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Chapter 1394 Global War

Chapter 1394 Global War (Third update, please subscribe)

Author: Xiaoyu’s Destiny

Chapter 1394 Global War (Third update, please subscribe)

What is a global war?

The war will never start in one place, just like the empire declared war on the United States. According to the military's battle plan, the battle is not limited to the sea, but more importantly, the land offensive.

Almost at the same time that the mobile fleet entered the scheduled take-off point, at the other end of the continent - in a valley in the Rocky Mountains of the Empire's North Sea Governorate, dozens of large airships crowded the entire valley.

The roar of the engines resounded throughout the valley. These airships were obviously different from ordinary airships - two aircraft with wings spread hanging below the huge airship cabin.

But the plane doesn't have an engine, it's a glider.

Below the glider is the assault team waiting to board the aircraft.

"The goal of this mission is to directly land at Fortress Niebe, which is the key to the success of this mission. If it cannot successfully capture the fortress and capture the fortress defenders, then the entire operation will fail..."

In the nearby wooden warehouse, there were many commanders from the commando unit and above, and the officers were making their final combat arrangements. They received combat maps and task documents. As early as the beginning of the formulation of the "Thunderstorm Operation Plan", the key to seizing the fortress was

combat mission to open up the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

The Strait of Juan de Fuca is a large 153-kilometer (95-mile) waterway that serves as the main outlet to the Pacific Ocean from the Strait of Georgia and Puget Sound, as well as the main outlet to the Pacific Ocean from the Imperial North Sea Governorate.

Almost twenty years ago, in order to curb the expansion of the empire, the Americans built Fortress Niebe at the entrance to the strait. The fortress was equipped with multiple coastal heavy artillery of over 300 mm. Once a war broke out, the fortress heavy artillery could block the strait.

It inhibited the entry and exit of imperial ships from the strait, thereby achieving the purpose of weakening the empire's power in the north. For this reason, seizing the fortress became the top priority of the northern battle.

This battle is not only related to the success or failure of the northern empire, but even the ownership of the entire northern territory.

Stars were dotted over the valley, and the commando team used the last few hours to make necessary preparations before departure. These commandos, who became famous in the "Battle of Peru", listened to the last words of their commanders after writing their suicide notes.

refer to,

Then they checked the equipment, rifles, pistols, grenades, ammunition and first aid kits, field food and combat maps for the last time... In short, they had to bring all the materials needed for combat. Of course, they also carried a large amount of explosives - according to the raid mission

They were required to try their best to blow up the fortress' artillery during the raid, so that even if the mission failed, the fortress could be guaranteed to be useless.

The hour hand pointed to four o'clock, and although it was not yet dawn, the troops on standby began to eat breakfast. Many of them knew that this might be the last breakfast in their lives.

After all, war always involves death.

And what about the commandos?

You have to fight in an encirclement!

Half an hour later, at 4:30 Eastern Time, 1,072 officers and soldiers of the Imperial Assault Corps began to board the glider. When the commandos with dark faces boarded the plane, they would always smile at the cameras of the reporters accompanying the army, although many of them

People try to keep their expressions solemn, but when facing the camera, they still smile habitually.

However, no one can doubt their determination to complete the task!

The photographers who accompanied the army were also busy. They used their cameras and cameras to faithfully record the expressions of the soldiers.

At five o'clock on April 21st, the commandos who entered the glider sat on canvas seats and prayed silently in their hearts...

Praying for the next “action”!

The entire valley was torn apart by the roar of the engine...

At 7 o'clock Eastern Time, a huge group of airships flew over Tianya Island (Vancouver Island). When they arrived at the sky, the troops encountered gusts of wind. The airship began to shake, and the glider mounted under the cabin also began to bump up and down and swing left and right.

The pilot in the glider kept looking at the ground, preparing to escape from the airship at any time.

In the swaying cabin of the glider, the heavily armed commandos seemed a little nervous. With solemn eyes, they were either smoking cigarettes or meditating. The captain of the second squadron, Sun Qichen, who was standing in the aisle of the cabin, began to do something.

The final mobilization.

"Brothers, everyone already knows the importance of this mission. It is not only related to the victory of the northern battlefield of the empire, but also related to the ownership of the northern territory. If we fail, we will lose not only the battle, but also the northern territory.

The 18 million compatriots in the territory have therefore fallen into the hands of the enemy... Well, brothers, as your captain, I hope that everyone will fulfill their responsibilities in this battle! Fulfill your responsibilities, this is not only the duty of the soldiers, but also our mission!...

Good luck to everyone!”

After a simple mobilization, the captain also sat back on his seat. Although the sun had not come out yet, through the light of the stars and moon, they could see the expressions of the brothers. Everyone's expressions were similar, serious and dignified.

In this silence, Sun Qichen turned and looked out the window. The strait was in front of them - the boat group had flown over Tianya Island, and they were about to reach their target.

What time is it now?

Sun Qichen looked at his watch. It was seven fifteen in the morning, which was Eastern Time. According to Western Time, it was only four in the morning.

"What's our altitude?"

The captain on the airship asked the co-pilot.

"One thousand eight hundred meters!"

"How far is it from the target?"

Finally, when he was about to approach the target, the captain pressed the button, and when the green light came on inside the glider, the glider pilots knew that they would have to rely on themselves next.

"Release the glider!"

At an altitude of 1,800 meters, assault gliders were released from beneath the airship like elves in the night.

The pilot of the glider piloted the glider to keep the aircraft as stable as possible. Not long after leaving the airship, the roar of the engines around the fuselage gradually died down. There was silence all around. In this strange silence, it was like a night elf.

The glider flew through the dark night sky, gliding steadily towards its target.

There was no sound or movement. This was the biggest feature of the glider assault. Although the twilight was heavy, the pilot of the pilot glider still saw the fortress on the Cape Peninsula. After diving, it entered a horizontal state, and then turned to the right.

He made a ninety-degree turn and flew towards the top of the fortress.

Staring at the dark night outside the cabin, he drove the glider successfully and glanced at the white line along the Hidden Sea Coast. It was the foam of the waves crashing on the coast. Their target was above. In order to get as close as possible to the fortress, his glider

Pull up the fuselage.

He successfully piloted a glider at an altitude of 100 meters and began to dive rapidly. In his sight, the ground suddenly rose up, and the fields and trees below moved rapidly backwards at hundreds of kilometers per hour.


While shouting, Lu successfully turned on the green light for landing.

The moment the light turned green, Sun Qijuchen held his breath and shouted loudly.

"Hold tight!"

The two rows of commandos sitting in the glider cabin were sitting entangled with each other, arms and legs off the ground, waiting for the coming impact.

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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