meters ahead. This is the enemy ship parked. When launching, keep the nose angle at zero degrees and the speed is ninety-five kilometers per hour. It is particularly important to remember this launching posture! After dropping the mine, immediately raise it, and from the right

Turn sideways, break away from the enemy ship, and then return. At this point, the training is over."

After deploying the attack tactics as if nothing had happened, Lu Deren looked around the team members with sharp eyes.

"How, can it be done?"


The young pilots replied unwillingly.

"The fighting spirit is very high!"

Lu Deren smiled.

"But it's difficult. Especially, don't misjudge the altitude when launching. As soon as you arrive at the beach, you must launch immediately, otherwise you will lose the opportunity to aim. Moreover, if you deviate from the course, you will hit an obstacle.

.So we must be bold and careful. Now, let band leader Li Tian give a demonstration first. Okay, let’s start training!”


After answering in unison, the pilots rushed to their respective planes like a whirlwind, and the propellers quickly turned. When Li Tianle, the captain of the torpedo attack team, walked towards the plane he was driving, Lu Deren walked up to him and said:

"Have fun, do it well!"

"No problem, just look at mine, I guarantee it's correct. But..."

Li Tianle lowered his voice and said:

"What you just said was very good. You are better at summarizing than me. I may not be able to speak that well myself!"

"We're all just figuring it out."

Lu Deren smiled and said:

"Okay, keep going. It's not an easy task to control the torpedo's diving depth to ten meters. I'm watching you from above."

After that, Lu Deren walked up to Qiu Zhenzhi and said.

"How about it, Staff Qiu, how about you take the machine gun seat and set off with me later?"

Of course, Qiu Zhenzhi would not refuse such an invitation. After all, this was an opportunity to learn about flying, he said quickly.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Li Tianle got on the plane and drove it slowly to the takeoff line in the sea breeze...

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

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