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Chapter 1389 Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!

Chapter 1389 Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! (First update, please subscribe)

Author: Xiaoyu’s Destiny

Chapter 1389 Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! (First update, please subscribe)

At seven o'clock in the morning, the sky over the eastern United States has already brightened up, and the Virginia Peninsula is shrouded in bright spring light. For the people on the peninsula, this is just an ordinary Sunday.

There are thin clouds above Broad Hampton Anchorage, and various seabirds are hovering in the sky around the anchorage, looking for food on the sea.

In the Hampton Anchorage, the Great White Fleet, which once shocked the world, is now bathing in the morning sun. The traffic boats in the anchorage are carrying officers on duty to board or leave the ship. Everything is as usual.


After completing its world tour, this fleet returned to Hampton Anchorage. They set off from here and then returned here. Now all they need is repairs, and then the Pacific Fleet returns to the anchorage on the West Coast via the Strait of Magellan.

However, the tense situation since March prevented them from setting off easily, because the Ming Empire deployed many fortresses in the Strait of Magellan, and they could block the entire strait at any time if they wanted.

As for the Drake Strait, it is still under consideration. Once all Pacific Fleet warships have completed maintenance, they will almost be able to return home.

It’s just that they never thought about it. The Ming Empire had no intention of sending this large fleet into the Pacific Ocean from the beginning. After all, for the empire, the Pacific Ocean is the top priority for future operations!

Flying over the Virginia Peninsula, Lu Deren shouted the moment the anchor came into view.

"Surprise attack!"

The air attack aircraft group that had arrived at the target area began to expand from a navigation formation to a preparatory attack formation. On the way to the departure point of the aircraft group, each formation followed closely behind the commander-in-chief's aircraft to form a dense formation. Before starting the attack, each formation formed a dense formation.

The fleet should occupy favorable positions in advance according to its own attack method. In order to facilitate the launch of torpedoes, the torpedo fleet needs to lower its flying altitude.

If it is a surprise attack, the torpedo fleet will take the lead. This means that the torpedo fleet will rush into the enemy's position before the enemy discovers it to obtain the maximum surprise attack effect. Then, the bomber fleet will start attacking one after another when the torpedo fleet attacks.

But if it is a force attack, everything is completely different. The first is the bomber fleet, which uses bombs and machine guns to cause chaos in the enemy's formation, and to contain and attract hostile air firepower - after all, U.S. warships are now equipped with many anti-airship cannons

and machine guns. When the bomber fleet attracts the enemy's attention, the torpedo fleet will take the opportunity to carry out torpedo attacks on the enemy ships.

But is it a surprise attack or a forced attack?

This must be judged by the commander-in-chief when he orders the launch. Because only reconnaissance aircraft and a few command aircraft are equipped with radio stations, in order to command the troops in the air, the only way to distinguish surprise attacks from force attacks is to use signal flares.

Fire one shot during a surprise attack and two for strong attacks. After each attack team saw the flare fired by Lu Deren's landline, they immediately understood what the commander meant.

Surprise attack!

Then the attack formation began as planned.

After the formations of the two assault planes dispersed in the air, they immediately entered the South Hampton anchorage from the Virginia Peninsula. As the earliest British colony in North America, the peninsula was dotted with farms and small towns. At this time, those driving horse-drawn carriages led the way.

The common people who went to church with their families listened to the roar above their heads, and when they looked up at the sky, their eyes widened in surprise.

What is flying in the sky?

At this time, eleven Dreadnought-class battleships were scattered around the South Hampton anchorage. The U.S. Navy officers and soldiers who had finished raising the flag on each ship were getting into the ship's cabin again in twos and threes, or going to the restaurant to have a simple breakfast in groups, or returning.

Waiting for the meal in the cabin, everything is the same as before.

After breakfast, they will assemble again and then worship under the leadership of the pastor.

Of course, the officers had meals in their respective homes ashore, and then went to church for worship.

As the commander of the fleet, Rear Admiral Robbie Evans was having breakfast in the dining room as usual.

As for the officers, most of them are either at home or dining in the ship's restaurant.

Peace... peace always makes people numb!

As for the sailors dining on the ship or waiting for their meals, most of them were talking about topics between men, and women were always indispensable. The sailors on the side who had finished breakfast were smoking after-dinner cigarettes and bragging.

, none of them noticed that a black dot vaguely jumped out among the thin clouds in the northeast.

7:20 EST.

Lu Deren's plane was the first to arrive in the sky above Hampton Anchorage. The Hampton Anchorage, which was like an indigo blue without a trace of waves, was quietly moored with a series of warships of different sizes and tonnages. These warships seemed to have not yet recovered from their dreams.

It's like waking up in the middle of the night, motionless and defenseless!

Lu Deren could hardly believe what he saw.

The sky is full of Imperial Navy aircraft!

The ground! There are all warships... warships without any defense!

The surprise attack will definitely succeed!

Even though he had not yet achieved any results, Lu Deren was so excited that he could not control himself and shouted loudly to Sun An.

"Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

Sun An immediately broke the radio silence and sent back the code name for a successful surprise attack!

"Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!" I heard that this code name came from His Majesty's handwriting.

No one knows why His Majesty chose "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!" as the code name for the success of the operation, but what is certain is that tiger... is also quite auspicious.

However, the reason why Emperor Zhu Da used this code name was entirely out of laziness, and of course it was also a bit of a mockery.

Just be a Yankee twice!

At this time, on the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, the fleet was sailing slowly. On the bridge of the aircraft carrier "Jingwei", the seemingly calm fleet commander Wu Anping was actually troubled by worries about gains and losses. Waiting

He was the most anxious. Ever since he gave the order to attack, he had become a little worried about gains and losses.

"The time is almost up, has it been successful? What if it fails and alerts the enemy? Then we can only return at full speed, but the speed of the aircraft carrier is slow. The fastest is only 18 knots. It can't outrun others. The convoy only has two armored ships.

Cruiser, hey, it seems that the aircraft carrier converted from a merchant ship is still not feasible. It is necessary to design a special aircraft carrier. Unfortunately, if it fails, there will be no chance to propose it..."

In Wu Anping's mind, he kept thinking about the possibilities after failure, and even made up his mind that if he suffered an accident, he would live or die with the ship. Suddenly, a communications officer shouted loudly.

"Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!... The telegraph room receives the call... Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! The surprise attack was successful!"

shouted the communications officer wearing a headset.

"Sir! The air force has sent back a signal that the surprise attack was successful!"

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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