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Chapter 1586 Expedition

The latest website: www. It wasn't that the head asked the donkey to kick, but to live.

On the battlefield, no one will stand there waiting to be beaten, they will try their best to survive!

In order to survive, Alfred dropped the bomb and ignored the British troops on the ground.

The true meaning of life is to have dead Taoist friends and not to die as a poor Taoist!

Alfred's decision saved himself and his men on the airship. After throwing away the sandbag weights and bombs, the empty airship quickly rose to high altitude.

"Sir, we have reached 6,000 meters!"

While the co-pilot was talking, the altimeter needle was still moving, and they were still flying higher into the sky.

When frost began to appear near the window of the airship, Alfred finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked through the observation window on his side. Other airships were also flying towards high altitudes, and where were those small planes?

"They're climbing hard!"

Indeed, compared to the airships that dropped bombs, the aircraft climbed very slowly, but they were rising to high altitudes little by little.

"Sir, we, we seem to have dropped the bomb on our own people."

"May God bless them, there is nothing we can do about it,"

Alfred even pretended to make a cross on his chest, but in fact, he... didn't care at all.

The most important thing on the battlefield is to survive.

"How slow!"

Ding Lei, who was driving the plane continuously climbing, looked at the rising airship and thought to himself,

Is this going to be missed?

Just then, he heard the machine gunner shout.

"Captain, although the British aircraft are equipped with machine guns, it is not easy to hit us from a distance of five or six hundred meters. Our target is small, but their target is big. Let's increase the distance a little. Tracer bullets are trailing

The effective distance of light is 800 meters. If we fly to a distance of 600 to 700 meters, as long as a few bullets hit the airship, it will be enough for them to drink a bottle!"

Xu Fei's suggestion made Ding Lei's eyes light up. He stared at the airship in the distance and said.

"You can try it! I'll fly under them and you try to hit them upwards!"

After saying that, Ding Lei pushed the control stick, adjusted the course and flew towards the airship.

"What's that plane going to do? Is he giving up?"

Just when Alfred was confused, he saw a flash of fire on the fuselage of the aircraft. The red tracer was very obvious in the sky. Dozens of red tracers were flying towards the lowest flying airship No. 0313.


The machine gunner on the airship noticed it and immediately attacked the aircraft with his machine gun. The red and green tracers drew eye-catching tracks in the sky. The agile aircraft seemed to be flying in bullets, and from those

Escaped from the green tracer.

"not good!"

Before Alfred could shout, the airship N0313 suddenly caught fire underneath, and flames started burning from under its airbag.

"No. 313 was shot down!"

When the hydrogen gas in the airship's airbag burned, several white umbrellas floated in the air. The airship pilot parachuted out, but the huge airship was like a burning torch, burning and twisting in the air, and began to slowly fall.

"Hurry up, hurry up, my God..."

While Alfred was screaming in terror, the planes followed suit and began to attack from below the airship. The machine gunners standing in the back seat controlled the machine guns and fired at the targets above their heads.

The pilots, while keeping their distance, danced in the hail of enemy bullets. But in just a moment, six airships turned into huge torches. The airships were as huge as giant ships. In front of the machine guns and tracer bullets,

Vulnerable, and after the aircraft combined the two, the once invincible giant in the sky became a vulnerable waste.

This air battle between planes and airships simply exceeded everyone's imagination. When one after another huge airships burned and fell from the sky, the people on the ground looked at this scene in stunned silence.

Both the British who were blown up by their own airship and the officers and soldiers of the Ming Empire who turned into spectators over there were dumbfounded.

"This, how is this possible..."

Honjo Shige murmured in shock.

"This, this is impossible, how could the airship be shot down?"

How could an airship be shot down?

It is so huge!

In Africa, airships are a religion!

It is not only the belief of the indigenous people, but also their belief, because the airship is so powerful, it can destroy everything, and the bombs it drops can kill all the people of a tribe, even the most powerful tribe.

It is also vulnerable in front of it.

In the eyes of the indigenous people, the airship Buddha's mount is the Buddha's divine punishment and a forbidding sky castle that will never fall.

Of course, it is also a symbol of the power of the Ming Empire.

For people like Honjo Shige, airships have long been associated with the power of the empire, and to a certain extent, it is also a matter of belief - belief that it can crush everything.

But now, the seemingly powerful airship is not worth mentioning, and some ugly planes are even shot down. This is simply...unbelievable!

As for the blow... I can't talk about it.

After all, their beliefs are different from those of the indigenous people. When the indigenous people see the airship, they will kneel down in fear. They will pray, be in awe, and feel that they are ants. But for us, the airship is just a kind of ant.

Industrial products are the proud symbol of imperial science in the world.

And now...the former king of the air was defeated by a seemingly inconspicuous gadget. The impact this brought to them was more of awe of science.

"As expected of China, when we thought airships were the king of the sky, we didn't expect that China had a new invention! China is China..."

Looking at the behemoth that fell like a torch, Honjo Shigeru and his comrades were even more in awe of the Empire as they spoke. The Empire once again conquered everyone with its unparalleled science that is ahead of the world.

"Yes, this is our plane!"

One officer pointed to the sky and said.

"Our airplane was invented by our Ming Dynasty, and only we own it. The airship allows us to go to the sky, but it... these airplanes will allow us to rule the sky!"

Airplanes will allow us to rule the skies!

Facing the scene of thirteen giant torches falling slowly in the sky like festive fireworks, these fireworks seem to be announcing to the world the end of the old era and the emergence of the new king.

The new royal capital was born. It once again proved that the sky belongs to the Ming Empire!

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

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