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Chapter 1601 Destiny Manifested

The Cape of Good Hope is where the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean meet.

Here, as in the past, the waves are monstrous. In the howling wind, the huge waves on the black ocean are hitting each other and slapping each other. The waves of the huge waves can be as high as ten meters. At the same time, there is a roar like rolling thunder, huge waves and

The sounds of the waves intertwined together, which was extremely shocking.

Crown, tightly wrapped in a cape and wearing a life jacket, stood at the top of the mast. As usual, he stood in the guardrail and observed the sea in the distance.

About half a mile to starboard from the bow is the "Sea Spirit", and further forward is the "Ellis", a fleet of more than twenty merchant ships carrying goods shipped from India.

Various materials, including grain, cotton and various other minerals, the British industry cannot do without materials from the colonies. Without materials from the colonies, not only would British factories not be able to operate at full capacity, but even the British would starve.

According to the conventional route, the shortest way from India to the UK is naturally to take the Red Sea, cross the Suez Canal, enter the Mediterranean Sea, and pass through the Strait of Gibraltar to the Atlantic Ocean.

But now, the war has broken out. The French army and the British army are fighting in the Suez Canal area. Naturally, it is impossible to take the Suez route again, so the traditional Cape of Good Hope route has become the only option. After leaving India, the traditional route will pass through the Mozambique Channel through the Cape of Good Hope.

Enter the Atlantic Ocean and then sail north to England.

However, with the outbreak of the war now, the merchant fleet does not need to consider the interception of the Empire's East African Fleet. After entering the Atlantic Ocean, it will also face the interception of the West African Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet. Although these merchant ships have sailed from Norway, Sweden, Spain, etc.

The flag of a neutral country, but no one can guarantee whether it will be intercepted.

In order to ensure the safety of transportation, they can only sail from the east of Madagascar, or even sail from the waters near the Prince Edward Islands far away from the Cape of Good Hope, and the wind and waves in this area are greater.

The Cape of Good Hope itself is known as the "Ghost Gate on the Sea" because of the many storms and strong waves, and the wind and waves in the southern sea are even stronger. In the past, this sea area has never been a sea area for merchant ships to sail. Even after sailing at sea for twenty years,

It was also the first time for Crown to pass through this sea area. In the past, only whalers would come to this area. After entering this sea area, the ship entered the wind and wave area. The heavy rain and huge waves continued from morning to night.

When it's over.

A few days later, the wind and waves gradually became much lighter. I finally sailed out of the wind and wave area. Before it calmed down for two days, I entered the sea fog area again. The sea fog on the ocean made it difficult to see the ship from the bow to the stern. All other ships seemed to have disappeared.

In the thick fog, there was only one ship left on the vast ocean.

"Into the Atlantic Ocean."

Although Crown was just an ordinary sailor, looking at the heavy fog on the sea, he knew that he had entered the Atlantic Ocean, and the Atlantic waters were foggy.

Sea fog, a century ago, was the biggest enemy of maritime navigation, but now, in the eyes of Crown and all sailors, sea fog is their best friend. After all, sea fog will not only block their sight

, will also block the sight of the Ming Navy. If they discover the fleet and intercept it, it will be bad.

"God willing, we will always be shrouded in sea fog."

Apparently God did not hear Crown's prayer. Two days later, the sea fog also faded. When the fleet crossed the Tropic of Capricorn, the sea fog disappeared. This huge fleet of 28 merchant ships was finally exposed to the world.

in front of my eyes.

Two days later, May 7th.

Just as the merchant ship continued to sail on the vast Atlantic Ocean, and Krone was enjoying the bright sunshine with his pipe in his mouth as usual, someone with sharp eyes on the ship pointed to the west and shouted:

"Look! There's smoke in the west!"

Several lines of black smoke are vaguely visible at the junction of sea and sky in the west - this is seen from the deck. If you are on the lookout on the mast, you should be able to see it more clearly.

"Is the British West Africa Squadron coming?"

A sailor said aside that Britain has a large colony in West Africa and also has a squadron.

"Is it possible, after all, that these ships contain almost all British cargo?"

"Haha, the Royal Navy still has something!"

"The Royal Navy is, after all, the Royal Navy!"

Just as the sailors on the deck were talking about their respective speculations, they saw the cruisers "Bombay" and "Ceylon" sailing out of the large group to meet them.

"The British convoy must be coming..."

At this time, the speed of the merchant fleet still maintained at seven knots, and the fleet continued to sail north. Almost twenty minutes later, the smoke column became clearer, not one, but four, and four smoke columns rose from the sea level.

At this time, the lookout at the top of the mast was almost able to identify the other party.

After a while, the first mate shouted from the bridge:

"It's the Ming Dynasty! It's the Ming Dynasty's fleet!...Those British guys told us to run for our lives!"

The chief mate's shout caused a deathly silence on the deck, and all the sailors' faces turned pale. Soon, the deck was full of crew members running around, and they all put on yellow life jackets.

This British fleet encountered four cruisers from the West Africa Squadron of the Imperial Navy. This fleet had been searching for Allied merchant ships in this area to attack the maritime shipping power of Britain and the Allied Powers.

While the sailors were panicking about encountering the Ming fleet, the cruisers "Bombay" and "Ceylon" of the Indian Ocean Fleet commanded by British Navy Captain Sibyl had already bravely faced the Ming fleet.

Although they sent signals to the merchant ships behind to disperse, they themselves did not think about escaping.

"Fight when you see the enemy!"

This is the tradition of the British Royal Navy. Moreover, for Captain Sybil, he also hopes to use his own fighting to delay the Ming people as much as possible and create an opportunity for the merchant fleet to escape from this sea area.

When the British fleet headed towards the Imperial fleet, the merchant fleet that was sailing neatly on the sea immediately turned into a group of headless flies. They all fled the battlefield at full speed. At this time, what formations were there? Now

It's time to run for your lives.

Although the merchant ships cannot outrun the warships used for fighting, the captains of the merchant ships know very well that as long as the fleet disperses, most of them have a chance to survive. After all, the Ming Empire seems to have only

There are several warships. It is impossible for them to pursue all the warships.

"God willing, we just have to outrun those British guys..."

Looking at the merchant ships fleeing in all directions, Crown prayed secretly in his heart.

As long as they outrun the British, they'll be safe!

God bless, their boat speed is still very fast!

(End of chapter)

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